Episode 20 - Chat log

Start date: Sun Apr 24, 2011. All times are UTC.

[8:08:35] <Lagnus> So....Draco. Are you going to invite us into your...humble lodgings? We did walk all the way from some woods to get here.

[8:09:00] <Draco> Sure, though it might be a bit cramped in here...

[8:09:23] <Draco> -walks back inside-]

[8:09:33] <Lagnus> -follows her-

[8:09:57] <Draco> OOC: I know. Let's do like Minecraft players and dig into the ground for some extra space!

[8:10:22] <Ringo> -still staring at Eltia, pondering her future with the doll-

[8:10:45] <Arle Nadja> Oh, Draco! And Lagnus!

[8:10:49] <Sig> Hi Draco. Hi warrior guy. Hi Other Ringo.

[8:10:52] <Theta> Hey, long time no see, sister!

[8:11:20] <Ringo> Huh?...Oh! Hi Theta! Yeah, it's been awhile!

[8:11:53] <Lagnus> Arle~ Still making curry as usual I see.

[8:12:55] <Arle Nadja> You picked some good timing to get here; it's already done.

[8:13:47] <Draco> Ooh, let's eat, let's eat!

[8:13:50] <Lagnus> Excellent. I'd love to eat about now!

[8:15:44] <Ringo> So where have you two been?

[8:16:32] <Theta> 24 hours in the future, it seems.

[8:16:59] <Theta> So in other words, we didn't actually exist in this world for 24 hours from the explosion.

[8:17:16] <Ringo> O_O....interesting...

[8:18:42] <Sig> ...-is just quietly eating....a sandwhich-

[8:19:02] <Lagnus> I'm glad you haven't been harmed by the explosion, Arle.

[8:19:24] <Theta> Nobody was, Lagnus.

[8:19:25] <Akkie> Nobody's been harmed, for some reason.

[8:19:35] <Keiji> arg, ninja'd

[8:19:47] <Akkie> liafkcin

[8:20:33] <Lagnus> That doesn't prevent me from being any less gleeful.

[8:21:23] <Arle Nadja> (Strangely, that those sentences before sound suspiciously specific.)

[8:21:38] <Ringo> We've been up to all sorts of shenanigans ourselves.

[8:22:26] <Theta> Yeah, we kinda heard from Draco.

[8:22:47] <Theta> Guess it's been a long day, eh? Well, two days for you...

[8:23:11] <Ringo> Yeah. Espeically for me.

[8:24:28] <Arle Nadja> ... it's a long story. (Obviously.)

[8:24:46] <Sig> You haven't seen Rider...or Ms. Accord...have you?

[8:25:03] <Theta> Nope, not yet.

[8:25:16] <Sig> Oh...-goes back to his sandwhich-

[8:25:30] <Theta> Tell you what, why don't you come with me tomorrow and we'll look for them?

[8:25:55] <Sig> Okay!

[8:25:57] <Keiji> also *sandwich dangit lol

[8:26:20] <Draco> As for now... it's pretty late!

[8:27:10] <Lagnus> We should rest while we can, I can only begin to imagine what sort of adventure we'll be thrust into tommorrow.

[8:27:35] <Arle Nadja> Lots of seconds here. We skipped lunch too, didn't we?

[8:27:56] <Draco> Mhm~ -yawns and goes as far from Ringo as possible to avoid a repeat of this morning-

[8:28:48] <Ringo> Right...well then....-nervously heads to sleep, sort of anticipating another cryptic dream from Eltia again-

[8:29:07] <Keiji> [There isn't one]

[8:29:09] <Keiji> (lol)

[8:29:17] <Arle Nadja> -for the second time, ready to be the last to sleep because, just look at the plates on the table!-

[8:29:24] <Keiji> lol

[8:29:30] <Akkie> Draco has a fridge too, doesn't she?

[8:29:34] <Lagnus> -helps Arle clean up-

[8:29:34] <Keiji> of course

[8:29:59] <Lagnus> You shouldn't have to clean this dishes by yourself, Arle. -smiles-

[8:30:00] <Akkie> ... was gonna ask something related to cooking and curry, but just realized. Kumizone isn't a food database.

[8:30:16] <Chao> *These

[8:30:29] <Chao> Damn typos galore from me today XD

[8:30:31] <Arle Nadja> That's thoughtful of you, Lagnus. Thanks.

[8:30:40] <Akkie> So, you're tired?

[8:30:44] <Waterchan> hey guys...I thought of a way how Luvis can mysteriously appear, he's a forgiener that got kicked out of his own country for having to many damn restraining orders

[8:30:49] <Chao> No.

[8:30:58] <Keiji> REJECTED

[8:31:02] <Keiji> lol that was fast

[8:31:07] <Chao> ...NO TO AKKI

[8:31:11] <Keiji> I know that

[8:31:11] <Chao> NOT TO WATER LOL

[8:31:14] <Keiji> I was fucking with you :P

[8:31:31] <Chao> lol

[8:31:44] <Keiji> Oh god

[8:31:48] <Keiji> I just realized

[8:31:50] <Lagnus> Mhm.

[8:31:52] <Waterchan> lol I knew chao, so how is that anyway?

[8:31:55] <Akkie> Sorry 'bout that,

[8:31:56] <Keiji> Luvis is going to be another Incubus isn't here?

[8:31:58] <Keiji> *he

[8:32:07] <Waterchan> in spirit, yes

[8:32:38] <Waterchan> he's the love-child of incubus and Sukedoura

[8:32:53] <Waterchan> or how ever you spell his name

[8:33:11] <Lagnus> -yawn- It's late. Now we sleep -situations his sleeping arrangements near Arle's lol-

[8:33:16] <Akkie> Suketoudara. Or "What the hell is THAT thing".

[8:33:17] <Keiji> *Suketoudara

[8:33:21] <Keiji> I had to look it up, wtf o_O

[8:33:36] <Waterchan> ythanks

[8:33:38] <Waterchan> *THANKS

[8:33:48] <Akkie> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/fsc/usujiri/shasinnkan/suketoudara/suketoudara1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/fsc/usujiri/shasinnkan/suketoudara/suketoudara.html&usg=__Z7Kbiq6GEqxI6-Ah_hQ6qOleFNI=&h=448&w=600&sz=26&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=15SNn7HP4uoILM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=176&ei=Z-CzTYWnM4bMuAPvy62HBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsuketoudara%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D799%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:23,s:0&tx=100&ty=54

[8:33:57] <Theta> -goes to sleep betwee Ringo and Sig-

[8:34:10] <Sig> -snore-

[8:35:02] <Chao> Time skip to morning since there's no strange dream sequences to be had?

[8:35:52] <Keiji> Sure.

[8:36:05] <Keiji> Eltia's got no reason to give Ringo another dream tonight.

[8:36:10] <Chao> [THE NEXT DAY...]

[8:36:22] <Waterchan> god, I'm so tempted to have Luvis appear when one of the girls is taking a bath in a lake or somethin'

[8:36:39] <Keiji> Seriri would not be amused

[8:36:44] <Chao> LOL

[8:37:24] <Waterchan> no, no she will not

[8:37:44] <Waterchan> I don't think ANY woman is amused by Luvis

[8:37:55] <Sig> -yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, streeeeeeeeeeeetch- ...good morning. -wanders into the kitchen to make his now routine toast-

[8:38:00] <Akkie> There's a waterway somewhere in Draco's hut.

[8:38:21] <Waterchan> if someone is gonna bathe in it, Luvis can spy on her (quite poorly)

[8:38:26] <Akkie> It's been forgotten because Mikki's nowhere near there to remind them that it exists.

[8:38:49] <Akkie> It's just for Seriri, though. OK... BACK TO ADVENTURE!

[8:40:06] <Waterchan> FFF damnit

[8:40:10] <Keiji> naw

[8:40:20] <Keiji> that kinda dried out and got filled in when the hut exploded

[8:40:27] <Keiji> so it doesn't exist anymore

[8:41:11] <Lagnus> Nmf....-stretches, sits up, and looks to see Arle has already gotten up before him, he then looks out the window- Such a peaceful place to sleep. I'm almost envious it doesn't belong to me.

[8:41:20] <Theta> -wakes up- Morning, sister~

[8:42:01] <Ringo> -wakes up- Morning~ No strange dreams last night, so that's good. (And no Draco either...)

[8:42:23] <Arle Nadja> -heating some of the leftover curry-

[8:43:19] <Sig> Do you always eat curry Arle? -as he's making his toast-

[8:44:13] <Akkie> It's the only thing available right now, so...

[8:44:56] <Akkie> It's that fail again.

[8:45:39] <Draco> [Of course, Draco is oversleeping again.]

[8:46:10] <Lagnus> -makes his way to the Kitchen- Good morning Arle.

[8:46:12] <Waterchan> woah, Draco's hut's ont he beach?..

[8:46:18] <Keiji> ...yes?

