Onion Pixy Girl (EntityTopic, 8)

From Compile Worlds

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The Onion Pixy Girl, also known as Oniko, is, well, a female Onion Pixy. Though she is supposed to be Onion's girlfriend, she doesn't quite grasp the concept of "exclusive", being much more interested in a guy who doesn't even care his left arm is malformed. As such, she is the cause of much grief, instead of happiness, for the male specimen of her species. While she hardly speaks and is not nearly as annoying as her male counterpart, she is famous for having an ambiguous name. Her Japanese name is simply Oniko (おに子), which is oni, demon, onion, and the female suffix -ko, strung together. This could be translated in several different ways. SEGA's website for Puyo Puyo Fever 2 suggested her English name would have been Onion Pixy Girl, with the site saying such on the background. However, an unknown source, likely a group of pissy neophytes, began calling her Onionette, which is another correct way of translating her name. All three names have stuck evenly, and which is actually her real name is the subject of much controversy.

Also, her page is longer than the other Onion Pixy's Just to piss you off.