Amitie (EntityTopic, 15)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 20:02, 17 January 2012 by Chao (Talk | contribs)

Amitie is the main protagonist of the Puyo Fever 3/3Puyo Puyo FeverPuyo Puyo Fever 2Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary series and a recurring character in Compile Worlds. She is a student of Primp Magic School who's hitting the books hard to become a WONDERFUL MAGIC USER! Though introduced as a somewhat minor character in Episode 2 of Compile Worlds, a new purpose was breathed into her in the SHAME arc, where she was presented with a mysterious Orb that holds the key to unlocking her power.


Not much is known about Amitie's past. There are rumors that she is the reincarnation of a goddess, but this has never been shown to be true (nor false). Not long after she enrolled in Primp Magic School did her teacher, Ms. Accord, lose her Flying Cane, so Amitie was sent to retrieve it; in reality a test by Accord and Popoi. Later she unwittingly sealed the book demon back into it's book. Aside from these shenanigans, however, Amitie spent most of her time learning how to play Puyo and cast magic at school. She briefly joined the ADMA, but when it was disbanded by the Satanic meteor strike, Amitie went back to school...until now.

Amitie is a very optimistic and bubbly person. She is also determined; when she sets her mind to something, she will find a way to accomplish it. Her well-meaning nature, however, is usually succumbing to her klutzy and slightly uneducated ways. Typical of most people with her hair color, Amitie is a bit on the slow side mentally, and has a hard time understanding simple jokes, complex situations, or large words. Despite her short comings, she does her best to work hard and is modest and humble. She is also very friendly, provided you don't get on her intolerant side, much like Arle Nadja and Ringo Andou, her peers and counterparts. Her ultimate goal is to one day become a WONDERFUL MAGIC USER. According to Sig, Amitie is very forgetful and bad at spelling things. She has a habit of saying things such as "Get real!" "Fiddlesticks" and "Wicked!".

Amitie, like Arle, is an all around mage, adept at spells of many elements, notably light. However, unlike Arle, she is not a least not so far. She is also not as powerful as her peers Sig and Klug normally, but a mysterious encounter with Omega suggests there is a hidden power deep within her waiting to be unlocked. Perhaps due more to her dimwitted nature, Amitie has been kidnapped a few times throughout the story.


Amitie's name comes from an alternate spelling or corruption of "Amity", which means friendship, relating to her rather bubbly and cheerful personality.


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