[8:46:23] <Keiji> Chao, show her that map you made last night

[8:46:32] <Waterchan> PERFECT, Luvis can be on a raft

[8:46:34] <Keiji> or whatever time it was, it was night for me

[8:47:02] <Waterchan> in his heart-print boxers

[8:47:04] <Chao> http://www.iaza.com/work/110424C/iaza13117579956100.png

[8:47:12] <Arle Nadja> Oh, good morning, Lagnus!

[8:47:52] <Keiji> Except the Wastelands/Water Temple should be in the bottom right

[8:48:13] <Keiji> Which is a bit different to how the RP went but we're retconning a couple of directions for convenience

[8:48:20] <Keiji> Other than that, it's accurate

[8:48:25] <Waterchan> kay

[8:48:30] <Akkie> -distracted by Rider's kawaii[sic] house-

[8:48:38] <Ringo> -wanders to Draco- Uh Draco...it's time to wake up again...

[8:48:47] <Keiji> Also, didn't Rider's house explode?

[8:49:01] <Keiji> no thanks to Accord?

[8:49:18] <Waterchan> poor Rider

[8:49:20] <Chao> No. Rider's house was hijacked by Accord, preventing her from staying in it until Accord switched sides

[8:49:24] <Keiji> Oh, okay

[8:49:34] <Waterchan> still, that must of been inconvient

[8:50:14] <Ringo> ...Don't make me levitate you and drop you on the floor again. -playful grin-

[8:50:30] <Draco> zzzzzzzz... [as Ringo leans over her she pulls Ringo into a hug]

[8:50:57] <Ringo> nnnnmph! Not again!!

[8:51:59] <Draco> -smiles in her sleep-... UTAU hair~

[8:52:00] <Sig> I wonder where we'll fly today....

[8:52:12] <Theta> ...I thought you were coming with me today, Sig?

[8:52:18] <Theta> We're walking.

[8:52:23] <Sig> Alright.

[8:53:03] <Ringo> Someone's assistance would be GREATLY appreciated...

[8:53:29] <Draco> -opens her eyes- Oh, hi Ringo!

[8:53:42] <Ringo> Hi Draco.

[8:53:50] <Akkie> A map in Draco's house sounds nice, too.

[8:53:55] <Draco> Aww, came to give me a wake up hug?

[8:54:10] <Ringo> ...you hugged ME.

[8:54:19] <Ringo> Not the other way around XD

[8:54:31] <Draco> You know you like it though~

[8:54:43] <Ringo> Well yeah...hugs are cool.

[8:54:55] <Draco> Told ya so~ -squeeeze-

[8:55:03] <Ringo> ANYWAY, we should plan out where we're going next!

[8:55:15] <Theta> ...Uhm, yeah. Sig and I will just be off now...

[8:55:25] <Theta> -leads Sig out the hut-

[8:55:31] <Sig> -follows-

[8:55:47] <Draco> Hey, what's the russsssssssh

[8:56:28] <Ringo> ...That was weird....So...how about we investigate the Magic School area to start?

[8:56:49] <Draco> Naw.

[8:57:04] <Draco> We should go back to that portal. I'm curious what's in there.

[8:57:08] <Draco> -stands up and lets go of Ringo-

[8:57:23] <Ringo> Wh-wha???....

[8:57:29] <Arle Nadja> So... any intention to start with breakfast this time?

[8:57:30] <Draco> You scared?

[8:57:54] <Draco> (Breakfast's not my thing, Arle =p)

[8:58:11] <Draco> (Who has curry for breakfast, anyway?)

[8:58:32] <Ringo> Well...erm...no, not particularly...but...that place is just.....I don't think we should be snooping around that weirdo's world and getting into more trouble.

[8:58:59] <Lagnus> I'll share some curry with you Arle...as unorthadox as it is.

[8:59:37] <Draco> ...No, we should really be going there to take care of that mysterious dude who declared war on us.

[9:00:13] <Keiji> Also, they're not heading to the Magic School because Theta and Sig will be going there whenever we RP their events

[9:00:22] <Ringo> ....Ooooooooookay. If you insist. Don't blame me if you think you've gone out of your vector later.

[9:00:31] <Keiji> (And Rider's house and that general area.)

[9:00:49] <Lagnus> I take it this portal leads to wherever this Dark Mage's residence is?

[9:01:07] <Draco> Yes, and if we want to find some answers, that's where we have to go.

[9:01:08] <Arle Nadja> Yes, it does.

[9:01:47] <Lagnus> No major harm shall come to you in my presence, if he tries anything.

[9:01:51] <Draco> -stretches and walks outside for some fresh air-

[9:02:02] <Keiji> Cue Luvis, if you want. =p

[9:02:33] <Keiji> (Does Waterchan know how to use the characters thing?)

[9:02:50] <Chao> (I instructed her on how to use it yes)

[9:03:31] <Luvis> -out on a raft, with a flag sticking out with the word "HELP!" in big bold...PINK letters with a huddled up Luvis on it-

[9:03:35] <Luvis> (YES)

[9:04:11] <Arle Nadja> -finished last helpings of curry-on-toast-

[9:04:17] <Draco> ...Huh, the hell? I think I see someone out there.

[9:04:27] <Draco> -flies over to take a closer look-

[9:04:58] <Luvis> -drooling on the raft, out cold-

[9:05:21] <Draco> Hmm, seems like he's unconscious...

[9:05:34] <Draco> Well, I guess I'd better bring him to the shore, at least...

[9:05:45] <Draco> -picks up Luvis and carries him back to the beach-

[9:06:12] <Luvis> -groans-

[9:06:52] <Ringo> -Looks out the window and sees Draco dragging Luvis to shore- (...what the factor?!) ...I think I'm gonna go outside too...

[9:07:29] <Waterchan> damnit, ringo's math exclamations are making me giggle

[9:07:30] <Keiji> She's not dragging him, she's carrying him while flying

[9:08:02] <Draco> -lands and lays him down on the beach- Oh, hey Ringo. Found this dude out on a raft. No idea who he is, though.

[9:08:31] <Luvis> -foot twitch-

[9:08:32] <Ringo> ...Neither do I. And from the looks of it he's stuck in the 70s.

[9:08:40] <Arle Nadja> -also looks out window and follows Ringo suit-

[9:09:02] <Lagnus> H-hey! DONT LEAVE ME ;a; -follows Arle rapidly-

[9:09:06] <Draco> ...Okay, shall we just leave this guy here and head for that portal?

[9:09:46] <Ringo> Uuuuuuuuh....Yeah. I don't really see the point in waking him up other than an exponential delay.

[9:10:12] <Arle Nadja> Well, let's get him inside and hope nothing weird happens when everyone's gone.

[9:10:34] <Draco> ...Leave this guy inside my hut?

[9:10:37] <Luvis> -nose twitch and groans, getting onto his knees into a kneeling position- I ...smell...beautiful ladies

[9:10:46] <Draco> Are you ... wait, I think he said something

[9:11:12] <Lagnus> -draws his sword catiously....-

[9:11:19] <Draco> Hey, you awake yet?

[9:12:19] <Luvis> -opens his eyes and looks up at Draco- ....pinch me I must be dreaming! -hops back up and grabs Draco's hand, giving it a kiss- I am Luvis! and I have searched far and wide for someone of your beauty!!

[9:12:55] <Arle Nadja> (Inaudible) ... on second thought...

[9:13:00] <Draco> ...Well, I'm flattered, but I don't swing that way...

[9:13:08] <Draco> -takes her hand back-

[9:13:38] <Luvis> Luvis: .....-REJECTED- of course...I must be in puyo hell then... -tears up-

[9:14:05] <Draco> Puyo hell? Who uses that term other than Satan?

[9:14:11] <Waterchan> sorry about the "Luvis:" old habits

[9:14:29] <Lagnus> Apparently this crazed man and his spherical hair.

[9:14:56] <Luvis> -turns his attention to Lagnus- this is an afro...

[9:15:20] <Draco> ...A blonde afro?

[9:15:31] <Draco> That's just silly

[9:15:43] <Akkie> Why did I think that anime.

[9:15:58] <Akkie> Its title consists of one syllable repeated seven times.

[9:16:04] <Ringo> -looks at Luvis- I think you need a make over.

[9:16:09] <Keiji> OH GOD BOBOBO

[9:16:12] <Keiji> THAT IS AWESOME

[9:16:30] <Draco> Don't waste your effort, Ringo.

[9:16:35] <Arle Nadja> (Yeah, and pink hair's totally impossible, too.)

[9:16:39] <Draco> Come on, let's go to that portal already

[9:16:46] <Ringo> Yeah....

[9:16:48] <Luvis> Do you expect me to dye so much hair pink?! that's ob-looks at Ringo- are.....you perhaps..on the same "team" as your friend here?

[9:16:54] <Draco> Maybe we could chuck him in as bait.

