Lagnus the Brave (EntityTopic, 18)

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Lagnus the Brave (Surname Bishasi) is a Light warrior from another world. He wields the reactor blade, and is constantly seeking to level up to avoid his curse, and therefore, humiliation. His birthday, in reference to this, is April Fools day, meaning he likely gets pranks instead of presents. Despite being a prominent character from Puyo Puyo SUN onward, he only had 3 Puyo appearances, and did NOT originate from a Madou Monogatari game. Furthermore, he only appeared in the Sega Saturn's Madou Monogatari, where he had a central role in the story.

Some fan-art suggests that he may have an interest in Arle Nadja. It would not be surprising, but unfortunately, several other characters that desire Arle, as well as Lagnus' curse, all work against this pairing.


Lagnus' curse forces Lagnus to revert back into a childish form temporarily, causing a slight personality change. The curse strikes at random, and it only goes away after leveling up (in the games) or after time (Subete). Both Arle and Schezo have used this curse to poke fun at him. However, he can still wield his sword in this form, and still has access to most of his power, though not all simply due to a reduced size.

Appearance in Subete

In Subete PuyoPuyo, Lagnus first appeared during the Satan story arc, where his appearance consisted of him smacking Rider to regain maturity, only to be grossly out numbered by the sheer number of people hot on Satan's trail. He fled, and remained absent for a long time...

Until the battle with Ekoro on the Floating Island, where he aided the ADMA in fending off the evil entity. At the same time, he revealed Ekoro's stereotypical and anticlimactic weakness to light. Ironically, this weakness was not used against the villain in the climax of the arc. Lagnus instead, was admitted into the ADMA as a trail member, due to Draco's distrust in him. When everyone else had left to go and unexpectedly fight Ekoro in his Mountain Base, Lagnus stayed behind. Apparently in this frame of time, Lagnus managed to set a toaster on fire and attempted to put it out. The only evidence of this is Amitie claiming so after being discovered with fire extinguisher foam on her face. Of course, being the ditz she is, it's unknown weather these claims are true, as she also said the foam as made a good facial treatment.

Lagnus finally got a chance to be in the limelight in Episode 19, where he manages to form an unlikely duo with Theta. Having been unconscious due to the random explosion that sent the two of them flying, it is unknown exactly how long he was there (creating a confusing situation later on). The two had crashed in the Woods of Nahe not far from either the Primp Magic School or the City. Thus, they concluded they should get back to the base. Lagnus in the meantime, was nice enough to elaborate on his entire backstory for Theta 4/4Madou MonogatariPuyo Puyo SUNMinna de Puyo PuyoLog:RP/Subete PuyoPuyo/10. Soon after they broke free of the woods, they saw the ADMA HQ had been reduced to nothing but a bunch of gardoned off rubbish. Just then, Strange Klug of all people emerged from the crater, successfully having broken into the ADMA's basement due to Nanako leaving fingerprints that revealed the secret password. The emofag(?) promptly explained he merely wanted to toy with Ekoro now that he was helpless and in captivity from his foolish efforts. Some idle chit chat later, Strange Klug vanished, leaving Lagnus and Theta suspicious of him, but dismissed him because of his unusually eccentric behavior.

Next, Lagnus and Theta decided it would be wise not to disturb Witch on the Floating Island, so instead they trekked all the way to Rulue's Vacation Condo, where Lagnus enticed the fighting queen herself into exchanging the location of Draco's Hut for "distracting" Arle from Satan. They then ran into Draco, who was frustrated by Ringo's attempts to communicate with the mysterious Eltia. After a brief exchange of stories, Theta realized she had been chronoported an entire day in time during the explosion (possibly indicating Lagnus may have been chronoported too, but it is uncertain). Lagnus claimed Strange Klug may have been behind the recent oddities transpiring, considering he was a demon and Dark Mage in his own right.

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