User:KasaneTeto (Meta, EntityTopic, 8)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 17:54, 13 April 2011 by KasaneTeto (Talk | contribs)

Kasane Teto is some creepily crazy otaku kid (She doesn't look bad, but she's only average) who lives in the Philippines. She is a smart-type, and being the first of this type on Kawachan was the reason why Keiji coined and documented this type.

She's rather straightforward, so her prompt but random actions may usually cause something she'd hate to happen rather than something happening that's just as planned. Since "Oh my cookie!" never worked out, it's "Oh God what" instead, which, for some reason, makes her feel guilty... until Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. She also often says "Geez Heheh XD" in her brain which obviously means nothing.

She's actually kind of win when not being all that random. What "win"? Go look for yourself. I'm She's too lazy to do that... then again, she's too irresponsibly lazy to be win all the time...

"Teto" was pronounced awesome on March 14, 2010. Mainly for sticking around and adding the funny here and there. Why I didn't do this months ago is beyond me. Probably because she was just a little kid who lacked real funny?

It would be really cool if she could change her name on the wiki, but MediaWiki doesn't take nicely to renaming users (Keiji has tried D: ), and re-registering is a silly idea... Well, once again, let's just wait for Kawachan2~

Main Profile so You Wouldn't be Tired Reading This Piece of Trash


That orphaned guy who thought that making people think they're in the future is cool and that other guy with a screwed up childhood who thinks humans are a bunch of retards and should be separated from their pets. Also that happy, happy kid with an equally cute twin bro. Also...

And a lot more nonsense here.

That Username/Nickname

ArleKaakun has been called "jiggly-chan" by Keiji because once, she has the tendency of not making up her mind about her username/nickname whenever in sites that allow name change and chats. Until she came up with ArleKaakun since who-knows-when. Keiji still calls her "jiggly-chan" even though she can merely be called "Arle" or "Kaakun". She can even be called "Carby"! But camel-caps (Or whatchacallit) isn't cool, is it?

The name "jiggly-chan" is actually used only once, no more. When she lost her dA account, she has to make a new account and the account name is... ArleKaakun. "jiggly-chan" is still tolerated, but... not that much, because Jigglypuff isn't as cool as Clefairy anymore. Same goes for "purin-chan", "Purin" or "Pikachu". In favor over those are "AKK", "Arle", "Byaku" and "Arkaa". And "Akkie". And "Baka".

Level Up Controversy

Because she plays a lot of games that require her to level up, like MMORPG's and Final Fantasy, she needs to level up. Her sanity also needs to level up to avoid her from going crazy. Play moar level up games to do so, AKK! You seriously HAVE TO!!! Recently, she's addicted to Final Fantasy IV because of its story but leveling up is hard now. Be cool. She's still playing MMORPGs. Namely, Angels Online. Made twice as enjoyable with Daias around. :3 But she's been procrastinating these kinds of MMORPGs, so she's settling for browser-based games, instead. Not that it's fail, or anything, but still. Never mind. She likes to play games with leveling up and stuff, which is cool, because she needs them to keep sane, and stuff. Happy?


  • Her username was after Arle Nadja, an awesome girl lusted after by many, and Carbuncle, other wise known as Carby/Kaa-kun, who is her beloved but overpowered pet rabbit-dragon thing. Her namesake here is just as obvious as the fact that Earth revolves around the sun.
  • In popular culture, she can be found as a rabbit of some sorts eating curry. But the reason she wasn't seen anywhere at all is because she's hidin' from ya!
  • Despite being an Awesome Kumizonian, she still doesn't know how to do stuff right. The only times she does is only half the time. Then again, inferiority complexes do that to you.
  • Trying to make her draw something that she is unable to draw yields over 9000 exp.
  • She misses Chao and the fun times she has made with him in chats.
    • Keiji misses you and is worried he broke the chat. (Tip: try ctrl-shift-R in firefox if it doesn't work)
  • She seems to think that Sakuya does pa

ERROR This part of the edit doesn't seem to have made it. Possible reasons may be:

  • Your Internet Asplode
  • Murder at the hands of a ninja maid


  • "No such thing as too much phosphorus! Right, Rin?"
  • "Mayonnaise is an instrument~"
  • "Shame that there's never been a picture with Strange Klug and Doppelganger Arle together. Even at the Puyo Nexus Imageboard."
  • "If 1 + 1 = 11, then 22 - 2 = 2.
  • Be my older sister, you old hag!
  • Chao shall be hailed by cookie and banana.