[9:17:06] <Waterchan> DOITDRACO

[9:17:20] <Ringo> -evil grin- Yess......-mischevious laughter-

[9:17:27] <Arle Nadja> That sounds sadistic, Draco...

[9:18:13] <Arle Nadja> Then again...

[9:18:27] <Luvis> What?! please no! I'm a lover! not a fighter!!

[9:18:49] <Ringo> -holds out a rope-

[9:19:12] <Luvis> And besides! I'm not into "THAT" sorta thing! please!

[9:19:22] <Draco> ...Ahahaha, Ringo, I never knew you were into that.

[9:19:37] <Ringo> What? I'm just tying him up.

[9:19:40] <Arle Nadja> Lover or fighter, if you go too far...

[9:19:44] <Draco> Precisely.

[9:20:09] <Ringo> We cant use him as bait if he runs away.

[9:20:18] <Luvis> I promise you! I would never harm a woman! physically

[9:20:55] <Draco> Right, now, let's go.

[9:21:28] <Lagnus> I concur. We've wasted enough time talking to this confusing person.

[9:21:47] <Ringo> -starts walking back to the city to the portal-

[9:22:10] <Arle Nadja> -ahem, follows suit-

[9:22:52] <Luvis> .....H-hey! I can't let a beautiful ladies go unescorted! -runs after them, if this is okay?..-

[9:24:15] <Arle Nadja> One escort is enough. Know your role.

[9:24:30] <Keiji> It's "Know your place"

[9:25:08] <Luvis> My place is to be by my love's side! and I need to know who my special someone is!~

[9:25:44] <Akkie> I guess I listen to too many Hyadain translations like that?

[9:26:00] <Draco> Well, it's none of us, so go look somewhere else.

[9:26:12] <Keiji> They say you learn a new thing every day.

[9:26:42] <Luvis> H-how can you be so cruel to a broken man?! -oh dear, here come the water works-

[9:27:23] <Ringo> Oh brother. -rolls her eyes- (At least the portal is only a short distance away now-

[9:27:59] <Luvis> Please! I'm homeless! -teared up sparkley desu eyes-

[9:28:46] <Arle Nadja> What say you, leader? -at Draco-

[9:29:25] <Draco> ...Yeah, let's throw him in there.

[9:29:39] <Luvis> ...-did not like the sound of that-

[9:29:49] <Draco> -walks towards the portal-

[9:30:13] <Luvis> W-what did you mean by that?! -jogs after-

[9:30:32] <Draco> http://kumizone.org/dl/4P430DTJFD6KM0QYQ7D7W8R62D.png <-- in case Water hasn't seen what the other side of the portal looks like, it's like that, just less blocky and without the HUG

[9:30:33] <Draco> *HUD

[9:30:36] <Keiji> nickfail

[9:31:14] <Akkie> Fail-combo breaker.

[9:31:20] <Ringo> What do you THINK she meant?

[9:31:39] <Luvis> ......ummm to the lions?..

[9:31:57] <Draco> -grabs Luvis by the rope Ringo tied round him and walks through the portal-

[9:32:32] <Luvis> guh! have mercy! -faceplants on the other side, poor bastard-

[9:33:09] <Lagnus> -follows Draco-

[9:33:15] <Ringo> -same-

[9:33:34] <Keiji> (Draco didn't let go of him yet.)

[9:33:46] <Akkie> -ditto-

[9:33:48] <Chao> (....lol)

[9:33:53] <Waterchan> whoop, sorry, forget that faceplant thing

[9:33:59] <Arle Nadja> -ditto- (Nickfail)

[9:35:23] <Draco> [And everyone is assembled on the ledge on the other side of the portal]

[9:35:33] <Waterchan> -NOW he faceplants-

[9:35:34] <Ringo> And now we're back...

[9:35:39] <Keiji> ...

[9:35:40] <Keiji> wait, what

[9:35:59] <Waterchan> Luvis is that much of a dork he faceplanted on the otherside

[9:36:02] <Keiji> Draco still didn't let go of him, I was waiting for him to be all OMG WHAT IS THIS PLACE

[9:36:23] <Waterchan> gee! sorry

[9:36:29] <Waterchan> I'm stupid ;A;

[9:36:34] <Keiji> o.o;;

[9:36:41] <Keiji> No you're not ^^

[9:36:48] <Waterchan> bollacks I am

[9:36:52] <Waterchan> I'm just a drawing fool

[9:36:57] <Keiji> lol

[9:37:08] <Keiji> Anyway, let's get back to the RP ^^

[9:37:25] <Waterchan> yeah

[9:37:27] <Akkie> Everyone's ditzy in one way or the other. NOW BACK TO ADVENTURE.

[9:37:33] <Lagnus> This is most definetely the home of a Dark Mage....if not several Dark Mages.

[9:38:03] <Luvis> -pulls his face out of the ground and his eyes widen- W-what is this horrible place?...

[9:38:12] <Draco> Or a whole freakin nation of them.

[9:38:16] <Arle Nadja> We met a few minions so...

[9:39:23] <Luvis> --franticlly looking around and taking in the new environment-

[9:39:39] <Ringo> I bet what's his face will show up to "greet" us any minute now. :/

[9:39:58] <Draco> Or he won't, and I'll look like an idiot for not asking his name.

[9:40:11] <Luvis> WHO!?

[9:40:24] <Draco> That's what I want to know.

[9:40:47] <Ringo> ...you came here to ask him his name???

[9:40:55] <Luvis> -gets up off the ground and dusts his outfit off and whimpers- ..it's going to take ages to get the stains out..

[9:40:57] <Draco> No. I should have asked his name before.

[9:41:14] <Arle Nadja> To confront him about this "war", more like.

[9:41:23] <Lagnus> War...?

[9:41:52] <Arle Nadja> He declares war on the Anti-Dark Mage Alliance for... "racism", Lagnus.

[9:42:21] <Lagnus> We're at war with another world?...The magnitude of this situation is becoming increasingly larger with every passing minute!

[9:43:46] <Ringo> Aaaaaaaanyway....

[9:44:02] <Ringo> Are we just gonna stand here, or are we going in deeper....?

[9:44:11] <Luvis> I vote on going back!

[9:44:27] <Draco> ...I guess we've no choice to press on, but watch your step, there are pits everywhere.

[9:44:36] <Arle Nadja> -casually ignore Luvis-

[9:44:55] <Luvis> what about going back and enjoying hot chocolate?! why is that never a choice?!

[9:45:37] <Lagnus> Because there's no time for that. -begins to take his first steps through the dark world, avoiding the pits-

[9:45:51] <Draco> Shut up or I'll let Ringo take out her sadistic pleasures on you.

[9:46:06] <Luvis> ...yes Ma'am..

[9:47:07] <Waterchan> sorry to question, but I'm nervious, is Luvis alright?..entertaining?

[9:47:31] <Ringo> -sigh....remembers she's carrying Eltia with her- Oh right...I keep forgetting about that curse...

[9:47:45] <Keiji> Well, I suppose he works as a punchbag :P

[9:47:47] <Keiji> lol

[9:47:58] <Waterchan> I don't mind if he is

[9:48:01] <Keiji> I wouldn't worry about it

[9:48:03] <Keiji> ^^

[9:48:12] <Akkie> Teheheh...

[9:48:13] <Waterchan> saving the world is stressful, they need a punching bag

[9:48:17] <Keiji> yup

[9:48:26] <Waterchan> see luvis? you are useful

[9:48:36] <Keiji> (Awwwwwwwwwwww~)

[9:48:54] <Keiji> (also brb mining lapis lazuli -shot-)

[9:49:10] <Ringo> -looks at Eltia, whispers to her- It must feel good to be home...

[9:49:48] <Lagnus> -Stays near Arle to protect her-

[9:49:49] <Akkie> -seizes some opportunity to read more of Through the Looking-Glass (And What Alice Saw There)-

[9:50:25] <Draco> -is slowly flying through the caves to not have to bother watching her steps-

[9:50:38] <Draco> ...There really doesn't seem to be anyone here, though, does ther?

[9:50:49] <Draco> It's a big place, though...

[9:51:00] <Luvis> is that a problem? that's a good thing isn't it?

[9:51:29] <Ringo> It's a problem if you're looking for signs of intelligent life.

[9:51:33] <Arle Nadja> ... you know what they say, though. "Nothing is scarier"... -still has some courage in her-

[9:51:53] <Luvis> well, how about we repopulate then? hmm?..

[9:52:15] <Draco> ...You're entirely missing the point.

[9:52:18] <Lagnus> -puts a hand on Arle's shoulder- and even in scary times, you shall be safe.

[9:52:45] <Luvis> ..what point?

[9:53:26] <Draco> -ignoring his obvious unwanted meaning- We're not trying to fill this place with people, we're trying to find the people who are already here, but apparently hiding.

[9:53:28] <Arle Nadja> ... we came here not to have lots of fun but to look for someone.

