Episode 42 - Chat log

Start date: Fri Jan 20, 2012. All times are UTC.

[19:19:57] <Ecolo> One...two...three...four...five...and a gay tsundere. They're all "mine". How Divine. I must be fine, for this many ladies upon me to shine~☆

[19:20:17] <Keiji> oh jeez

[19:20:23] <Keiji> was that a first line quote or what

[19:20:36] <Keiji> New epic win category?

[19:20:38] <Ecolo> Not that'd I'd be attracted to my own creations mind you. That's just plein wrong.

[19:20:47] <Keiji> Pleinwrong

[19:21:15] <Keiji> Also, Phi is male.

[19:21:20] <Keiji> And is not a gay tsundere.

[19:21:23] <Phi> I'm not a girl. :c

[19:22:09] <Beta> Would that count as incest?

[19:22:21] <Ecolo> That's the hint, sweetie.

[19:22:27] <Theta> Hey, don't worry, there's always Harpy

[19:22:44] <Harpy> ...Hey! -glares at Theta then Ekoro-

[19:22:46] <Phi> But that's my mommy.

[19:22:51] <Harpy> ...

[19:23:02] <Harpy> Uh...

[19:23:20] <Alpha> Ahem. If I may so kindly speak, Ekoro...er...Ecolo, will not be attracted to any of you.

[19:23:35] <Alpha> He's just joshing around.

[19:23:36] <Harpy> Well, that's a good sign~♪

[19:24:54] <Zeta> So then...

[19:26:13] <Zeta> Now that "Ecolo" is purified, what now? Do we search for the other clones?...

[19:27:18] <Theta> Hmm... the other clones would be Omega, Delta and Gamma... right?

[19:27:30] <Omega> 3

[19:27:40] <Zeta> And Eta....but he was...wait...

[19:27:41] <Omega> *bursts in to wherever their base is* You called?

[19:27:48] <Zeta> OMEGA~♥

[19:27:59] <Alpha> O-Omega!!

[19:28:04] <Ecolo> SEXY DRAGON LADY

[19:28:07] <Omega> Well, if it isn't my lovely Zeta.

[19:28:46] <Zeta> *rushes over to Omega* I was worried about where you might have been!

[19:29:02] <Phi> :o

[19:29:21] <Ecolo> NOW the female count is at five.

[19:29:38] <Omega> -glares at Ekoro- YOU can stay out of this.

[19:30:13] <Ecolo> Excuse me, but I don't even remember what part I played in this to begin with, other than I apparently created this lovely harem.

[19:30:30] <Omega> Heh, you wish.

[19:30:34] <Omega> Now then.

[19:31:07] <Omega> Between Zeta and I, who was the ultimate clone again?

[19:31:26] <Zeta> ...you?

[19:31:57] <Zeta> Or did we decide that it was me no matter what? I don't ever know what to think.

[19:33:14] <Omega> It is quite the mystery, isn't it?

[19:33:21] <Omega> But no worries, I have an answer to that mystery.

[19:33:59] <Alpha> :o

[19:34:05] <Zeta> You do?

[19:34:27] <Omega> I have a little task for you.

[19:34:44] <Omega> -holds out her hand to Zeta-

[19:35:34] <Zeta> And what would this task be?.... *grabs Omega's hand*

[19:35:51] <Omega> [Zeta's hand begins to dissolve into black blobs.]

[19:35:57] <Zeta> !!!

[19:36:07] <Ecolo> >:O

[19:36:47] <Zeta> Wh-What?! O-Omega!!...

[19:36:47] <Omega> [The blobs are gradually absorbed into Omega as the contour moves up Zeta's arm.]

[19:37:02] <Omega> What is it, Zeta?

[19:37:15] <Zeta> W-Why...Why are you absorbing me?!

[19:37:42] <Omega> Oh? I thought you'd like it.

[19:37:53] <Omega> You want to be together, right?

[19:38:12] <Alpha> *grins, beholding Omega as his ultimate creation. Looks at Ecolo with an "I told you so" face*

[19:38:43] <Zeta> But...this isn't how I envisioned it!

