Rabbit Household (InstanceTopic, 10)

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In the previous canon of Sonic Legends, Rabbit Household is a term that describes both the house belonging to Cream and Vanilla the Rabbit, and the people living in said house. This term was devised because the number of people that came to live in the quiet two-story cottage became so ridiculous that it may have been one of the primary reasons for the canon retcon. Nevertheless, its legacy still lives on, and its basic members will partially return on the RP's second run. The primary residents, those that never changed, were Cream, Vanilla, and Vector the Crocodile. Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat came to use the house as a living space in Sonic's World despite having their own homes in Another World. On occasion, Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow and Storm the Abatross would take advantage of Cream's kindness and stay within the home. Other various characters, such as Vector's Mama, would come and go through the house.


The cottage's location has been subject to controversy. It was originally thought to be far away in the Mystic Ruins area. However, more recent episodes suggested that it was actually located in a suburban area on the outskirts of Central City, allowing Cream, Blaze and Silver easy access to the city and all of their friends.