[9:53:39] <Keiji> lol

[9:53:45] <Keiji> was that a reference to the old word censor

[9:53:52] <Keiji> [Lots Of Fun]

[9:54:03] <Chao> [Happy Minute]

[9:54:09] <Keiji> OH GOD XD

[9:54:15] <Luvis> Oh?.....who then?

[9:54:17] <Keiji> that's so hilarious, I almost want it back

[9:54:22] <Akkie> OTL

[9:54:23] <Akkie> OTL

[9:54:36] <Keiji> too bad we're leaving Water out of the lupis err I mean loop here

[9:55:02] <Chao> lol

[9:55:03] <Waterchan> no worries, I'm playing Puyo hwew

[9:55:08] <Waterchan> *ere

[9:55:19] <Keiji> Playing Puyo while RPing? O_o

[9:55:26] <Waterchan> ..yes

[9:55:27] <Arle Nadja> OOC: DO YOU UNDERSTAAAND!?


[9:55:41] <Keiji> sure sounds like it

[9:55:55] <Waterchan> Chibi gives me a few seconds to type something

[9:55:58] <Akkie> So, you're not the White Queen? -reading Through the Looking-Glass-

[9:56:09] <Waterchan> ...I am pretty white haha

[9:56:25] <Draco> Well, I suppose there's one obvious place to look... that big pillar of water in the middle...

[9:56:51] <Luvis> ...are we looking for a mermaid...or merMAN

[9:56:58] <Waterchan> -shot to hell-

[9:57:54] <Ringo> Well, let's make our way to that pillar then!

[9:58:00] <Draco> ...Naw, Seriri's not here...

[9:58:16] <Lagnus> They can't be too far from the fresh water source.

[9:58:28] <Akkie> Who here has an idea what Bayoen can do?

[9:59:06] <Luvis> THERE IS A MERMAID?!

[9:59:30] <Ringo> She's not your type. Dont even bother.

[9:59:42] <Luvis> ..how do you reckon?

[9:59:49] <Draco> Nobody's his type.

[10:00:00] <Ringo> 1 + 1 does NOT equal 3.

[10:00:28] <Luvis> it's 2 isn't it?...

[10:00:55] <Ringo> Neermind. Math and Sex dont work as a joke apparently. -_-;

[10:00:59] <Draco> Anyway... let's check this thing out.

[10:01:11] <Draco> -flies to the bottom of the water column-

[10:01:30] <Luvis> "I'll like to see you in acute angle" would of been better

[10:01:56] <Arle Nadja> (It's the other way around, wasn't it? -temporary ponderings on pasts lol yay-)

[10:02:59] <Ringo> ....-ignores Luvis and follows Draco, levitating as necessary-

[10:03:35] <Nondescript Minion> [is taking a shower in the water column...]

[10:03:44] <Draco> ..........Well, I didn't need to see that.

[10:04:48] <Arle Nadja> ... you saw something, Draco? Or something that should be unseen?

[10:04:54] <Ringo> Oh! My eyes! -looks to Draco to avoid looking at the minion-

[10:05:12] <Lagnus> ...have these men no modest or shame???

[10:05:20] <Lagnus> *modesty

[10:05:32] <Draco> Shame. If it was a female, we could have left that spherehead here.

[10:06:08] <Ringo> Indeed.

[10:06:17] <Luvis> Hey!

[10:06:40] <Draco> -turns back to the minion but looking up to the sky to avoid him- Oy, stupid. Where's your boss?

[10:07:53] <Ringo> Yeah. Where IS what's his face anyhow? His minion is right here...

[10:08:32] <Keiji> [He gives some directions which we don't need to know OU]

[10:08:56] <Draco> Right, let's not stick around here any longer.

[10:09:06] <Ringo> Agreed!

[10:09:21] <Draco> -starts following the directions to see if she can find someone... who has some clothes on-

[10:09:35] <Arle Nadja> -follows suit-

[10:09:51] <Lagnus> -follows, once again staying close to Arle for her safety-

[10:10:32] <Luvis> -just being a sheep and following Draco-

[10:10:34] <Draco> Hey, look, a door. And in a building. That kinda stands out from this rocky terrain everywhere.

[10:10:45] <Draco> Bet there'll be someone in here.

[10:11:17] <Ringo> Probably the one we're looking for, to boot. Formula Solved!

[10:11:32] <Arle Nadja> And strangely, no minions HERE.

[10:11:34] <Draco> -opens the door and looks around inside-

[10:13:28] <Draco> Hmm, a library..? Well, there's someone over there...

[10:13:32] <Luvis> -staying in the back, like the coward he is-

[10:13:43] <Ringo> Let's go confront them.

[10:14:07] <Lagnus> Be careful Arle, we've spotted someone.

[10:14:24] <Draco> -sigh- He's not the guy. But let's talk to him anyway.

[10:14:34] <Arle Nadja> Back to you... -follow-

[10:14:36] <Librarian> -looks up from his desk-

[10:14:39] <Luvis> do you think a peace offering would be wise?...

[10:15:30] <Ringo> Excuse us, but we're looking for someone about ne high and has white hair. You know him>

[10:17:00] <Librarian> Oh my, you mean the Lord Marcus?

[10:17:31] <Ringo> ....Lord Marcus? -looks to Draco- Yeah, I guess that's him.

[10:17:38] <Draco> (to Luvis) ...You know, he hasn't really done anything yet. Apart from blow up the freakin HQ and curse Ringo.

[10:18:19] <Luvis> ...CURSE A LOVELY LADY?! HOW DARE HE!

[10:18:27] <Draco> -turns back to Ringo- Marcus, huh?

[10:18:38] <Draco> Well, I guess we found out his name after all. At least if that's him.

[10:18:44] <Arle Nadja> (Not to mention declaring war.)

[10:19:07] <Lagnus> -to Luvis- Keep your voice down, idiot. We ARE in a library.

[10:19:18] <Librarian> So, what business do you have with the Lord?

[10:19:21] <Keiji> holy crap

[10:19:27] <Keiji> I just read that to myself

[10:19:28] <Keiji> and read

[10:19:31] <Keiji> lu-brary

[10:19:32] <Keiji> fail

[10:19:47] <Luvis> -frowns at Lagnus-

[10:20:00] <Ringo> We just need to talk to him and get some answers, right Draco?

[10:20:07] <Ringo> Or was there something more...?

[10:20:14] <Draco> Yeah, that's what we came here for.

[10:20:27] <Draco> (And to kill him, but I'm not gonna say that in front of this guy.)

[10:20:27] <Arle Nadja> Assuming he'll answer immediately...

[10:21:10] <Librarian> Well, it's not easy to get hold of him, you know.

[10:21:49] <Librarian> being a Lord, you can't just waltz up to him...

[10:21:52] <Ringo> We've come to learn that ourselves.

[10:22:41] <Lagnus> So how might we arrange to meet him? Given he is of such high status.

[10:23:33] <Librarian> He has already contacted you once, you say?

[10:23:42] <Librarian> Then I am sure he will find you again.

[10:24:46] <Ringo> -looks to Draco- ....Well, I guess I wasn't wrong the first time...but he still hasn't shown up yet...

[10:25:04] <Draco> ...We come all this way for nothing?

[10:25:31] <Luvis> I did say we should go back and have hot chocolate...

[10:25:50] <Draco> I say we kill this guy first, that'll probably draw "Marky" out.

[10:26:04] <Lagnus> ....

[10:26:29] <Luvis> isn't that a bit...drastic?

[10:26:34] <Arle Nadja> Or at least beat him half to death?

[10:27:01] <Draco> It's no loss, everyone who lives in this world is a damn Dark Mage anyways.

[10:27:16] <Ringo> !!

[10:27:20] <Keiji> (Well, MAE, but whatever)

[10:27:26] <Keiji> *MEA

[10:27:58] <Ringo> Draco, you realize that harming this person is only going to make it harder to get the answers and walk away peacefully right?

[10:28:02] <Luvis> ...that seems...uneathical? who's to say I'm not a dark mage? (he isn't don't worry)

[10:28:14] <Akkie> Huh?

[10:28:20] <Draco> I didn't say you lived in this world.

[10:28:40] <Draco> And Ringo... as I said, I'm sure it'd draw him out.

[10:28:56] <Librarian> ...Are you quite done pretending I can't hear you yet?

[10:29:05] <Ringo> ....-sigh- Whatever.

[10:29:40] <Draco> ...So what if you heard me. Doesn't change anything.

[10:30:13] <Lagnus> -gets on guard incase Arle becomes a target, but doesn't appear to be completely battle ready- Watch out Arle...this is going to get a bit messy.

[10:30:52] <Ringo> (Sorry Eltia. I tried. :/)

[10:31:51] <Arle Nadja> (Not that I feel like contributing until provoked...)

