Episode 33 - Chat log

Start date: Fri Oct 21, 2011. All times are UTC.

[10:17:37] <Zeta> Things have become far more complicated than we had foreseen, haven't they, sisters?

[10:18:31] <Beta> They sure have... I don't have a clue what's going on.

[10:19:03] <Arle Nadja> Join the club. I don't think anyone but that suspicious pair knows what's REALLY going on.

[10:19:25] <Daichi> and maybe Ekoro....maybe....

[10:19:34] <Beta> "Suspicious pair"? You mean Nanako and S. Klug?

[10:19:45] <Arle Nadja> Yeah.

[10:20:06] <Beta> Well, I can't hate Nanako, she saved me after all. And Theta~

[10:20:29] <Zeta> I wouldn't jump straight to suspicious for Nanako....but Klug is definitely suspicious-like.

[10:21:21] <Juichi> ...I think we should be wary of her... I mean, even I don't know what's going on, and I /always/ know what's going on with her. |:

[10:22:05] <Keiji> > mfw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHB9AlOr2s8 has a set of notes I recognise from Homestuck in it

[10:22:18] <Keiji> *instantly go back to Homestuck music* lol

[10:22:34] <Daichi> Yeah. I agree with Juichi....

[10:23:17] <Amitie> I wonder how everyone used to work down here. These rooms are so small...

[10:23:47] <Theta> Surely only one person would generally be in a room at once?

[10:24:05] <Theta> But still, yes, it's too cramped in here. Let's get out of here. *heads for the door*

[10:25:35] <Arle Nadja> -heads to the door with Theta-

[10:26:07] <Chao> [outside, Angol is standing, waiting for them.]

[10:26:12] <Theta> ...*actually opens it and goes through before EVERYONE ends up all squashing at the door*

[10:26:33] <Angol Mois> 3

[10:26:54] <Angol Mois> I thought I might find you here Daichi. And with this pathetic lot no less.

[10:27:25] <Angol Mois> You have greater purpose than to play silly games with this rebel group of no cause.

[10:27:50] <Arle Nadja> !!

[10:27:54] <Beta> ...Who's this guy?

[10:27:58] <Daichi> Angol!!

[10:28:19] <Theta> ...Rebel group?

[10:29:33] <Angol Mois> Daichi. Why does humanity possess you? Don't delude yourself. You will never fit in among these pathetic heaps of flesh and blood.

[10:31:08] <Juichi> (Not like the most of us are even made of flesh and blood...)

[10:31:42] <Angol Mois> No matter. If you cannot alone comprehend that, I shall make you see it. I shall do what I should have done long ago...

[10:32:33] <Juichi> Oi, Angol dude! Can't you tell the difference between a human and a clone, or an AI form?!

[10:34:02] <Angol Mois> If they band together as they have here, then they are just as useless as the natural beings themselves. Those who deny their superior existence shall die here! All but one, that is. -points at Daichi- He who belongs to me,

[10:34:58] <Juichi> ...Superior existence?! What's so useless about a human?

[10:35:27] <Arle Nadja> I'm beginning to think we have a Grade-A psycho on our hands...

[10:35:29] <Karkat> 3


[10:35:31] <Karkat> 4

[10:35:39] <Chao> XD;;

[10:36:03] <Theta> ...Whatever.

[10:36:15] <Theta> If you're just here to insult us, Mr. Angol, just go home.

[10:37:22] <Angol Mois> Hmph. -raise his arms- Daichi! Deny yourself no longer! Embrace your synthetic origins! Come to my aid as you were born to do all along!!

[10:37:44] <Theta> ...:\

[10:38:22] <Daichi> -briefly struggles with himself for a second, but regains his footing, and walks to Angol, turning to them-

[10:39:08] <Theta> ...Daichi?

[10:39:45] <Angol Mois> Now, observe this before you. What purpose did you have trying to belong with them when you belonged with me? Perhaps you should destroy them for fueling your nonexistent humanity.