[19:39:10] <Phi> Mama, what's Omega-sama doing to Zeta-sama??

[19:39:22] <Harpy> ...I... I don't know...

[19:39:27] <Omega> It isn't?

[19:39:30] <Omega> Perhaps not.

[19:39:39] <Omega> But you have to admit, it feels good, doesn't it?

[19:39:48] <Zeta> Tch!

[19:40:35] <Omega> [The contour moves into Zeta's torso.]

[19:41:35] <Zeta> I suppose it's useless to resist now....but...

[19:41:37] <Omega> Any last words? Well, I'll be able to just read your mind after this, but I want to hear that cute voice of yours until the end,.

[19:42:22] <Zeta> Don't you know how many times Eta suffered being absorbed?! Never did I think I would suffer the same fate...and to my significant other no less!

[19:42:37] <Omega> Suffered, you say?

[19:42:49] <Omega> It doesn't look like you're suffering.

[19:43:35] <Zeta> So you think...so you think...

[19:44:10] <Omega> There is no need to decide which of us is the ultimate clone.

[19:44:19] <Omega> We are both the ultimate clone.

[19:44:29] <Omega> There were never meant to be two.

[19:44:38] <Omega> Don't you see, Zeta?

[19:44:42] <Ecolo> *looks back at Alpha and sticks a large, drooling tongue out at him*

[19:44:54] <Alpha> E-Ew!

[19:44:58] <Omega> [The contour bites into her neck.]

[19:45:32] <Zeta> *she starts to scream a little, but cuts herself off. A single tear sheds from her eye as she nods in acknowledgement of Omega*

[19:46:15] <Omega> [Omega holds Zeta's remaining hand.] I love you, Zeta.

[19:46:35] <Zeta> I...I love you, too, Omega.

[19:46:56] <Omega> [Zeta's head is absorbed, allowing her to talk no more.]

[19:47:28] <Omega> [Omega turns to Alpha as she continues to absorb the rest of Zeta's body.]

[19:47:32] <Omega> As for you.

[19:47:36] <Phi> *looks back at the other remaining clones, and huddles a little closer to Harpy*

[19:47:43] <Alpha> Eh?

[19:47:49] <Omega> Your ultimate creation, you say?

[19:48:16] <Alpha> I didn't say it...but, I DID play a part in creating you Omega.

[19:48:37] <Omega> I am not your creation.

[19:48:38] <Alpha> You're not going to absorb me in denial of that, now are you?

[19:48:46] <Omega> -turns to Ekoro- Nor yours.

[19:49:00] <Omega> In fact... -she looks at all the other clones- You are all MY creations.

[19:49:22] <Phi> H-huh?! *looks up at Harpy*

[19:49:30] <Alpha> Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!

[19:49:41] <Harpy> I'm as confused as you are, Phi-kun...♪

[19:49:55] <Harpy> -she hovers taking in everything wisely-

[19:50:07] <Ecolo> Now, Now, you can't really claim to have created ME. But as for the rest of them...I'm all ears.

[19:50:15] <Omega> -she finishes absorbing Zeta-

[19:50:29] <Zeta> 4

[19:50:39] <Omega> There is...

[19:50:42] <Omega> absolutely no reason...

[19:51:31] <Omega> for me two give two shits about you. -skillfully shoots a searing bolt at Ekoro-

[19:51:38] <Omega> *to give

[19:52:12] <Theta> ...

[19:52:50] <Ecolo> Eyaaaaaah! *flies back into a rock. He clutches where he was hit* Eyahahahaha...aaaaah, you're a riot, Omega!☆ I never asked you to give me two shits. Nor two hits. But you've given me both anyway.

[19:53:18] <Omega> No, I gave you one hit. You're not worth a second.

[19:53:24] <Ecolo> You

[19:53:28] <Ecolo> You're right.

[19:53:34] <Ecolo> I'm not. That would be wasteful.

[19:53:45] <Omega> You could do with shutting the hell up, though.

[19:54:36] <Omega> Ah, Zeta is singing within me. A wonderful feeling indeed.

