Puyo Puyo Tetris (InstanceTopic, 17)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 05:38, 15 September 2013 by Chao (Talk | contribs)

Puyo Puyo Tetris, stylized on the logo as Puyopuyo Tetris is the newly-announced game in the Puyo series, combining Puyo Puyo gameplay with Tetris (and Rider's head boobs). It will be released in 2014.

So far, only the Amitie Arle and Ringo (with an awesome sweater vest) trio are confrimed to appear again, but it's safe to assume the motley crew from 20th and PP7 will come back as well. ALSO HOLY SHIT THERE ARE SILHOUETTES OF THREE NEW CHARACTERS UON THE OFFICIAL SITE. GOD DAMMIT SEGA!!!

...inb4 no Lagnus or Seriri :c

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