[10:40:34] <Daichi> ...I had no purpose. I SHOULD destroy them!! -his hands glow ominously-

[10:41:01] <Amitie> G-Get Real!!

[10:42:02] <Theta> (......Well, I guess his real friends aren't here... it'd be pretty useless for any of us to try and talk through to him.)

[10:42:50] <Angol Mois> Now, show me your real power and rip them apart. -smiling- Show me you are worthy of bearing the name of a "Mois"!

[10:43:06] <Beta> "Mois"? That's a dumb name anyawy.

[10:43:08] <Beta> *anyway

[10:43:47] <Daichi> -Rushes towards Beta, leaping in the air and then diving straight into her, glowing fist first-

[10:44:56] <Beta> Iya! -dodges and casts Thunder on Daichi. The spell's power is enhanced by the magic Nanako left in her-

[10:46:01] <Daichi> Kyugh! -is zapped by the Thunder, but stays strong- Heheh...that doesn't phase me a bit! -he charges toward them again, this time aiming for Theta-

[10:47:01] <Zeta> Theta! -lobs a Fire at Daichi while he's in the air-

[10:47:17] <Theta> Don't you come near me, you monster! ...:O Thanks, Zeta!

[10:48:49] <Daichi> Ku! Hngh...they're stronger than I thought. But it's not a problem, Angol. I'll still rip them up! Grand Fire! -and with that, he summons a huge vortex of fire-

[10:50:34] <Arle Nadja> !! -She and Amitie throw up one of their counter barriers in hopes of at least deflecting the fire from themselves-

[10:52:28] <Zeta> -Does the same for Beta, Theta and Juichi- Two can play at this game, right sisters?

[10:52:38] <Keiji> wait

[10:52:50] <Keiji> don't do that :P Zeta is behind anyway she can't reach that quick anyway

[10:52:56] <Chao> Oh

[10:52:59] <Chao> derp

[10:53:30] <Theta> Eep! [Theta and Beta retreat, not able to put up barriers. They manage to get behind Arle and Amitie's barrier, but the fire torches the corridor]

[10:56:21] <Arle Nadja> I can see where this is going...! Diacute! -begins layering Diacute spells on herself-

[10:58:03] <Daichi> Trying to buff up? That's unfair! -moves in to try and attack Arle-

[10:58:39] <Juichi> No you don't--! *directs a flying kick at Daichi*

[11:00:36] <Daichi> Kf! -hit by Juichi's kick- Why you?! Saint Bang! -a holy beam of light is summoned to hit Juichi-

[11:01:53] <Keiji> ..Saint Bang? O_o

[11:02:39] <Juichi> Che! How can something like you even use holy magic anyway! That's a fake! -stands still, as if the beam is powerless-

[11:02:46] <Chao> My best attempt at anglifing "Seintto Ban", which is an attack he can use from the beginning of Wars.

[11:03:44] <Zeta> !!J-Juichi

[11:05:44] <Angol Mois> It seems I have underestimated your strength and your stupidity yet again. How irritating.

[11:06:23] <Keiji> I'd say it was "Saint Aubin"

[11:06:54] <Chao> :O?

[11:07:21] <Keiji> http://g.co/maps/5syed

[11:07:32] <Keiji> since I've actually been here, the name sticks in my head I guess.

[11:07:57] <Chao> Regardless, in the game it's a beam of light, and knowing Light is an element in Wars, I just assumed it was at light-element attack

[11:08:11] <Keiji> Yep, that's fair enough

[11:08:28] <Keiji> Anyway, back to RP.

[11:08:34] <Keiji> Does the beam do anything to him or not? XD

[11:08:52] <Chao> Let's say he miscalculated and it injures him

[11:09:00] <Keiji> (Also, if it is Saint Aubin, that would make it the second French inspired name, first being Arle of course)

[11:09:20] <Chao> (You might be on to something :o)

[11:11:08] <Juichi> --Ugh! -falls down to his knees from the Light attack-

[11:11:25] <Arle Nadja> Oh no!!

