The Amalgamation (ConceptTopic, 11)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 10:21, 16 August 2011 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)


As of the end of the Meteor Arc, the Subete PuyoPuyo universe is divided up into seven disjoint segments (plus a rocket) of varying importance.


Characters residing in Primp at the moment:

Arle's world

The remaining Madou characters, who didn't already move to Primp, are stuck here for the time being.

Ringo's world

All the PP7 characters, other than Ringo herself, are currently living here, with no working connection to Primp or the other worlds.

The Abyss

Satan, Draco, Rider and Eltia originate here, along with Marcus, Steve and the Librarian. The world was accessible from a portal in the middle of Puyopolis during most of the Meteor Arc, however the portal is now defunct since Satan has left the world. Phi, Rider, Witch and Schezo Wegey are stuck here at the moment, as well as Epsilon, though his exact whereabouts are unknown.

Ekoro's Base

Ekoro's Base has somehow existed inside a black hole inside an orb since near the end of the Ekoro Arc. Now, Draco, Ringo, Eltia and Harpy have travelled here through Eltia's portal, and will meet Arle later on. It's unknown whether anyone else apart from Ekoro himself resides here.

Satan's Palace

After Satan and Doppelganger Arle's marriage, Satan created this Palace out of apparently nothing to seal himself away with his loved one. As such, nobody else resides here, though Satan will probably take it upon himself to populate this new Garden of Eden...

Above the Abyss

The area above the ceiling of the Abyss. During the Meteor Arc, this was accessible from the Abyss itself via a huge gaping hole, however, Satan closed this up to stop Doppelganger Schezo from following him. The others who were trapped took the last surviving portal to Ekoro's Base, so only Doppelganger Schezo remains here now. Poor guy - there's nothing around but him, and light everywhere.

Satan's Rocket

Satan built a rocket just before the Meteor Arc began. Its current whereabouts are unknown. However, it's known that a Fake Arle is still on-board the rocket, wherever it is.