Hatena Yousei (EntityTopic, 8)

From Compile Worlds


Hatena Yousei (はてなようせい), also known as Question Fairy, is a magical girl created as a mascot for a promotional DVD from a company called Benesse.

Although she was only officially used in some edutainment material aimed at elementary school kids, she gained a pretty decent fan following with over 200 works on Pixiv. She also has some papercraft and a Japanese Uncyclopedia page. The latter rumors that she has an adventure game, but it's Uncyclopedia, so what do you expect, of course it doesn't exist, just like Shingetsutan Tsukihime Rinbokusan's title game. Isn't it sad, Hatena?

It is currently unknown whether the "Hatena" part of her name actually has anything to do with the company Hatena, which happens to have a page on her too.

External links

You derp, there are already four in the text above. Did you want me to repeat them pointlessly?