Popoi (EntityTopic, 7)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 22:25, 18 June 2009 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

Popoi is a sarcastic black cat that Ms. Accord is always carrying with her. He is Accord's partner in crime, although Popoi himself could be capable of doing all of this, and much more, by himself. He'd rather, however, play sick mind games and crack sadistic jokes, such as taking advantage of Sig's naivety, or playing a game he calls Jump to Conclusions. He hates Ms. Accord's class and the AAA and often is seen harboring malicious feelings towards them.

He followed TaruTaru to the AAA's base at Draco's hut, and from there revealed his involvement in Accord's plans, although Seriri had revealed earlier that Popoi had taken part in torturing her. From there Popoi and Accord weren't able to accomplish much before Sig blew up the beach in his confusion. They split from there.

Popoi and Accord seem to have a strong bond. They also seem to be keeping something a secret from the kiddies. What exactly it is though, is unknown. Accord though, has begun to mention several times why she has gone mad, but is usually interrupted by Mikki or some other random person or event, allowing her and Popoi to escape.

He has yet to return, but he will be back.

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