[10:32:23] <Librarian> -stands up and pulls out his Shadow Cannon(TM) from under the desk, hoisting it onto his shoulder, aiming at Draco and pulling the trigger. A black wind shoots out and hits Draco, along with the nearby Ringo and Luvis, tearing at their skin.-

[10:32:42] <Keiji> Yes, we only know the weapon's name OU.

[10:33:11] <Ringo> Nnnngh!

[10:34:47] <Draco> -can feel the wind trying to knock her down, but stubbornly stays standing, taking more damage.-

[10:35:31] <Luvis> OW! -goes to scrabble behind some protection- WHY ME?!

[10:35:44] <Lagnus> !! I've never seen such a weapon before....nevertheless...-casts a protective barrier over Arle and himself first, then one for Ringo and Draco-

[10:36:08] <Keiji> [The wind tears straight through the barrier and continues assaulting Draco and co.]

[10:36:33] <Lagnus> Wh-what! Impossible! Arle! Get back!

[10:36:43] <Luvis> -behind a pillar or a bookcase, anything really-

[10:36:44] <Keiji> [Arle's nowhere near the line of fire anyway.]

[10:37:14] <Ringo> Auuuuugh!....It's tearing at me!....-standing, debating still on weather to get out of the way-

[10:37:27] <Akkie> What do you think will happen if the guy's attacked mid-fire?

[10:37:37] <Draco> ...Move, Ringo...

[10:37:45] <Keiji> Try it and see?

[10:37:49] <Lagnus> (Dark magic of such a caliber it can shatter even a light barrier?!...how)

[10:38:42] <Luvis> -cower cower-

[10:38:43] <Ringo> Okay....! -runs out of the line of fire, and turns to watch Draco-

[10:40:02] <Draco> -blocks the wind as best she can and breathes fire to fight it-

[10:40:29] <Luvis> (What have I gotten myself into?...)

[10:41:05] <Lagnus> (Draco is suffering out there...if I do nothing she'll surely take great damage standing there...) -to Arle, softly- Arle, use Diacute to raise our magical power so we can help Draco defend herself.

[10:41:09] <Keiji> [The fire is pushed back by the wind, but that doesn't stop it igniting the wooden desks and bookcases around]

[10:41:40] <Ringo> Aaaaaah! The Library is being set on fire!

[10:42:44] <Arle Nadja> -casts Diacute at Draco- (Diacute's buffing magic, isn't it?)

[10:42:54] <Luvis> GAH! -runs from the burning bookcase- WHY ATTACK ME!?

[10:43:04] <Keiji> [Draco is not a magic user, so Diacute does nothing]

[10:43:21] <Chao> (Yeah, and Lagnus meant more along the lines of himself, Ringo and Arle)

[10:43:23] <Librarian> -continues his onslaught in the midst of the fires-

[10:44:01] <Ringo> This is probably stupid but....-grabs one of the flaming books and tosses it at the Librarian-

[10:44:45] <Arle Nadja> -prepared to Fire-

[10:45:09] <Luvis> -goes to hide behind something that ISNT burning, yeah he's totally not a fighter-

[10:45:51] <Librarian> -the flaming book ignites the Shadow Cannon. Now it shoots flaming black wind-

[10:46:04] <Ringo> ...SON OF A DIGIT!

[10:46:08] <Waterchan> NICE JOB BREAKING IT HERO

[10:46:20] <Draco> -can't take any more and falls back to the ground-

[10:46:48] <Arle Nadja> Draco!

[10:46:56] <Draco> -is unconscious-

[10:47:21] <Lagnus> Draco!!....Rrrgh!! -mumbles something under his breath- LIGHT ARROWS!!

[10:47:27] <Arle Nadja> ... Brain DAMUDO (Or whatever it's supposed to translate to.)

[10:47:52] <Chao> [An onslaught of Light Arrows appear flying at high velocities towards the Librarian-

[10:48:08] <Luvis> -quickly surves the area and jogs out to retrive Draco, FINALLY, YOU ARE TRULY USEFUL-

[10:48:52] <Keiji> (I'll pretend that line waits until there is no longer a huge fucking beam of firey black wind over her)

[10:49:27] <Librarian> [The Arrayows Arrows pierce him and he falls to the ground, the cannon shutting off]

[10:49:35] <Akkie> [whatever Brain Dumbed is supposed to look like when cast...]

[10:50:01] <Lagnus> Hmph!

[10:50:47] <Luvis> -grabs Draco under her arms and drags her to his hiding spot-

[10:50:48] <Ringo> Draco! -rushes over to- Oh man! I totally miscalculated that move I made!

[10:51:00] <Waterchan> derrrppp sorry

[10:51:02] <Keiji> ...and whose action goes through?

[10:51:02] <Keiji> :P

[10:51:20] <Keiji> Luvis' line was first...

[10:51:35] <Waterchan> sorry?...

[10:51:45] <Chao> How about Luvis drags Draco and Ringo follows

[10:51:47] <Chao> :P

[10:51:55] <Waterchan> I kinda assume that

[10:51:59] <Waterchan> *assumed

[10:52:06] <Akkie> Like I said, whatever Brain Dumbed is supposed to look like... I know it's something like confusion, judging from the name.

[10:53:29] <Lagnus> -letting his adrenaline die down a bit, he makes a brb gesture to Arle, and he runs over to Ringo, Draco, and Luvis- Are you quite alright?

[10:53:51] <Ringo> Draco's unconcious! Of course she's not alright!

[10:53:55] <Draco> [is unconscious]

[10:54:05] <Luvis> I am -what the redhead said

[10:55:07] <Arle Nadja> Too much has already happened... (Quality wise, but still.)

[10:55:24] <Draco> [Her skin and clothes are torn and scorched everywhere.]

[10:55:25] <Lagnus> ...I can heal her wounds, but I don't know if that will force her out of her unconsciousness. Healing! -He raises his sword, a light rain shower above the three occurs, and then ends as the waters slowly heal the wounds-

[10:55:45] <Luvis> -ammazzeeeddddd-

[10:56:08] <Draco> [Her skin heals, but nothing else happens.]

[10:56:31] <Luvis> Luvis: -heals whatever wounds he got-

[10:56:32] <Ringo> ...Oh man. I am so out of my vector right now...!!

[10:56:42] <Luvis> ..excuse me?

[10:57:12] <Keiji> [The library's still burning.]

[10:57:46] <Lagnus> Regardless, it's not safe here! We need to evacuate and get Draco to safety!

[10:58:12] <Luvis> Then grab her and let's get outta here!

[10:58:21] <Akkie> Arle can Ice Storm the fire away. NOBODY knows if it's water.

[10:59:43] <Lagnus> -lifts Draco and carries her away from the burning building, signaling the others to follow after him-

[11:00:13] <Luvis> -follows him-

[11:00:49] <Akkie> -ditto, with Ringo-

[11:00:58] <Arle Nadja> -ditto, with Ringo-

[11:01:05] <Ringo> -Also follows, Levitating Lagnus over any pits or large jumps if necessary to keep him moving towards the portal-

[11:02:04] <Chao> [The gang finally reaches the portal]

[11:02:38] <Arle Nadja> I guess we should focus on looking for others at this point...

[11:03:33] <Chao> (...assuming they went in and brought Draco back to her hut)

[11:04:22] <Akkie> No mention of Eltia in a while.

[11:04:22] <Ringo> Oh god...son of a digit. Draco...please be alright...

[11:05:13] <Luvis> I hope she is to

[11:05:49] <Keiji> Akkie, why would there be any mention of her?

[11:05:53] <Keiji> =p

[11:06:13] <Lagnus> There is little we can do for her now...other than if we can find a person who specilaizes in healing magic. Even then, there is little.

[11:06:25] <Akkie> ... Ringo -> Summon Eltia

[11:06:42] <Keiji> > implying she needs to

[11:07:08] <Chao> dont confuse me lol

[11:07:34] <Keiji> I thought she might summon in that battle scene, but she didn't need to

[11:07:41] <Arle Nadja> The only other person we know with that is nowhere to be found, as are the others.

[11:07:44] <Keiji> So, it shall have to wait til a more epic battle

[11:08:48] <Luvis> who are you talking about?

[11:09:02] <Lagnus> Yes....all we can do is keep Draco safe...

[11:09:11] <Arle Nadja> -ignore- Knowing Draco, though... I know she'll be OK. But even for a dragon-lady...

[11:10:35] <Ringo> She better be okay. I wont be able to live with myself if I killed her...

[11:11:15] <Keiji> What happened to Ringo being kickass anyway?

[11:11:32] <Keiji> She kinda sucked in that battle :\

[11:11:58] <Chao> lol sorry

[11:12:24] <Akkie> If I was a less hesitant person...

[11:12:28] <Waterchan> she caught "Luvis syndrome"

[11:12:48] <Chao> ....no. She will get kickass

[11:12:50] <Akkie> Brain Dumbed would've been used earlier.

[11:14:01] <Waterchan> god, I'm tempted to make Luvis a healer..since he was made to be a magic user, a weak one though....

