Neapolitan Trio (ConceptTopic, 13)

From Compile Worlds

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The Neapolitan Trio are a group of villainous characters Compile ♥ Worlds. They are in cahoots with Ganache, although both serve a mysterious higher authority. They are possibly part of a cover-up for a conspiracy involving Mois Praline's rapid take over of Lastation with chocolate candies. While their name implies they are a trio, there is only one known character within the trio; Fresa.


Not much is known about the Neapolitan Trio. They serve as major antagonists though, being sent to kill Arle, usurp Noire, and cover everything up.

Members of the Trio

The first known member of the trio, Fresa is a professional hitman in the form of a cute little girl. She is named after the strawberry flavor in Neapolitan Ice Cream. So far, she was tasked by Ganache to cover up the take over the Basilicom, and then by a higher authority to kill Arle Nadja.

Associated characters

While Ganache himself isn't a member of the trio, he apparently has the authority to send Fresa to do field work on his and/or Mois Praline's behalf. He may also supply Fresa with weapons, since he was the head of the technical division of Avenir.
Mysterious Ringmaster
An unknown figure higher than Ganache in the villainous hierchy. He ordered Fresa to kill Arle, and his wrath is not to be provoked by failure to kill her. Fresa implied she may even fear his wrath. Why he wants Arle dead is unclear, as is how he knows Arle...

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