Miles “Tails” Prower (EntityTopic, 7)

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Miles Prower, known by most simply as Tails, is an anthropomorphic fox/kitsune with two tails. He is Sonic the Hedgehog's best friend, and acts like his kid brother. The two are nearly inseparable, although recently Tails has been striving for more and more independence. He always helps his buddies take on the diabolical Dr. Eggman and his minions Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat. Tails also is almost always around to help out his friends take on more serious threats, like Eggman Nega, Cornelia, Assuma and Nalakh. Tails uses his ability to fly, as well as his machines and incredible IQ, to defeat the said foes. Like his friends, his arsenal of combat abilities is always expanding. Tails' homeland is apparently Coco Island, and it is likely that any of his surviving relatives linger there still.


Tails is a genuine down to Earth person on most respects. However, he doesn't sugar-coat things sometimes, and forgets that sometimes the blunt truth hurts. As Tails has aged, he has also had trouble containing his romantic feelings. He's developed crushes and tried to pursue romantic relationships with several series females, including Cream the Rabbit, Cosmo and Amy Rose.

Tails doesn't like to sit around and twiddle his thumbs while a crisis is happening. He seems to be a workaholic as he works intensely on his inventions when not out tearing up Eggman's. Tails has also occasionally been prone to psychotic outbursts due to his desire to have independence and/or a girlfriend. Despite these outbursts, Tails is relatively somewhat reserved. He is also slightly immature at times, such as when he is making fun of Sonic for loving Amy.

Alternate Forms

Like his buddies Sonic and Knuckles, Tails has a couple of alternate forms he can transform into provided the conditions are right. Like the others, most commonly this is induced by a certain set of shining gems with power levels over 9000. However, much like Sonic, Tails has other forms that can be activated via other means, such as emotions and ray guns.

Super Tails

Super Tails (known by Japanese as Super Miles) is the most awesome of Tails' alternate forms. It is activated by the presence of both the Chaos Emeralds and the Super Emeralds, although recently, only the Chaos Emeralds have become necessary for the transformation. As Super Tails, Tails can fly farther and faster, is invincible, and has a set of four awesomesauce Super Flickies that can kill everything at his command, ala Cream and Cheese. Super Tails also flashes A bright goldenrod. Some say that this color is blinding to the eye. The Flickies also flash this color.

"Golden Bubble" Tails

This form, not to really be considered a super form, is an alternate form maintained by Sonic's own super transformation. As such, "Golden Bubble" Tails is dependent on him for survival in the form. The bubble seems to do nothing but make him invincible. It is the least awesome of all forms. It was only seen in Sonic Heroes.

Psycho Tails

Psycho Tails is usually induced by Tails' lust for independence and/or a girlfriend. As such, the only way to really turn this form off is to snap Tails to his senses. Tails doesn't really transform physically per-say, but rather, most of the "transformation" is mental. In this frame of mind, Tails often takes drastic, radical, over-dramatic measures to achieve his goals. In one instance, he forces Vanilla to marry him by setting up booby traps within her own house and holds her own family hostage. In another instance, he raised both the age of himself and Amy so they could marry each other legally and bear children.

However, this form isn't always driven and induced by love. It is occasionally driven by other, more sinister and serious forces. One instance justifying this is in one SonicXKingdom Hearts cross over, where Xehanort's Heartless possessed Tails like he possessed Riku in his original game. In this instance, Sonic had to fight Tails in order to restore his buddy.

Either case seems to be a reference to Psycho Cream.

Relationships with other characters

Tails, being the secondary protagonist of the entire series, has formed many relationships with the characters. Tails' own solo adventures have also helped with this.


Tails is Sonic's best friend, and acts like a kid brother to him. Tails however, unlike Sonic, never actually calls him "brother". Tails will do nearly anything for his big buddy...well...anything short of homicide or suicide. Tails, before gaining maturity and independence, lived with Sonic.


Once rivals, Tails and Knuckles are now great friends. Tails' second closest friendship is probably with him. Tails and Knuckles are also often together. Knuckles greatly supports Tails' strive for independence and romance, sometimes forgetting that he and Tails are still young.


As of now, Tails and Amy are okay friends with each other. They aren't on great terms with each other, due to Tails' reservations and Amy's aggressiveness, but they aren't in a bitter hatred either. Once Tails and Amy took advantage of each other and formed a relationship. It was only the intervention of Sonic and friends that separated the two.


Tails and Cream are good friends with each other. Tails once had a crush on Cream, but decided that she was too young for him, and acknowledged the couple was too stereotypical for his tastes as well.


Tails and Chip are friendly with each other, but secretly Tails is extremely envious and threatened by Chip, because Chip is the first friend of Sonic's since Tails himself to attain as close a friendship he has with Sonic. Tails is paranoid that Chip may even replace him as Sonic's "little brother". Rest assured though, it wont happen.

Dr. Eggman

Tails, like most of the cast, hates Eggman and denounces almost everything he does. Usually when something unusual happens, Tails simultaneously suspicions Eggman and dismisses his own suspicion due to doubts that Eggman could perform such a nasty action.




Solo Career

Tails has been on a few solo adventures of his own throughout the course of history, and Tails has proven that he can hold his own and protect the Chaos Emeralds without Sonic. However, furthering his solo career is getting less possible as the villains are getting more desperate and powerful, and are teaming up or acquiring new means for power.

Tails' Skypatrol
In this adventure, Tails rescued a random island from the clutches of Wendy Witchcart and her posse. He chased Witchcart off with his impressive flying skills and a magical ring.
Tails Adventure
Tails then returned to his homeland, Coco Island, for a little vacation time. However, the Chaos Emeralds decided to vacate there as well, and with them they brought the greedy Great Battle Kuku XV and his Great Battle Kuku Army. Tails had to fend off the invaders to protect not only his home-land, but the Chaos Emeralds he had no idea were there.
Tails and the Music Maker
Not much is known about this short, final chapter in Tails' solo career except that it has something to do with Music. Likely, more than being an actual adventure, Tails was running an edutainment program on music to teach children about it's importance and awesomeness.


The Cream Spree

Nanny Laura

See also: Children.

In Nanny Laura, Tails stars in his Baby Form as a twin brother of Sonic's character. They both share the same role and fate, which is to help Nanny Laura find the Murderer. He, like Sonic, eventually ends up being adopted.

In other stuff

Tails is behind Sonic and tied with Eggman, Shadow, and Blaze the Cat for the role of second most popular character in the series. While popularity doesn't usually equal merchandise in the Sonic series, Tails has almost as much merchandise as his best buddy. Notably however, like his other pals, it usually seems to be limited to Plushies, Action figures, Key chains and an occasional T-Shirt. Notably, he did have a Spaghetti-O's pasta shaped after him. Unlike Sonic, Tails does not play a very prominant role in Super Smash Brothers Brawl, but does have his own trophy, and cameos on the Green Hill Zone stage.


  • "We ARE Animals, Sonic!"
  • "...Lily Green"
  • "Yeah, they say this is the longest series of consecutive bosses in the entire game! All the Gym Leaders and no save-spots!"
  • "Knuckles! Switch to Raichu and use your Tag-team with me!"
  • "Sonic and Amy sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
  • "Uh...yeah sure, Eggman"
  • "The president must be over there, LET'S GO!" ~ SA2
  • "Almost Sonic, just a few more minutes" ~ SA2
  • "Look at all those Eggman's Robots!" ~ Sonic Heroes
  • "I'm falling!" ~ No shit mean ~ Sonic Heroes
  • "I must be getting stronger!"(Or stupider) ~ Sonic Battle