[11:11:56] <Zeta> -rushes over to Juicihi- Juicihi!

[11:12:49] <Angol Mois> Foolish human. Did you really expect to be invincible to Daichi's power?

[11:15:08] <Beta> You bastard! -conjures a plasma ball and throws it at Daichi-

[11:16:15] <Daichi> Huh? !! -He makes an attempt to dodge it, but fails and takes it like a man- Kyu!

[11:17:14] <Beta> [The plasma ball goes through him and hits Angol too]

[11:18:39] <Keiji> 2

[11:18:39] <Keiji> 1

[11:18:41] <Keiji> .

[11:18:45] <Beta> 3

[11:18:49] <Juichi> 3

[11:18:52] <Theta> 3

[11:19:22] <Angol Mois> Hmph! -takes the hit, flinching slightly- So you think you can over power me as well? Your inanity is remarkable.

[11:20:28] <Beta> ...Come on, let's get the hell out of here! -pulls Juichi to his feet and runs off away from Angol and Daichi-

[11:20:57] <Arle Nadja> Right! -follows them, beckoning Amitie to follow her-

[11:21:07] <Zeta> -Zeta follows them as well-

[11:21:22] <Theta> *casts a Cosine at Daichi/Angol to stall them a bit more*

[11:21:26] <Theta> *then runs off too*

[11:21:42] <Daichi> Kgh! -They're getting away!

[11:22:34] <Angol Mois> Let them. They'll meet their end soon enough. We have much training to do, Daichi...-content with the damage he's done, he leaves in the opposite direction with Daichi in tow-

[11:22:47] <Angol Mois> 4

[11:22:50] <Daichi> 4

[11:24:04] <Juichi> Well, that certainly destroyed yet another expensive lab room...

[11:25:40] <Zeta> They're powerful. I imagine that we'll have to deal with them again sooner or later....for now, are you alright Juichi? -looks at him, evaluating any physical wounds-

[11:27:07] <Juichi> Ah... probably...

[11:28:24] <Arle Nadja> What're we gonna do about all these villains? Ever since that Meteor blew up the headquaters, we just haven't gotten a break.

[11:28:31] <Keiji> ALL THESE VILLIANS

[11:28:48] <Amitie> For really real!

[11:29:23] <Theta> Something tells me there's more to this than meets the eye.

[11:30:43] <Zeta> Perhaps it's related to Nanako and her mysterious comments about the metalevels.

[11:30:52] <Theta> For now... we should get out of here, and make our own base or something. This place is a wreck, and in a far too well known location.

[11:31:20] <Zeta> Yes, let's.

[11:31:21] <Keiji> Random question... where's Harpy?

[11:31:59] <Chao> I have no idea. Wandering around with Lagnus and Phi I guess, whom we haven't see since their "invasion" Ekoro's Lair.

[11:32:03] <Chao> Let me check that.

[11:32:36] <Chao> Yeah, Harpy was with Phi and Lagnus when Witch betrayed them for Ekoro.

[11:33:32] <Keiji> So she's just been milling around since?

[11:33:44] <Chao> Probably lol

[11:33:47] <Keiji> Okay.

[11:35:10] <Amitie> Where could we make it though?

[11:36:09] <Keiji> [As they exit the base, Harpy, Phi and Lagnus appear, they were idly walking along the refurbished grounds outside.]

[11:36:37] <Phi> 3

[11:36:45] <Lagnus> 3

[11:36:51] <Lagnus> Arle!!

[11:37:08] <Arle Nadja> Lagnus!...And Phi too!

[11:37:38] <Harpy> 3

[11:37:44] <Harpy> Hara..

[11:38:09] <Theta> Oh, Harpy!

