User:KasaneTeto (Meta, EntityTopic, 8)

From Compile Worlds

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*[[Kingdom of Loathing]]
*[[Kingdom of Loathing]]
*[[Etrian Odyssey]]
*[[Etrian Odyssey]]
And a lot more nonsense here.
*[[Tom & Jerry]]
*[[Pandora Hearts]]
== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==

Revision as of 06:15, 16 May 2011

KasaneTeto (AKA Akkie) is some otaku smart-type kid from the eastern part of the globe whose hobbies include going here, surfing the net, thinking up fan-crack, reading manga and novels, watching cartoons, doodling and chatrooms. As typical for a little kid, she has many dreams, which include becoming a great pianist, making a video game (Through Flash or some other method) and being able to draw in ZUN-style and Fever-style. The thing is, she's pretty lazy, so it really doesn't look like such dreams'll be fulfilled anytime soon... well, getting an article entitled "awesome" and becoming awesome to this wiki's standards have already happened, at least~

There were more blocks of text here once, but that didn't seem fair and cool, so it was reduced to this. Well, 'tis OK this way~



  • Her username was after Arle Nadja, an awesome girl lusted after by many, and Carbuncle, other wise known as Carby/Kaa-kun, who is her beloved but overpowered pet rabbit-dragon thing. Her namesake here is just as obvious as the fact that Earth revolves around the sun.
  • In popular culture, she can be found as a rabbit of some sorts eating curry. But the reason she wasn't seen anywhere at all is because she's hidin' from ya!
  • She's memorized lots of poetry before, but the only thing she can recall right now is that Jabberwocky poem. That's also the only poem she's ever been interested in memorizing.
  • She's fond of saying things with tildes and hearts~♥
  • She needs to learn how to elaborate better so as to not avoid confusion.
  • Trying to make her draw something that she is unable to draw yields over 9000 exp.
  • She seems to think that Sakuya does pa

ERROR This part of the edit doesn't seem to have made it. Possible reasons may be:

  • Your Internet Asplode
  • Murder at the hands of a ninja maid