[11:14:11] <Keiji> oh please no lol

[11:14:20] <Keiji> Draco would HATE to be indebted to that guy

[11:14:30] <Keiji> (as would anyone)

[11:14:39] <Waterchan> he'll just need a kiss -shot-

[11:15:05] <Lagnus> What now...

[11:15:19] <Lagnus> Theta and that sleepy boy are still missing.

[11:15:41] <Luvis> ..maybe the kiss of a handsome man will cause her to awake?

[11:16:05] <Ringo> You Wish.

[11:16:18] <Luvis> Did you imply I was good-looking?~

[11:16:46] <Ringo> I implied that you WISHED you were good looking.

[11:17:21] <Arle Nadja> Yeah, the number of ladies who love you (Or lack, thereof) should tell you already.

[11:17:24] <Luvis> please, I know I am -hand on hip-

[11:18:17] <Strange Klug> Now this is amusing. A disco dancer couldn't POSSIBLY make a good combantant.

[11:18:34] <Luvis> ...Who are you?

[11:18:36] <Strange Klug> Then again, who am I to quesion the methods of the ADMA?

[11:18:50] <Keiji> (the ADMA which no longer exists, lol)

[11:19:21] <Strange Klug> -holds up Ekoro's orb- After all, they did THIS to the almighty Ekoro.

[11:19:31] <Ringo> !! How did you get that!

[11:19:36] <Luvis> ...can someone fill me in real quick?

[11:20:16] <Arle Nadja> Hey, how did you get here?

[11:21:10] <Strange Klug> It was rather simple actually, but let's not talk about Ekoro...-pockets the orb again- Rather...I'd love to tell you how I arrived here. It was a simple walk from here.

[11:22:35] <Luvis> ....hello? Mr. Clueless here?

[11:22:38] <Strange Klug> Anyhow, I came across yet another one of your prized posessions...one of which has great interest to me. Shall I spoil my secrets if you spoil yours?

[11:23:11] <Strange Klug> -shoots a beam at Luvis- Silence, idiot! You have nothing useful to contribute to the discussion!

[11:23:49] <Ringo> Well...seeing as how Draco is currently unconscious, I suppose we could stand to listen to you.

[11:23:57] <Luvis> -flung again the wall? and holds the wound-

[11:24:30] <Arle Nadja> Just treat that guy like air the next time... not just Ekoro's orb?

[11:25:30] <Keiji> (Chao: What secrets is he referring to?)

[11:25:34] <Strange Klug> ..Good choice. You're smart, Ringo. -throws his arm out, and a poof of red smoke appears next to him. As it dissipates, an unconscious, levitating Eta is seen- I find it extremely amusing Ekoro attempted to fruitlessly clone my complete form.

[11:25:40] <Keiji> (I'd ask in character, but I don't have a chance.)

[11:26:01] <Chao> (He just revealed he has Eta)

[11:26:10] <Keiji> (That was "my secrets"

[11:26:14] <Keiji> I was asking about "yours")

[11:27:12] <Chao> ("yours" is his way of inquiring for Ringo to tell him what they've been up to since their last encounter)

[11:27:26] <Lagnus> The sleepy boy?!

[11:27:56] <Luvis> -groans, holding the wound, ow the hurt?-

[11:28:02] <Arle Nadja> You got Eta, you say!?

[11:28:08] <Keiji> (She'd better not say anything about Eltia.)

[11:28:32] <Keiji> (Not that I, or Eltia, have any say over that...)

[11:29:33] <Luvis> Umm? hello? HURT HERE

[11:30:08] <Arle Nadja> -casually (OK, not so much) ignore-

[11:30:16] <Strange Klug> I'd love to keep this subject around to research him...he seems to be fascinating regardless of his authentic power. I'll make you a deal. If you let me keep one item, I'll give you the other, and we can be on our merry ways. Or, I can keep both of your precious things as collatoral for a more appropriate meeting.

[11:30:34] <Keiji> Akkie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTJ8l46NJG0 OMG IT'S HERE FURIENIFY IS ALIVE

[11:31:19] <Ringo> Hm....

[11:31:49] <Akkie> Oh, yeah. The Boke-Tsukkomi. YOU SERIOUS!?

[11:32:11] <Keiji> the RP is hereby paused for 10 minutes to allow everyone present to watch this video

[11:32:20] <Keiji> -watches-

[11:35:00] <Akkie> There wouldn't be much left if we just took away cucumbers from you, right?

[11:35:52] <Akkie> Oh, yeah. 'bout RP... my brain was kinda interpreting the events in EarthBound (Or MOTHER 3 or Touhou Seiboroku... WHATEVER, something MOTHER) format.

[11:38:56] <Akkie> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKNNJst72MM&feature=related

[11:41:58] <Strange Klug> ...LOL

[11:42:08] <Chao> ...NICKFAIL

[11:42:14] <Keiji> oh man that was awesome

[11:42:32] <Akkie> I'm still watching Myourensen.

[11:42:32] <Akkie> So...

[11:42:42] <Chao> Strange Klug apparently finds "Furienify" funny

[11:43:01] <Rona> (Totally not Subete PuyoPuyo) How does a mouse bar sound?

[11:43:07] <Chao> Anyway -ahem-

[11:44:01] <Strange Klug> I can see you're in deep thought about this Ringo....Your decision will be a wise one.

[11:44:43] <Ringo> There's no way you can let us have both of them?

[11:45:40] <Strange Klug> ...Perhaps I could...but only for something of equal value in return. I am not without reason, you know.

[11:46:01] <Lagnus> ...What do you inquire NOW???

[11:47:26] <Strange Klug> Did Ekoro ever mention a secret project of his?....if I remember correctly, it had to be scrapped because it's undesirable consequences were more noticable than usual.

[11:47:45] <Strange Klug> Much more so than his Omega or his Zeta...

[11:48:07] <Ringo> Wait....another project?...

[11:49:20] <Arle Nadja> Just where did that come from... another project other than...?

[11:50:27] <Strange Klug> I'm surprised he didn't mention it in passing. I myself have not been able to locate this secret project, because he would not reveal it's location even to me. If you find his secret project, and bring it's remains to me in the Temple of the Wastelands, then I will relenquish to you oth Eta and the Orb.

[11:51:20] <Strange Klug> If you change your mind, do drop by before then to tell me so.

[11:51:31] <Strange Klug> But for now...I must be off again...

[11:51:35] <Keiji> (It'd be really nice if someone could wake up Draco...)

[11:51:40] <Strange Klug> -vanishes into red smoke again-

[11:52:04] <Ringo> ...fantastical.

[11:52:13] <Arle Nadja> Ringo... let's tell Draco about this...

[11:52:53] <Ringo> -heads over to Draco- ....I've never tried this before, but I'll see if I can attempt to awaken Draco. -ahem- RAISE!

[11:53:03] <Chao> ....Nickfail

[11:53:11] <Keiji> ...raise? really?

[11:53:15] <Lagnus> *-heads over to Draco- ....I've never tried this before, but I'll see if I can attempt to awaken Draco. -ahem- RAISE!

[11:53:26] <Chao> what

[11:53:38] <Draco> ...

[11:54:06] <Ringo> Gee, that was usefull.

[11:55:31] <Arle Nadja> Draco's only unconscious, wasn't she...? Not beaten halfway between life and death...?

[11:56:04] <Ringo> Draco has to have something around here that can wake up unconscious people....-bottle of Seriri's tears conviniently placed in the fridge-....well that works...-drops a few tears into Draco's mouth-

[11:56:27] <Luvis> now, that that's gone, I'm hurt!

[11:56:28] <Draco> ...ugh

[11:56:42] <Draco> -opens her eyes- what the heck was that?

[11:56:46] <Ringo> You're ALIVE!

[11:56:54] <Draco> -looks at the bottle-

[11:57:17] <Draco> Eww... why do you have that?

[11:57:29] <Lagnus> It was in your refridgerator... :/

[11:57:41] <Draco> ...Well, that's just sickening

[11:58:13] <Ringo> -hugs Draco- You're okayyyyy

[11:58:25] <Luvis> Hello?

[11:58:26] <Draco> ...Of course I am?

[11:58:36] <Arle Nadja> ... anyway... that red-caped guy in glasses somehow found his way here to show off.

[11:59:49] <Draco> Yeah, what's new.

[11:59:54] <Draco> Who cares about him?

[12:00:00] <Ringo> Oh, right

[12:00:02] <Ringo> He has Eta

[12:00:10] <Luvis> Can I get a kiss on my wound?

[12:01:08] <Lagnus> -to Luvis- You're completely spineless and disgusting! No one in their right mind would kiss you wounds!

[12:01:59] <Draco> Hey, wait. I thought I was busy killing someone.

[12:02:06] <Draco> How'd I end up back here?

[12:02:58] <Lagnus> You fell unconscious taking the blow from that strange weapon of his, so I stabbed him with my light arrows and left him in the burning library to get you to safety.