[11:38:20] <Beta> Harpy?

[11:38:59] <Theta> Nice timing. We were just wondering where on earth we should go.

[11:40:10] <Lagnus> Well, certainly not the Magic School. Ekoro's foul blobs have corrupted the place beyond regconition.

[11:40:19] <Keiji> Can you change Sho's name to Alpha? And change his color to Seriri color

[11:41:00] <Chao> Oh, shure

[11:42:07] <Amitie> Get real! That means we probably shouldn't settle to close there, right?

[11:43:43] <Arle Nadja> Prooooooooobably not.

[11:44:14] <Keiji> [While they're debating, as if the party wasn't big enough already.]

[11:44:19] <Marin> 3

[11:44:23] <Sho> 3

[11:44:25] <Rin> 3


[11:44:54] <Phi> -turns around- Sho-sama!!

[11:44:59] <Keiji> wait

[11:45:05] <Chao> oop

[11:45:27] <Keiji> [Marin, Sho, and a green haired individual are walking over towards the party.]

[11:46:20] <Marin> test

[11:46:27] <Marin> (Yes, that's better)

[11:46:45] <Phi> Hm..then where..-he turns around, and notices the other three walking toward them- Sho sama!! Ms. Angel, it's Sho sama!!

[11:46:48] <Marin> ...:o Yuusha-sama! [She's looking at Arle.]

[11:47:18] <Sho> ..."Sho-sama"?

[11:47:20] <Arle Nadja> Huuuuuh? -she turns around and sees them too. She gets a sense of nostalgia looking at Marin- Do I...know you?

[11:47:31] <Sho> Do I know you?

[11:47:46] <Phi> Don't you remember? You made me! Twice!

[11:47:47] <Keiji> also lol double meetups XD

[11:47:53] <Sho> I... what?

[11:48:06] <Phi> Did Ekoro brainwash you??

[11:48:16] <Sho> Who's this Ekoro fellow?

[11:49:01] <Amitie> Well, he's this big black thing that says silly stuff, but he's actually kinda evil.

[11:49:40] <Marin> (And now over to Marin and Arle's conversation)

[11:50:08] <Marin> ...Yuusha-sama...

[11:50:18] <Arle Nadja> Looking at you...I feel like we've met before. But I don't recognize your face.

[11:50:20] <Marin> It's really you?

[11:50:36] <Arle Nadja> Well, if you're looking for Arle Nadja, that'd be me.

[11:50:50] <Marin> "Arle... Nadja..."?

[11:50:57] <Arle Nadja> OCC: I make the world's most delicious curry~ /Ekoro

[11:51:12] <Marin> ...Of course, that's your name isn't it! I... I thought I'd never see you again!

[11:51:28] <Marin> -gives the curry making girl a big hug-

[11:51:41] <Arle Nadja> I'd really like to reciprocate, but I think I must of forgotten who you were! -hugs back anyway-

[11:51:54] <Marin> Ah... that's okay...

[11:52:47] <Marin> The last time we saw each other, I was this size... -holds her fingers out to indicate the size of a handspan-

[11:53:17] <Arle Nadja> That's about the size of a Puyo, if I didn't know any better...

[11:53:26] <Marin> -blushes-... Yaeh.

[11:53:28] <Marin> *Yeah.

[11:54:06] <Arle Nadja> Kinda funny, because I remember protecting a pink Puyo once. I though it was just the cutest darned thing ^_^;..

[11:54:13] <Sho> (And now back to Sho and Phi)

[11:54:42] <Sho> Big black thing? You lot are talking nonsense to me.

[11:54:47] <Phi> -looks at Harpy concerned- Miss Angel...what's wrong with Sho? Why doesn't he recognize me or remember Ekoro?

[11:55:22] <Rin> Hey, Sho. Don't be so rude to people you just met.

[11:55:42] <Sho> Well, it's not my fault that I can't understand a word they're saying.

