User:KasaneTeto (Meta, EntityTopic, 8)
From Compile Worlds
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of the need of win
Play moar level up games to do so, AK. You seriously HAVE TO!!!
She's also addicted to Final Fantasy Tactics A2 but she's not talking about it much. What's up with that?
You'll die if you do this!
Seriously! She's going to be a rabid fighter if you do this! Put her in a dark room, make her feel like she's haunted, tease her and say who you are and then after all that, reveal yourself! You'll be in the hospital when you do this! She'll REALLY beat you up out of sheer anger!
She likes...
In no particular order...
- Bananas
- Puyo Puyo
- MMORPGs (Too bad she can't play those due to procrastination or lack of money)
- Vegetables
- Her Country
- Her Computer
- Kirby
- Luigi (Seriously. Mario fails.)
- Daroach
- Final Fantasy
- Red Mages
- Waddle Dee
- Danjo
Her OCs are...
No particular order again...
- Tejina Mikuri
- Dorochu
- Nate
- Amy
- Mizubom
- Koopamy
- Gosai
- Ghost
- Ruby (A Combusken)
- Emerald (A Kirlia)
- Aria (A Clefairy)
Other Randomness that doesn't belong here
Her procrastination is a huge problem for her upcoming exams and her drawing skillz. This is the most useful reason why she's not submitting much in dA. Meanwhile, she keeps using the PC for the sake of it and she is currently addicted to Touhou and its music.