[12:03:32] <Draco> ...But, but we totally missed the opportunity to find that... Marcus!

[12:03:57] <Draco> Now we'll have to go all the way back there again.

[12:04:09] <Luvis> Man, that was harsh..

[12:04:21] <Waterchan> /late sorry

[12:05:02] <Ringo> And then Strange Klug came waltzing up to us to show off his new hostages. He'll give us Eta and Ekoro's Orb back if we go and find some secret project of Ekoro's for him...

[12:05:36] <Draco> ...

[12:06:08] <Luvis> -sits in a chair-

[12:06:36] <Lagnus> -to Luvis-...!! Quiet! It was in defense of my friends! I didn't mean to kill them, merely I wanted to distract their attack.

[12:06:44] <Arle Nadja> Who knows if we should trust a demon who can possess people through books, though... especially if it's a "former" friend of that megalomaniac with a god-complex...

[12:07:52] <Luvis> .....frowns-

[12:07:55] <Ringo> This rut keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it Draco.

[12:09:14] <Ringo> What do you say we do? Do we have to confront Marcus, or Klug?

[12:10:07] <Draco> ......Oh, to hell with it

[12:10:20] <Ringo> ?

[12:10:53] <Arle Nadja> We haven't found everyone yet...

[12:12:02] <Lagnus> To hell with what?

[12:12:32] <Luvis> -crosses his legs and his arms-

[12:13:04] <Waterchan> brb,

[12:14:32] <Ringo> Whatever we do, we're definetely not doing it today.

[12:14:42] <Draco> No, we're not.

[12:15:31] <Ringo> But we need to think about what we are going to do pretty carefully.

[12:16:21] <Draco> ...And what /are/ we going to do, anyway

[12:16:22] <Draco> ?

[12:17:16] <Ringo> Well, unless Theta and Sig dig up a healer extrodinare, there's no way I'm going back into that portal again and risking being killed

[12:17:44] <Ringo> But I couldn't even begin to tell you about whatever it is Klug wants us to fetch him.

[12:18:10] <Draco> ...I guess we'll just have to sit around and do nothing, then?

[12:18:18] <Draco> How boring.

[12:19:45] <Chao> Suddenly I feel rather tired... o_o;

[12:20:06] <Arle Nadja> You know we could look for the others, don't you? Then again...

[12:20:38] <Keiji> I'm really tired too, probably cause of the heat.

[12:21:10] <Chao> Not to mention we're in a bit of a plot lull at the moment without being able to progress to the next day.

[12:21:32] <Keiji> And the next day won't inherently bring anything

[12:21:54] <Chao> lol

[12:22:05] <Akkie> Unless we switch perspectives again. But...

[12:22:11] <Keiji> I'm stuck, I don't know how exactly to progress any of my plotlines

[12:22:19] <Akkie> 'sides, it's 8:22PM here, too.

[12:22:20] <Chao> Neither do I

[12:22:21] <Keiji> well, -exactly

[12:22:27] <Luvis> or we could "have some fun"

[12:22:27] <Keiji> I don't have A CLUE

[12:22:35] <Waterchan> wanted to get that in

[12:22:38] <Keiji> lol

[12:22:41] <Keiji> do you have another OC

[12:22:44] <Keiji> who is actually likeable

[12:22:58] <Waterchan> oh, I got a Sloth demon

[12:23:01] <Keiji> ...what?

[12:23:01] <Waterchan> she's...mild

[12:23:16] <Keiji> well, it's female, that's a start

[12:23:17] <Keiji> :P

[12:23:26] <Waterchan> yeah, it's a vagina fest here

[12:23:52] <Waterchan> I think the only irratating thing she does is sleep all the time

[12:23:53] <Keiji> well that's unsurprising

[12:24:06] <Keiji> girls are nicer and more fun

[12:24:14] <Keiji> =p

[12:24:36] <Akkie> Be an egalitarian.

[12:24:40] <Keiji> why do you think Touhou is full of girls?

[12:24:41] <Keiji> :P

[12:24:43] <Waterchan> Felidae/NekoNeko can be sarcastic, but she's harmless for the most part

[12:25:15] <Waterchan> unless you get into a puyo match with her...unlike Luvis, she's on the oppsette scale of power

[12:25:25] <Keiji> lol

[12:25:35] <Akkie> Where else did the others get teleported?

[12:25:51] <Akkie> http://arlekaakun.deviantart.com/art/Jacqueline-with-Cake-206153919

[12:25:52] <Keiji> never mind the others

[12:26:01] <Keiji> Theta and Sig will find a few of them

[12:26:06] <Keiji> and we do not need character explosions


[12:26:14] <Keiji> they are bad

[12:26:22] <Waterchan> http://dragonkaira.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d39a8nz

[12:26:28] <Keiji> as proven by previous occasions :P

[12:26:28] <Waterchan> there she is

[12:26:35] <Sig> I'm sorry I explode so much then. :C

[12:26:43] <Keiji> Awww :3

[12:27:00] <Waterchan> ..why do I get a feeling her and SIG will be BFFS?..

[12:27:11] <Keiji> lol

[12:27:19] <Akkie> Does she like bugs?


[12:27:25] <Waterchan> doesn't mind them

[12:27:51] <Chao> INORITE

[12:27:59] <Waterchan> she tends to be VERY neutral, she only really does something to get rid of an annoyance or have fun

[12:28:03] <Chao> Sig has slept the most in the entire RP

[12:28:13] <Keiji> anyway let's see

[12:28:19] <Chao> I think he even fell asleep for an entire episode

[12:28:30] <Akkie> I feel like doing an Alice in Wonderland-like RP.

[12:28:34] <Keiji> Ringo is refusing to continue on the Marcus route

[12:28:41] <Keiji> Nobody knows how to get anywhere with Strange Klug

[12:28:53] <Akkie> And character explosions are bad.

[12:29:07] <Keiji> Eltia route is waiting for a reason for her to be summoned

[12:29:31] <Keiji> I want to start off the Nanako route, but I haven't been able to work in anything that would start that off

[12:29:41] <Waterchan> baw, also random thing, her Pillow is magical and as soon as someone's head touches it they fall asleep

[12:30:20] <Keiji> that's the best damn magical power i've ever heard of

[12:30:46] <Akkie> -has "Dormouse" appear in her brain-

[12:30:47] <Waterchan> also, it's indestrucble, because, well it's a nice comfy pillow

[12:30:56] <Keiji> lol

[12:31:03] <Waterchan> who would wanna get rid of that

[12:31:08] <Chao> Well, Ringo is refusing to continue the Marcus route until Accord is plot deviced in :P -shot-

[12:31:23] <Keiji> Accord is this healer you were going on about?

[12:31:24] <Akkie> Those aliens from Fairly Odd Parents.

[12:31:37] <Chao> That's what I was planning

[12:31:38] <Waterchan> ...and the godman mental image of Sig and Feliade snuggled up together sleeping

[12:31:44] <Keiji> ...oh

[12:31:47] <Waterchan> sorry sorry

[12:31:50] <Chao> if that's too anticlimatic for you we can arrange something else

[12:31:59] <Chao> lol

[12:32:02] <Keiji> I just don't like Accord being a party member LOL

[12:32:07] <Akkie> Oh, yeah. Somebody else also has some healing powers.

[12:32:12] <Chao> lol

[12:32:15] <Keiji> Who else?

[12:32:20] <Chao> oh Mikki

[12:32:24] <Keiji> oh

[12:32:24] <Chao> duh

[12:32:31] <Chao> How did I forget that

[12:32:45] <Keiji> Well... why don't we work her in somehow?

[12:33:04] <Chao> Alright then, Mikki can be the healer so we can continue the Marcus route

[12:33:09] <Keiji> she could have been REALLY DAMN USEFUL earlier

[12:33:10] <Keiji> also no

[12:33:16] <Keiji> I want to start Nanako route first

[12:33:20] <Keiji> just not sure how

[12:33:21] <Keiji> >.<

[12:33:21] <Chao> Oh, okay.

[12:33:31] <Chao> Tis fine, tis fine.

[12:33:59] <Keiji> ...actually

[12:34:32] <Keiji> Akkie can you get rid of Kotohime already

[12:34:41] <Keiji> unused characters in the list just annoy me lol

[12:34:48] <Keiji> right

[12:34:57] <Akkie> I wasn't able to play through Iji.

[12:35:03] <Keiji> Yeah that's fine

[12:35:11] <Keiji> SPP Iji is NOTHING TO DO WITH IJI IJI

[12:35:19] <Akkie> Nay... I haven't played it in ages, and I'm nowhere near halfway.

[12:35:19] <Keiji> I totally ripped off the character

[12:35:45] <Keiji> But you don't need to know anything about that game's story to understand this Iji

[12:35:46] <Akkie> -obviously rambling ignorantly- ... sorry.