[11:56:00] <Sho> I certainly didn't create a human.

[11:56:00] <Zeta> Just met?...Well, there can't be two Shos...unless....

[11:56:12] <Sho> And I don't have a clue who this Ekoro guy is.

[11:56:47] <Lagnus> If I'm following the clone's hunch correctly...Ekoro created a clone of Sho, who created a clone of me!

[11:56:57] <Sho> ...!!

[11:57:12] <Sho> Right, so you were confusing me with a fake.

[11:57:16] <Sho> I see.

[11:57:27] <Zeta> No wonder Ekoro was so deep inside him...

[11:57:38] <Zeta> How could I have missed that

[11:57:41] <Keiji> (that's what she said?)

[11:58:28] <Phi> So then...my "father" is a clone too?... :c

[11:59:00] <Harpy> ...-sighs- I'm sorry, Phi-kun.

[11:59:48] <Harpy> You'll just have to let him go, for now.

[12:00:04] <Harpy> I didn't want you to find out, but I guess it was inevitable after all...

[12:00:23] <Lagnus> You'd known all along?!

[12:00:50] <Zeta> Why did you withhold that from the rest of us??

[12:00:53] <Harpy> Well, it was pretty obvious, to an angel like me anyway...

[12:01:01] <Harpy> I didn't want to upset anyone...

[12:01:34] <Sho> Well, anyway. According to our friend here -gestures at the green haired guy- two of you can help us on our quest.

[12:02:02] <Amitie> Quest? What kind of quest?

[12:02:21] <Marin> -gets up out of Arle's hug finally and wipes her tears away-

[12:02:48] <Marin> We heard... Angol's back.

[12:03:00] <Marin> And that he did something to Daichi...

[12:03:15] <Arle Nadja> You've heard correctly....

[12:03:31] <Arle Nadja> Daichi's fighting for Angol now, and that means big trouble for this world as it is.

[12:04:09] <Marin> Why do we need to stop him again...? Wasn't it enough after the first time?

[12:04:35] <Marin> Eldora-sama...

[12:04:39] <Zeta> And, regardless of Angol's intentions, many other suspicious men have also taken interest in Daichi.

[12:04:46] <Keiji> LOL PEDOS

[12:05:14] <Chao> (Wait, the green haired person is Eldora?...I thought Eldora was female...am I wrong?)

[12:05:25] <Keiji> No, she's praying

[12:05:30] <Keiji> The green haired guy isn't Eldora

[12:05:35] <Chao> Oh okay

[12:05:53] <Sho> In any case, we need to form up a team or something.

[12:06:19] <Arle Nadja> We've been trying to do that, but the villains keep cheating and taking away all the good people here!

[12:06:29] <Rin> ...Well, that's okay.

[12:06:48] <Lagnus> It is?

[12:06:53] <Rin> The other two members of our team are both here.

[12:06:57] <Rin> The two "Yy

[12:07:01] <Rin> (damn enter)

[12:07:05] <Rin> The two "Yuusha"s.

[12:07:39] <Lagnus> You must be referring to Arle and I.

[12:07:48] <Rin> Absolutely!

[12:07:56] <Rin> So, what do you say?

[12:08:23] <Rin> -holds out a hand- Shall we take on Angol Mois together?

[12:08:44] <Lagnus> I'm in. We must retrieve our friends from the clutches of evil and vanquish this Angol person. -takes his hand-

[12:09:10] <Rin> -shakes- And Arle-sama?

[12:09:24] <Arle Nadja> Um, what he said! -also shakes his hand-

[12:09:43] <Marin> Thank you, Arle-sama... Uhm, it's alright to call you that, right>?

[12:10:06] <Arle Nadja> It's fine, I guess. But you can just call me Arle, really!

[12:10:41] <Sho> Well then, we should be off. Plans to make, after all.

[12:10:56] <Amitie> Okay!

