Lala (EntityTopic, 10)

From Compile Worlds

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Lala is yet another of the minor Madou Monogatari characters, appearing in only two of them to date! Debuting in Madou Monogatari I as a blond cutie with a red ribbon in her hair, she is to Camus as Amy Rose is to Sonic the Hedgehog; a relentless love-interest in a fruitless, dare I say delusional, pursuit of her one-true crush. Unlike Amy and Sonic, however, the possibility of any romantic interactions between them is about 0, since Camus is already smitten with Arle Nadja and had only come to truly exist from loving her anyway. Thus, Lala's real purpose is to chase Camus off when he begins rambling too much to Arle and make conversations all the more awkward. Oops.

She also mysteriously appears in Madou Monogatari: The Final Test in a more grown up form, and also gets a breif mention in the Gathering during the first season of Compile Worlds.