[19:55:08] <Omega> Now, I suppose I should clean up the trash.

[19:56:10] <Phi> ...

[19:56:25] <Omega> You. -she points at Phi and fires a single Perfect Bayoen projectile at him-

[19:56:52] <Omega> What a pathetic waste of a clone.

[19:57:20] <Phi> A-ah! *he tries in vein to dodge it* Pa...Path...thetic?

[19:57:53] <Omega> Indeed, what on earth was I thinking when I decided to create a clone of the perfect light? -she approaches the fallen Phi-

[19:58:22] <Phi> M...Mama...help me...

[19:58:36] <Alpha> *biting his lips anxiously*

[19:59:04] <Beta> ....What are we just standing here for? -looks at Theta-

[19:59:14] <Ecolo> *watching intently, observing the behavior of Omega*

[19:59:38] <Theta> ...Indeed. -looks at Omega- You may be a clone, but you've gone too far. It looks like you're not on our side any more.

[20:01:14] <Theta> Crystal Wave! -she blasts her attack at Omega-

[20:02:47] <Omega> Oh, how annoying. -she dodges the wave and flies up, firing fireballs at Theta-

[20:03:35] <Theta> Eep! Crystal Locus! -puts her barrier up, just about protecting from the fireballs-

[20:04:05] <Ecolo> Ah, a bitch fight of spectacularly epic proportions~ Except, it seems a little one-sided.

[20:04:14] <Ecolo> But only a little

[20:04:16] <Omega> You know, the ultimate clone doesn't call her attacks.

[20:04:29] <Omega> And you -she turns to Ekoro- can kindly shut up, as I mentioned. -she turns back-

[20:05:38] <Omega> [Zeta casts Perfect Bayoen on Omega] So far, Eltia's the only one who could block this attack.

[20:06:03] <Alpha> !!

[20:06:09] <Omega> Let's see how you can take it now. [She adds her own firestorm attack to the mix]

[20:06:20] <Theta> ...No... I won't... lose!!

[20:06:36] <Phi> Theta-san!...

[20:06:38] <Theta> [Theta puts all her efforts into keeping the shield up, but alas, it is torn apart.]

[20:07:29] <Omega> Indeed, I should have absorbed you before you became violent. [With the barrier gone, she begins absorbing Theta.]

[20:07:30] <Ecolo> What power! What splendor! Perhaps it's a good time to flee? *mimicing Omega* OH SHUT UP *normal voice* she'll say to me.

[20:07:50] <Omega> Oh, don't even start, I know you were rebuilt by Nanako.

[20:07:57] <Omega> That means nothing to me.

[20:08:04] <Phi> Theta-saaaaaaan!!!

[20:08:27] <Beta> ...Crystal Thunder!! [Beta casts her attack on Omega, hoping to get somewhere]

[20:08:42] <Alpha> *looks at Harpy and Ecolo* You two! You're not clones! Do something!! ANYTHING!!

[20:09:02] <Omega> You're too late. I already absorbed enough of Theta to do this. [She puts up a Crystal Locus shield of her own]

[20:09:13] <Harpy> ...-shakes her head- I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.

[20:09:24] <Harpy> Such darkness isn't my field.

[20:09:29] <Harpy> ...♪

[20:09:33] <Ecolo> What, you think I can stop her rampage? That's a load of bullshit~

[20:09:52] <Omega> -grins as she continues absorbing Theta-

[20:09:57] <Theta> ...Nanako...

[20:10:22] <Theta> 4

[20:10:50] <Alpha> Worthless! *looks at Beta* I suppose we're next...;

[20:12:12] <Omega> [As Omega finishes absorbing Theta, her ears become Persocom ears just like what Theta had.] Ah, this is a nice feeling, being part-Persocom.

[20:12:41] <Phi> Th...Theta-san... ;_;

[20:13:55] <Omega> [Her wings also turn a shining white.]

[20:14:32] <Omega> And the more I take, the more I get.

[20:14:32] <Ecolo> Oh, and the wild Omega is Shiny~

[20:14:39] <Keiji> LOL

[20:15:05] <Ecolo> She just had to go and use Thrash though.

