Puyo Puyo Tetris (InstanceTopic, 17)

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Revision as of 22:14, 8 December 2013 by Chao (Talk | contribs)

Puyo Puyo Tetris, stylized on the logo as Puyopuyo Tetris is the newly-announced game in the Puyo series, combining Puyo Puyo gameplay with Tetris (and Rider's head boobs). It will be released on February 6th, 2014.

Characters Confirmed

Initially, T, Broccoli-Tan, and Not-Riskuma were revealed as tantalizing silhouettes, and until now they haven't given us a glimpse at them. To celebrate, SEGA is also releasing an "Arle Ver. 4" card for Puyo Puyo Quest! (...not that you care)

...in before no Lagnus or Seriri. ;-;

Play modes

  • TSU rules
  • Tetris rules
  • Versus: One player plays Puyo Puyo (by TSU rules), and the other combats them playing Tetris.
  • Swap: Every 24 seconds, the players swap between a Puyo Puyo and a Tetris field, even if they're still in the middle of dropping a piece.
  • Big Bang: Similar to Versus, except the Puyo Player is in Fever mode and the Tetris Player has "Lucky Attack".
  • Party: The players compete for score and can use Items in battle.
  • PuyoTetMix: The Puyo and Tetris gameplay is literally mixed, and both Puyo and Tetris pieces are at your disposal.

Tokyo Gameshow Keynote

During the Tokyo Gameshow in September, the producer of Puyo Puyo burned himself on death curry and demonstrated how Witch and Rulue's voice actresses were not very good at the game pubicly...yeah, that's about it. They also showed that SEGA was lazy and had recycled voice clips, and encouraged everyone to get Lagnus and Black Popoi cards on Puyo Quest. Also some arcade version of 20th or some shit like that.

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