SEGA (ConceptTopic, 4)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 21:21, 24 April 2009 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

SEGA is a piracy group most notorious for making Sonic the Hedgehog and putting Compile out of business. SEGA is known for making their Sonic games of varying qualities, and usually uses Sonic to undermine any of their other series, such as Puyo, NiGHTS, Jet Set Radio, and Alex Kidd, just to name a few. They have a sub-division called Sonic Team, which is usually more responsible for the evils than SEGA is. Recently, Nintendo and Bioware have been working with SEGA to improve the shit quality of their Sonic games, but only Bioware succeeded, since the internetz hates lol Mario Party.

What SEGA does best though, is holding secrets away from the fans. Most of these are in the form of a secret conspiracy to kill off the good things in their games and amplify the bad. They have been using several evil plots for the past couple of years.

We can only hope that a protest will eventually make Puyo Puyo 7 available in America and Europe.

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