Draco Centauros (EntityTopic, 20)

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Revision as of 18:32, 21 August 2011 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

Draco Centauros, not to be confused with that low-account brat Draco Malfoy, is a fucking awesome dragon woman. She appeared in ALL the Madou Puyo games and was left out of PP15 for no goddamn reason even though a whole ton of other Madou characters were added, including even a motherfucking eggplant. Then, Puyo Puyo 7 was announced and everyone was cheering about how she was confirmed for it. Unfortunately, it was only when the game came out that we all realized she'd been completely nerfed and now had a terrible voice actor - and that's her Japanese voice actor!

Appearance in Subete PuyoPuyo

Draco, for a time, was the main protagonist of Subete PuyoPuyo. She appeared as a fiery tempered, but well meaning and powerful dragon lady, who seemingly was always there for her friends. Apparently, she had built herself a hut on the beach prior to the events of Subete, and lived there by herself for a period. Draco, while used to being alone and rather mean at times, can also be a sympathetic character, listening to Rider as she sobbed about her confused feelings. She is a no-nonsense type person, and usually incinerates anyone who tries to give her any crap. She can also make bold and rash decisions at times. Draco, while a member of the ADMA, was the only member who did not have any kind of magical power, instead relying on her martial arts and pyrotechnic skills. Recently, she left the alliance of heroes, in a blind rage to destroy all dark mages. Draco is lesbian, and has always desired Arle, but has apparently shown feelings for other characters as well (though unintentionally).

When Draco first appeared, it was near the Lake of Alicubi in episode 2, where she rescued Seriri from a deranged Ms. Accord, whom she burned for torturing her friend with voodoo. After this, Draco hung out by the lake for an indeterminate amount of time, thinking she and the gang had evaded Accord. However, a trip into the Forest soon proved otherwise. Draco, acting ragefully, accidentally prevented Accord from confessing she was an accessory of Popoi, thus prolonging her demise and allowing her to escape with her life. Soon afterwords the gang split up, with Draco coming back to her hut. Rider and Sig, having been surprised by Accord randomly appearing at Rider's house, followed her back to the hut as well. Seriri and Arle joined them, and they all ate delicious curry after being harassed by Nohoho and Kikimora. Draco would lend her fists and feet to the group in the episodes that followed. During episode 7, Draco started the first of many heated arguments with an antagonist. This eventually led Sig to go berserk and blow up the hut, causing Draco to faint. She was shortly awakened, however, to comfort Rider on the Eastern Mountains. After sharing an emotional outburst of her own with the poor impish girl, Draco took a short absence in episode 8, making a deal with Nanako to gain a proper headquarters. When she arrived back, she finally ended the Accord Arc by roasting Accord to death as she plead her case and begged for mercy.

But no sooner had she dealt with this threat when another emerged in the evil Ekoro(psych!). Ekoro sucked Draco and the others into a portal and forced them all to take a timed test, in which they had to rescue a stranded Klug atop of Satan's Castle before Ekoro's doomsday clock was to bring an end to the emofag. Draco reluctantly complied, but not before ridiculing Rulue and Schezo Wegey on the way. After a quick pow-wow, Draco had even more delight in scorching that one fag with purple hair, whom they met on the Floating Island. The time for play wasn't then, though, as Ekoro swooped in and demanded battle. Draco agreed, and with the help of her innumerable comrades, won. It seemed Draco's problems only escalated as Accord suddenly knocked on the ADMA's doorstep alive and well. Draco insisted Accord leave before she and Nanako murder her again, frustrating Sig and causing both of them to leave. Not at all phased by the loss, Draco re focused her concerns on Ekoro and his newly discovered clones. Her steadfast pace eventually brought her to the UT Base, where Dark Sig resided. A short battle later, the group reunited with Sig and Accord, and Juichi piloted them to the villain's palace like Mountain Base. Once they reached the topmost chamber, Draco engaged in epic battle with Ekoro and Dark Arle, though she abandoned her comrades midway through to neutralize her own clone, Omega, and Ringo's clone Theta. Ekoro suffered overwhelming defeat and was sealed away inside a sphere with his crumbling base and a black hole by the gang. Draco enjoyed her victory with Seriri, though it would soon prove to be a very fragile alliance she formed...

Draco was absent from episode 17, as she had not been blown away by the meteor and was safely in the basement chambers of the Headquarters. She later emerged from the cordoned-off rubble in episode 18, much to the delight of a cursed Ringo. She, Ringo, and Arle ventured through the chance dimension into the Abyss, where she confronted Lord Marcus for the first time. Marcus, under an extremist delusion that everyone is out to kill him because he's a dark mage, explains he is merely inconveniencing Ringo (and allowing his perverted Nondescript Minion to take photographs of the miserable trio) compared to the suffering he expects they would impose on him were he to surrender. Draco only fueled his rage and arguments, in turn causing her own blood to boil. She takes Ringo and Arle and leaves, forgetting to ask Marcus for his name. Later, she was also confronted by the enigmatic Strange Klug, whom she also shooed away.

Episode 19 saw the dragon lady running around to various locales 3/3Floating IslandWastelandsTemple of the Wastelands to check on the status of her (ex) fellow alliance members, who seemed to all be A-OK, including the clone Theta. After some running around, Draco found Ringo talking to her doll Eltia, who confirmed she herself was a dark mage, but had no evil intentions. Draco threw a hissy fit and stormed out of her hut because she couldn't handle the truth. Instead, she played catch up with Lagnus and Theta, confirming that someone had teleported ad chronoported the ADMA members out of the building before it exploded, thus ruining Marcus' plan to kill them (and Cirno apparently) with the impact/explosion combo. Episode 20 featured Draco attempting to confront Marcus personally, but instead resulted in pissing off a Librarian, whose Shadow Cannon™ made short work of the dragon lady's vitality. She was dragged to her hut and revived with Seriri's icky tasting tears.

Later, in that same episode, a day or so ahead in time, Draco suddenly noticed that Nanako had been MIA the whole time and not being there to rescue them or prevent Strange Klug from stealing their precious things, so Draco grabbed her trusty companians Arle and Seriri, as well as the easily forgettable Felidae, and drove a fancy car down to Nanako's quiet office in the Middle of Nowhere. Draco at first, contemplated knocking on Nanako's door, but then remembered that in the world of Iji, glass is forbidden (but wait... isn't this the Puyo world???), so she kicked the window out instead. Nanako then revealed to Draco the cold, hard truth; she was just a discriminating bitch she had no reason to help. Removing herself from Draco's GPS tracking device, she commanded Draco to leave. Pwned, and utterly in awe and rage, she flew off into the unknown like a moron, threatening to carry out her mission alone. Thus Draco's role as the protagonist and leader of the heroes both draw to a close as she herself becomes MIA.

The world fails at drawing Draco

Draco's WINGS are RED. Her TAIL is GREEN.

See box 23. In short, we found:


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