Nintendo (ConceptTopic, 4)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 16:17, 10 May 2011 by KasaneTeto (Talk | contribs)

Nintendo (Or "leave luck to heaven") is a great company known for its awesome video games and consoles for such things... kinda. It's also notorious for its kinda lost-cause (But highly-selling) products for non-gamers, which makes it quite obvious that they're as money-hungry as they are eager to spread excitement all over the world.

Said product for non-gamers was quite subject to opinion in other factions, though, because of its Wiimote of epic fail. The company tried to fix that, but as you'd know by now, it was too much for the company, so... yeah. Well, if it keeps selling that other one that prints money better (Not that we mind THAT), then this company'll remain forgiven for a while. Time will tell if that other one that prints money in 3D will be good, too...

... did YOU know its history goes past just video games and its redemption in the West? Nintendo's actually been around before Mickey Mouse ever existed! ... but obviously, it wasn't a video game company the time. Its secret for success was... playing cards called hanafuda and a bunch of fancy toys. I dunno how THAT worked out, but obviously, it did... we'd go on and on about its history, but of course that's too boring and filled with fact, so...

Known Highly-Nintendo-related Titles

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