Arle Nadja (EntityTopic, 18)

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Revision as of 15:49, 21 August 2011 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

Arle Nadja is the main character of the Puyo series (well, at least until Amitie stole away her role, anyway). As such (and even moreso thanks to her loli appeal), half the entire cast wants her. She appears in every Puyo game to date, and if SEGA ever leave her out of one, they'll sure have some explaining to do. Her theme song seems to be the Theme of Puyo Puyo itself.

Arle's element is unknown, and she seems to be a Red Mage minus the sword. She can attack with both fire and ice element, and gained some form of lightning spell by the time Fever came round (though she probably stole that from Witch under pressure from Sonic Team). Either way, though, any attempt to take any of her spell cries out of your head will be futile.

Arle is usually seen together with Carbuncle. In the original games, this was limited to the story and some cutscenes, but in and after Fever 2, this is taken to an extreme and they are literally never seen apart.

Appearance in Subete PuyoPuyo

Throughout the Satan arc of Subete, Arle was the main protagonist who picked up several other characters to help her destroy Satan's unstarted plans. She also played a major role in the Accord arc, even though Draco became the leader due to the group making a base at Draco's Hut. During this arc, she went on three important missions, to save Sig, Amitie and finally Klug, despite Klug's disrespect for her. Arle did not play a major part in the Ekoro arc however and was mainly just tagging along.

List of Puyo Puyo characters that want Arle