Diary:Draco (Meta, 22)

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Everything started in a Random Field when I challenged Arle to a beauty contest on a spur of the moment. For some reason, though, she insisted on a Puyo battle instead. I decided to take that as a sign that she was just forfeiting, how smart she was knowing she'd not be able to beat me in a beauty contest eh? ^^ Anyway, some kind of esper power or something told me we ought to be finding Satan. I'm not sure why I suggested as such, but I guess it turned out for the best. Well, we got a little distracted with Popoi's lame so-called music, so I incinerated his stereo to speed things along, only to be called a racist asshole. Somehow, the terrible music also attracted Harpy, whose singing was a little better.

Next we were interrupted by Lagnus the Brave, in kid form, who offered to off the off-key singer (see what I did there?). Harpy chastised him, and in response he gave innocent Rider a smack and somehow leveled up from it. I decided to stand up for her, and for some reason, we had to do this through a Puyo battle too. Accord thought it was funny and made some popcorn for her and her pet, and Arle decided to take after her and make some curry. I made short work of that rude warrior wannabe, and we got to Satan's lair, like, finally.

We arrived just as Satan's plans were being completed, or so he said anyway. Why do villains always reveal their plans anyway? Seems kinda stupid if you ask me. He claimed that he was about to have the best honeymoon ever, though he'd never had one in the first place and I was quick to correct him. Klug insisted that Satan was just a cosplaying idiot, though everyone else knew this wasn't true... well, shall I say half true, Satan is rather the idiot. But back to important matters... I quickly put a stop to his nonsense with a well-timed tail slap, and offered him a seat in true Chris Hansen style. After all, I can't let him have his way with poor Arle... I haven't even had my chance with her yet, and he's had how many..?

At this point, Schezo arrived. He seemed intent on taking out Satan, good. But almost immediately he revealed that he was only here to take Arle away from him, and therefore from me, so I knew I'd be pit against him at some point. I hold back for the moment and let them duke it out, and Arle helps by setting Satan's head on fire. However, Satan appears to have an ace up his sleeve, and a crane appears from nowhere, grabs Arle and shoves her in a rocket, into which Harpy soon inexplicably teleports. Somehow, I also teleport, perhaps through sheer determination to save Arle from Satan's clutches. Satan attempts to expel Harpy from his getaway vehicle, but I grab onto her. I suggest Arle use her Fire attack in time with mine, but for some reason she decides to use Ice Storm instead. Arle attacks him more, and Carbuncle even uses his laser beam. This causes the rocket to go on a crash course (jeez, that didn't last long!) and Harpy and I take to flying to avoid any harm from that.

To be continued...