Clown (EntityClass, 9)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 22:01, 22 August 2010 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

Clowns were once figures of happiness, performing comedy routines for everyone. You may have seen one of these kind of Clowns before. Generally, these clowns were funny and joyful. But now, clowns are demonic beings of evil. They petrify both adults and children. Usually they masquerade behind the kind demeanor of their predecessors as described above, but then turn savage murderer or start playing sick mind games and generally act like douchebags. You can't tell the difference between the two, which is all the more disturbing. There are also clowns who are secretly pedophiles and rape lolis, prostitutes, young males, and those who desire Arle. Sometimes the other two types are called Klowns instead.

There are also some very evil clowns in Yume 2kki, who lock up and/or squash flat their budding performers. Why are clowns always so evil? o_o


All clowns have a general appearance. They usually wear white face paint and brightly colored make-up, generally around the eyes and lips. They also wear large, disastrous hair styles, usually matching the color of the make up. After that, Clowns usually wear a large scruffy collar around their necks, similar to those of ancient European queens or Cackletta. Then usually, a clown will dress in a either a large, puffy jumpsuit, or in baggy goofy overalls. These are usually either white or have numerous bright neon/colors on them. Sometimes the legs and arms of the jumpsuit/overalls and shirt even have different colors and patterns from each other, looking silly and confusing those of higher intelligence. Generally, most Clowns are male. Female clowns do exist, although since there is sexist prejudice against them in the clown world, usually most of them become assistants or become Mimes and Stand up comedians instead.


Chymo is one of the most notorious clowns in the world, mainly because he is the first (and only) pedophiliac clown. As his name may suggest, he rapes many poor children when they are vulnerable. To make things even more creepy, all of his appearances are punctuated by his very own theme song:


Other notable clowns