[20:15:30] <Omega> [she turns to Beta and absorbs her quickly with no issues. In the process, she loses her horns for cat ears, and her tail becomes mostly a furry cat tail but with a hard dragon "spike" running down the top side of it]

[20:15:43] <Keiji> I should probably draw that at some point, so you know what I mean.

[20:16:06] <Beta> 4

[20:16:12] <Alpha> Well, shit. I might as well go like the coward I am!

[20:16:17] <Omega> Only two left.

[20:16:21] <Alpha> No way to stop her now.

[20:16:35] <Omega> No point in delaying.

[20:16:51] <Phi> *looks at Harpy and Ecolo in disbelief, completely baffled they would let Omega absorb them all like that*

[20:17:21] <Harpy> [With Omega's back turned to her, she escapes in the other direction.]

[20:17:25] <Harpy> 4

[20:17:59] <Phi> *Notices Harpy escaping and tries to follow, but can't due to his injury from earlier* Why!!

[20:18:15] <Omega> -quickly grabs and absorbs Alpha and Phi-

[20:18:22] <Alpha> 4

[20:18:25] <Phi> 4

[20:18:58] <Omega> [However, not all of Phi is absorbed. Because he was made from perfect light, the Light cannot be absorbed and zooms off formlessly in Harpy's direction.]

[20:19:47] <Omega> I don't need to do anything with you. -looking at Ekoro- The team you joined so very briefly is disbanded.

[20:19:54] <Omega> And you are powerless.

[20:20:06] <Ecolo> Eheheheheheheeh

[20:20:15] <Omega> You should probably take advantage of this chance to go and live the life of a normal human, since that is now what you are.

[20:20:39] <Omega> Be seeing you. Or not, as the case may be. -takes flight-

[20:20:42] <Omega> 4

[20:21:16] <Keiji> And for the next part of this episode...

[20:21:25] <Keiji> Can you play Harpy? :o

[20:21:29] <Ecolo> 4

[20:21:37] <Chao> I guess I could :o

[20:21:53] <Keiji> You know pretty much everything she does, so.

[20:21:58] <Nanako> 3

[20:22:12] <Harpy> 3

[20:22:14] <Nanako> 6 c-'11'+'10'

[20:22:28] <Keiji> [At FGF Research Lab.]

[20:22:47] <Keiji> [The Light already caught up with and merged back with Harpy, who's arrived here to see Nanako.]

[20:23:10] <Harpy> Nanako-sama~♪

[20:23:36] <Nanako> -just happened to be walking past the main entrance- You seem troubled. Do come in~

[20:23:54] <Harpy> Oh yes, very troubled.~♪

[20:24:29] <Nanako> -offers her a seat in the meeting room before taking one herself- What's up?

[20:25:10] <Harpy> Oh, it's just horrible...Omega has absorbed my entire team.~♪ Even Phi-kun.

[20:26:02] <Nanako> ...Omega? Are you sure? I haven't been aware of any movements from her for a very long time.

[20:26:52] <Harpy> Well...there was something odd about her. But it was Omega.

[20:27:26] <Nanako> In any case... I noticed something happened to Theta and Beta, so that would explain it.

[20:27:50] <Nanako> But... how could my creations be taken so quickly and easily... by a force I don't even notice.

[20:28:21] <Harpy> I'm very concerned...

[20:29:36] <Harpy> You didn't even notice? Not even a little?~♪

[20:29:59] <Nanako> It's completely invisible to all of our monitoring systems. Somehow.

[20:30:17] <Nanako> I was watching Theta's presence, and it just... disappeared.

[20:30:35] <Nanako> That violates the Law of Conservation of Energy, but our equipment doesn't lie.

[20:31:08] <Juichi> 3

[20:31:17] <Harpy> Theta-san...Beta-san...Phi-kun...Zeta-sama...they were all absorbed.

[20:31:20] <Juichi> -rushes into the room- Nanako-sama! We found something!!

[20:31:23] <Juichi> Come quickly!!

[20:31:29] <Harpy> :o

[20:31:35] <Nanako> What is it? Did you find Theta's presence?