[12:11:02] <Keiji> ...amitie? O_o

[12:11:21] <Keiji> Sho was saying their whole team should go, if that was misunderstood

[12:11:50] <Chao> You mean, Arle, Lagnus, Marin, Sho and Unknown?

[12:11:54] <Chao> And no one else?

[12:12:00] <Keiji> yeah

[12:12:07] <Chao> Ah...

[12:12:32] <Arle Nadja> Let's go then!

[12:13:01] <Rin> (And so the team heads off)

[12:13:02] <Rin> 4

[12:13:03] <Sho> 4

[12:13:04] <Marin> 4

[12:13:08] <Lagnus> 4

[12:13:10] <Arle Nadja> 4

[12:13:16] <Theta> ...Hey, you guys!

[12:13:26] <Theta> While they were talking, I figured out what we should do!

[12:13:33] <Zeta> ...Have we really been abandoned for yet another team formation?

[12:13:44] <Theta> No, we haven't, not at all!

[12:13:53] <Theta> because... we should make our own team!

[12:14:05] <Zeta> Well, it's not like we can do much else.

[12:14:15] <Theta> Us clones... and Harpy-sama!

[12:14:22] <Harpy> Ara?

[12:14:28] <Phi> Yay!

[12:14:42] <Zeta> What about Juichi and Amitie?

[12:14:45] <Theta> Well, you know, with Phi and all.

[12:14:51] <Juichi> ......

[12:15:03] <Juichi> It's okay. I don't think the two of us can really take these shenanigans any longer.

[12:15:22] <Juichi> What do you think, Amitie?

[12:15:39] <Juichi> After all, if we go on like this, we could die...

[12:15:52] <Amitie> I need to study harder before I can be wonderful enough to take on Ekoro! So I'll pass this time. c:

[12:16:00] <Juichi> Well, it's settled then.

[12:16:16] <Juichi> Besides, I'm worried about Nanako-sama.

[12:16:35] <Amitie> Yeah, she's been acting kinda funny lately...

[12:17:07] <Juichi> -extends a hand- Then, let's go back to the FGF building?

[12:17:33] <Amitie> You betchya! -grabs hand-

[12:17:40] <Juichi> (And so they leave as well)

[12:17:41] <Juichi> 4

[12:17:44] <Amitie> 4

[12:17:54] <Beta> Just us now, huh...

[12:18:02] <Zeta> So it is.

[12:18:02] <Beta> Well, I thought of one place to make our base.

[12:18:12] <Beta> And it should be pretty secure, I think.

[12:18:16] <Phi> Where's that?

[12:18:21] <Beta> You should know, Phi.

[12:18:32] <Phi> Fos Canyon!

[12:18:38] <Beta> YES!

[12:19:13] <Zeta> Ah, perfect. Secluded from everyone else and protected by the natural light of the area. Good choice Beta.

[12:19:53] <Beta> (And so the final team takes off for Fos Canyon, leaving nobody at the wreck of the ADMA HQ.)

[12:21:17] <Keiji> And just another loose end to take care of. Claim Sho and Marin.

[12:21:18] <Beta> 4

[12:21:19] <Theta> 4

[12:21:20] <Harpy> 4

[12:21:25] <Phi> 4

[12:21:27] <Zeta> 4

[12:21:32] <Chao> Me claim them?

[12:21:34] <Keiji> Yes

[12:21:42] <Sho> 3

[12:21:49] <Marin> 3

[12:21:51] <Rin> 3

[12:22:17] <Rin> [In the Puyo Wars World, Sho and Marin are just hanging out somewhere proud of their accomplishment in defeating Angol.]

[12:22:24] <Rin> [Suddenly, a green haired guy appears.]

[12:22:41] <Keiji> (yes, this is flashback)}

[12:22:51] <Marin> Another god?

[12:23:00] <Rin> ..."God"?