[20:31:54] <Juichi> No, but we... we found something... I don't even know, just come and see for yourself!

[20:32:02] <Juichi> -he drags Nanako out of the room-

[20:32:24] <Harpy> *floats and follows them*

[20:32:41] <Nanako> [They enter a room where a bunch of the mook-persocoms are monitoring, uh, monitors.]

[20:33:17] <Juichi> -leads them to a particular monitor, and hits a rewind button, the screens flash a bit before he plays the video again-

[20:34:08] <Juichi> Look, look at this. -points to two images on the screen of different locations-

[20:34:28] <Juichi> [They're mostly unrecognisable, but as the video plays, they can see one image completely light up before going totally black and staying that way.]

[20:34:53] <Harpy> Oh my...~♪

[20:35:02] <Juichi> [At the same time, the other image glows from a central point, similar to the first one, except this returns to displaying an image instead of black.]

[20:35:11] <Nanako> What... what is this?

[20:35:33] <Juichi> -zooms in on the second image, to show Red Amitie on the screen right where the glow was-

[20:35:38] <Juichi> Look, look right there!

[20:35:46] <Harpy> :o

[20:36:21] <Keiji> ...harpy? :p

[20:36:57] <Chao> should Harpy recognize her?

[20:37:12] <Keiji> Well, Harpy and Amitie know each other, so.

[20:37:20] <Harpy> Is that Amitie-san?~♪

[20:38:21] <Harpy> I do believe it is~

[20:38:25] <Nanako> It certainly is.

[20:38:29] <Nanako> But...

[20:38:39] <Nanako> Her power level... it's over 9000!

[20:39:29] <Harpy> Oh, that is fearsome power indeed...

[20:39:39] <Keiji> No "What 9000?"

[20:39:41] <Keiji> :p

[20:39:56] <Juichi> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMHTK15Pik

[20:39:59] <Keiji> nickfail

[20:40:40] <Chao> lol


[20:40:58] <Chao> for not doing it right

[20:41:00] <Chao> as usual

[20:41:02] <Chao> I see

[20:41:19] <Keiji> lmao

[20:41:30] <Keiji> I was just expecting that is all

[20:41:31] <Keiji> anyways

[20:41:43] <Juichi> Now... look at this...

[20:41:55] <Juichi> [he rewinds back to before the first image went black and zooms in]

[20:42:09] <Juichi> [He pans around and the members of Satan's Team can be seen]

[20:42:44] <Harpy> Satan?~♪ And Arle-chan~♪...and so many others...

[20:43:34] <Juichi> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQYakKz3i6E IKUTSUDESUKAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR

[20:43:40] <Keiji> Nickfail again

[20:43:45] <Keiji> That was hilarious, though

[20:43:48] <Keiji> I never saw the Japanese before

[20:44:05] <Nanako> Indeed... it looks like...

[20:44:11] <Nanako> ...you've gotta be kidding me!

[20:44:29] <Harpy> What is it, Nanako-sama?

[20:44:30] <Nanako> Did... Did the Ekoro Dimension just get completely destroyed?

[20:44:43] <Harpy> ???

[20:44:52] <Juichi> That's... definitely the conclusion these videos draw.

[20:45:00] <Juichi> You can see it for yourself... it just vanishes.

[20:45:16] <Juichi> Right at the same time Amitie glows like that.

[20:45:18] <Juichi> And look...

[20:45:23] <Chao> Oh god Amitie broke EKOROS ORB

[20:45:26] <Juichi> [He plays the video with it zoomed in on Amitie]

[20:45:32] <Juichi> The Orb.

[20:45:43] <Nanako> ...It's Ekoro's Orb!

[20:45:52] <Nanako> No wonder...

[20:46:06] <Nanako> But... this doesn't explain Omega.

[20:46:16] <Harpy> No, it does not...

[20:47:19] <Nanako> Good work so far, Juichi. -gives him a pat on the shoulder- You try and find any traces of Omega, or Theta or Beta. I'm going to go look for her in person. You can come with me, Harpy.