[12:23:07] <Rin> I am no god. I just walked here.

[12:23:25] <Sho> Well, who are you then? What business do you have with us?

[12:24:08] <Rin> Do you remember... your past lives, as puyo?

[12:24:50] <Marin> Yes! But, how do you know we were puyo?

[12:25:01] <Marin> Were you one, too?

[12:25:03] <Rin> Well... remember your war against Angol?

[12:25:12] <Rin> Your comrade, Daichi.

[12:25:37] <Rin> He always carried this odd puyo around. One that could talk.

[12:26:00] <Sho> Daichi. I remember both of them. After all, they only happened not too long ago, though I haven't seen Daichi in awhile.

[12:26:03] <Rin> And now, that puyo is here again.

[12:26:28] <Rin> As a human, like the two of you...

[12:26:33] <Chao> (omfg is Unknown Puyorin??!)

[12:26:47] <Rin> Yes, my name is Rin.

[12:27:00] <Chao> (asgfhsdjf I love you in in a not gay way)

[12:27:08] <Marin> !!

[12:27:33] <Marin> What..What happened to you? Is Daichi okay?

[12:27:50] <Rin> ...There is only one way a puyo can reappear as a human, isn't there?

[12:28:27] <Sho> So, you met an unfortunate end as well, but Daichi's protection ensured your reincarnation, correct?

[12:28:33] <Rin> Indeed.

[12:28:44] <Rin> But the worst thing was... the killer.

[12:29:02] <Rin> The killer... none other than Daichi himself...

[12:29:10] <Marin> Wha...what??

[12:29:25] <Sho> !! Daichi would do such a thing?...

[12:29:31] <Rin> No, Daichi wouldn't.

[12:29:45] <Rin> But... he is back.

[12:29:55] <Rin> And I need your help to stop him and save Daichi...

[12:30:28] <Sho> Angol has returned? Well, we won't let him off easy this time, will we Marin?

[12:30:44] <Marin> Not after all he's done, we wont!

[12:31:08] <Rin> Fortunately, I have the ability to create a portal that will take us to the world he's in now.

[12:31:17] <Rin> But I only have the power for one portal.

[12:31:30] <Rin> So there's no coming back here, once we set off.

[12:31:58] <Marin> ...I'm okay with that. We shouldn't leave our friend in distress.

[12:33:03] <Sho> Another world, hm? Well then...we shouldn't waste any time.

[12:33:35] <Rin> Just make sure you have everything you need, and then I'll open the portal.

[12:34:25] <Marin> Alright.

[12:34:54] <Rin> Sho?

[12:35:03] <Sho> I'm ready.

[12:35:16] <Rin> -opens the portal-

[12:35:49] <Sho> -steps inside-

[12:36:01] <Rin> [Everyone goes through the portal...]

[12:36:03] <Rin> [CRASH!!]

[12:36:19] <Chao> !!!

[12:36:29] <Rin> [They find themselves in Homu-Mikki, having destroyed the roof again. Mikki and Lam are apparently out somewhere.]

[12:36:37] <Chao> LOL

[12:36:37] <Rin> Oh, darnit... Daichi only just got done fixing that roof.

[12:37:15] <Marin> Oh? That's too bad. -brushing her skirt off-

[12:37:28] <Rin> Well, at least we're here.

[12:37:57] <Sho> A bit of a rough landing, but we're here. Now...

[12:38:46] <Rin> Yes, we need to complete our team.

[12:39:10] <Sho> Team? Who else do we need?

[12:39:17] <Rin> We need to find the two heroes. I think I know where they'll be, though.


Character text lines: 257
User text lines: 59
Action lines: 31

By character

Rin: 42
Marin: 29
Sho: 25
Theta: 23
Zeta: 20
Juichi: 17
Beta: 17
Daichi: 12
Amitie: 11
Phi: 9
Lagnus: 7
Harpy: 7
Karkat: 1