[20:47:38] <Harpy> Certainly, Nanako-sama~♪

[20:48:49] <Juichi> 4

[20:49:18] <Keiji> [And they go look for Omega.]

[20:50:00] <Keiji> Have S. Klug show up.... and he's gonna be on the opposite side to Nanako so you can have him be all crazy mysterious and shit.

[20:50:12] <Strange Klug> 3

[20:50:59] <Strange Klug> Ahahahahahaha....it's all fun and games until the wrong people get the wrong items.

[20:51:05] <Strange Klug> And then it's hilarious.

[20:51:14] <Nanako> You!

[20:51:28] <Strange Klug> And you~ Such marvelous timing as usual.

[20:51:31] <Nanako> What are you talking about? I thought we had a truce!

[20:51:58] <Strange Klug> We did. With emphasis on 'had' and 'did' if you will.

[20:52:54] <Strange Klug> But you see, once the spectators started trying to take matters into their own hands, things got interesting. I couldn't help myself.

[20:53:20] <Strange Klug> Especially Sig...I think he's finally ripened up to himself.

[20:53:24] <Nanako> ...You... I guess it was to be expected.

[20:53:37] <Nanako> OOC: STRANGE, isn't it.


[20:55:18] <Keiji> ...

[20:55:31] <Strange Klug> I love how everyone is completely ignorant to what really went on in the desert that day. Well...not everyone...

[20:55:46] <Strange Klug> but those who actually cared no longer exist, shall we say.

[20:56:20] <Nanako> ...Whatever. If you're not going to help, then you can stay out of my way. -turns to Harpy- Harpy, do you have any idea where she might have gone?

[20:56:48] <Harpy> Not a clue...~♪

[20:57:39] <Strange Klug> Fufufufufufu! Without your human resources, you seem to be more lost than the needle in the hay stack.

[20:57:49] <Keiji> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et5U-_GcG_w&feature=related I had no idea there were so many versions

[20:58:11] <Nanako> ...:x

[20:58:40] <Kawase> 1

[20:58:44] <Keiji> ...

[20:58:45] <Keiji> lol

[20:58:49] <Strange Klug> If it's a clone you're after, then here's a hint: he's on the inside....you might say only half of him is there.

[20:59:04] <Nanako> ..."him"?

[20:59:14] <Nanako> Wait... could it be...

[20:59:14] <Strange Klug> Him. Still confused?

[20:59:25] <Nanako> !

[20:59:42] <Strange Klug> Ah yes, do you know now?

[20:59:53] <Harpy> What is it, Nanako-sama?

[21:00:16] <Nanako> [Talking over her built in phone thing] Juichi! A... a mask, look for a mask!

[21:00:27] <Nanako> . . . . .

[21:01:03] <Strange Klug> Mask? What mask? Who is wearing the mask around here but I or you? Oh wait, that's a figurative mask.

[21:01:06] <Nanako> You found it? Shit... why hadn't I thought of that before...

[21:01:17] <Nanako> It's so obvious, argh!

[21:02:09] <Strange Klug> I do believe that once again, we're not on the same page.

[21:02:24] <Strange Klug> Such is why our truce was destined to be broken.

[21:02:34] <Strange Klug> No matter how alike we were...what we shared...

[21:02:42] <Strange Klug> we'd always keep secrets from each other.

[21:03:58] <Strange Klug> Like the possessed Ecolo before us, we're nothing more than a miserable pile of secrets.

[21:04:01] <Nanako> -totally ignoring S. Klug by this point since she is in a hurry- Come on, Harpy! -she runs off in the direction Juichi told her.-

[21:04:05] <Keiji> ALSO LOL

[21:04:38] <Strange Klug> But you don't really care about him. How could you, he wasn't made with you. *poofs away*

[21:04:42] <Strange Klug> 4

[21:05:06] <Harpy> *follows Nanako frantically*


Character text lines: 260
User text lines: 39
Action lines: 17

By character

Omega: 69
Nanako: 35
Harpy: 33
Juichi: 21
Ecolo: 21
Zeta: 19
Alpha: 16
Phi: 14
Theta: 9
Beta: 3