[12:35:55] <Keiji> Ok so

[12:35:59] <Waterchan> not as bad as me

[12:36:10] <Chao> so

[12:36:27] <Keiji> During Theta and Sig's adventure which will be done some other time, they'll meet up with Rider, Accord and somehow Mikki

[12:36:54] <Keiji> And... Feliade? if that's okay with you Water?

[12:37:43] <Keiji> What we need to do is rails the party into being small enough to not be ridiculous, but large enough to be interesting

[12:38:23] <Waterchan> Oh sure, I can pop her in

[12:38:28] <Keiji> Then Draco has to suddenly be like "Hey, I just realized, what the hell is Nanako doing, usually she's the one to save us from terrible things like this"

[12:38:43] <Keiji> And then we go off on a hunt for Nanako.

[12:39:28] <Waterchan> TEST

[12:39:31] <Waterchan> DAMNIT

[12:39:34] <Chao> Sound's like a plan to me.

[12:39:43] <Felidae> TESTING

[12:39:47] <Felidae> finally

[12:39:57] <Waterchan> jsut wanted tyo get her set up

[12:40:08] <Chao> SO now all we need to do is figure out how to rig the party

[12:40:20] <Keiji> So. We have Draco and Felidae in the party obviously. No Sig, no Rider or Accord because they're with Sig

[12:40:27] <Keiji> Theta would be good to have, I think

[12:40:48] <Akkie> Two parties, then

[12:41:02] <Waterchan> annnnndddddddddd felidae? I guess, or did I zonk out?

[12:41:05] <Keiji> And we could take Arle and leave Mikki until they go back to Marcus

[12:41:20] <Keiji> Alternatively

[12:41:37] <Chao> Draco, Felidae, Theta and Arle....None of them are mine LOL

[12:42:01] <Keiji> Ringo, Mikki, Lagnus and Theta go to Marcus. Draco, Felidae, Arle go to Nanako

[12:42:03] <Waterchan> also heads up, Felidae's a dark/sleep magic user

[12:42:10] <Keiji> we need someone more in the Nanako party

[12:42:23] <Keiji> Yeah that's fine, just let her not reveal it too quickly

[12:42:23] <Akkie> OMG EX LAWL

[12:42:49] <Chao> Hm...they could possibly take Seriri?

[12:42:59] <Keiji> Yes, I suppose they could

[12:43:27] <Chao> They'd have to pick her up on the way, but she's availabe.

[12:43:42] <Chao> and that way I'm not left out in the Nanako party XD

[12:44:18] <Chao> unless Sig, Rider, or Accord is there instead, which you didn't seem hepped up about lol

[12:44:31] <Keiji> They should wait for something else

[12:44:39] <Chao> Seriri is fine then

[12:44:46] <Keiji> A mermaid is fine too~

[12:45:05] <Akkie> That S. Klug matter doesn't have a deadline, does it?

[12:45:14] <Chao> No

[12:45:36] <Waterchan> -bah, I should draw a full body pic of Felidae-

[12:45:40] <Keiji> yes you should lol

[12:45:41] <Waterchan> -ramble to self-

[12:45:46] <Keiji> I'm just gonna write down these plans

[12:45:46] <Chao> In fact it'll probably keep him in the sublime for a little while so these other plots can unravel a bit.

[12:46:12] <Akkie> I'm gonna need to draw some new concept arts, too.

[12:46:21] <Akkie> And learn the secrets of Fever, just as Chao had.

[12:46:29] <Chao> lol

[12:46:51] <Akkie> I'm just gonna watch you three chat while I play here a bit.

[12:46:52] <Keiji> It shouldn't need to be stated, but Eltia would be a fifth character in the Marcus party

[12:47:05] <Keiji> lol akkie, we'll be RPing soon enough

[12:47:30] <Akkie> These missions usually take less than four minutes.

[12:47:35] <Keiji> may

[12:47:36] <Keiji> mkay

[12:47:44] <Keiji> Right

[12:47:45] <Keiji> So

[12:48:15] <Keiji> I really don't think we need to RP about everyone meeting up and discussing what we've just discussed and splitting up again

[12:48:40] <Keiji> In fact, the only line worth saying would be what I said earlier

[12:48:48] <Draco> Hey, I just realized, what the hell is Nanako doing, usually she's the one to save us from terrible things like this

[12:49:35] <Arle Nadja> Well, she was woth[sic] us when the explosion happened, right?

[12:49:36] <Keiji> So we can skip to when we have just Draco, Arle and Felidae, about to leave to pick up Seriri.

[12:49:37] <Ringo> Yeah....what the hell IS Nanako doing?! Isn't she suppossed to be like, I dunno, making sure weirdos like Strange Klug can't be waltzing around taking our stuff?

[12:49:54] <Waterchan> then she isn't doing a very good job

[12:50:35] <Keiji> Of course, Felidae actually meeting up with Sig and co would take place in our Sig RP, so we can still have some story about her there

[12:50:48] <Seriri> /claim

[12:50:51] <Keiji> ...

[12:50:52] <Keiji> too early

[12:50:59] <Arle Nadja> But... (She's definitely not the type to can get fazed by such things.) ... yeah...

[12:51:02] <Keiji> they haven't left the hut yet

[12:51:08] <Keiji> hehe

[12:51:15] <Akkie> Does a short camera switch hurt?

[12:51:23] <Keiji> also Luvis needs to be unclaimed

[12:51:24] <Chao> lol

[12:51:32] <Waterchan> there

[12:51:35] <Keiji> don't want him randomly appearing and making advances do we

[12:51:35] <Waterchan> :D

[12:51:35] <Keiji> :P

[12:51:41] <Waterchan> godno

[12:51:48] <Waterchan> Felidae would kill him

[12:52:07] <Keiji> lol

[12:52:10] <Keiji> So, the stage is set~

[12:52:11] <Waterchan> .... literary

[12:52:31] <Waterchan> okay

[12:52:54] <Keiji> And, just to keep count - this is Day 3, where the explosion happened on Day 0

[12:53:36] <Akkie> THOSE FORSAKEN SERPENTS. *level grinding in Patapon 3*

[12:54:11] <Chao> /idly waiting for Seriri cue

[12:54:14] <Draco> Okay then~ Ringo and the others have gone to confront Marcus. We need to pick up Seriri, then go search for Nanako.

[12:54:45] <Waterchan> -goes to doodle full body Felidae-

[12:54:58] <Keiji> I hope you can RP while doodling :P

[12:55:06] <Waterchan> multi-tasking queen here

[12:55:09] <Keiji> hehe

[12:55:10] <Arle Nadja> So, know of a good place to start? Other than the lake?

[12:55:27] <Draco> Well, I suppose the first thing to search would be the remains of the HQ.

[12:56:03] <Arle Nadja> Yeah... who knows. Maybe somebody has turned up in between the time we searched last time... and now.

[12:56:23] <Waterchan> likefelidae-shot-

[12:56:37] <Keiji> ...is she gonna say anything?

[12:56:40] <Keiji> :p

[12:56:54] <Waterchan> waitwhere are they?

[12:56:59] <Keiji> They're at the hut.

[12:57:04] <Keiji> All three

[12:57:09] <Waterchan> oh

[12:57:11] <Keiji> lol

[12:57:30] <Keiji> Yeah, it would help if we did Feli's intro before, but we're doing stuff out of order here.

[12:57:40] <Waterchan> kay

[12:57:52] <Waterchan> so she's at the hut?..

[12:57:53] <Keiji> (Mainly because Akkie will have to leave at some point, and I assume you and Chao will still be here for the characters we'll need for that)

[12:57:59] <Keiji> Yes, Feli is at the hut with the others

[12:58:04] <Keiji> *with Draco and Arle

[12:58:27] <Arle Nadja> Three hours from now, at the very least.

[12:59:01] <Felidae> sounds like to much trouble.. -sitting on Draco's bed, Feli, you blanket hog-

[12:59:37] <Draco> Hey, cmon. If we can find Nanako, maybe we can get her to rebuild the HQ and you can have a much more comfortable bed than this~

[12:59:53] <Felidae> -sighs- if me must....

[12:59:57] <Felidae> *WE

[13:00:01] <Draco> That's more like it~

[13:00:23] <Felidae> -stretches and gets up-

[13:00:54] <Akkie> That was the least evident nickfail in the history of this chat.

[13:01:12] <Waterchan> shush :T

[13:01:23] <Akkie> The "Three hours" bit.

[13:01:29] <Waterchan> oh

[13:01:32] <Keiji> wow

[13:01:35] <Keiji> yeah, I never noticed XD

[13:01:51] <Waterchan> well, what does that say about my self-esteam

[13:02:09] <Draco> Alright, we have to walk this time, but it shouldn't be far.

[13:02:23] <Felidae> it can't be helped I suppose...

[13:02:27] <Draco> The HQ is just in the middle of the city, so I guess we'll look there first, then go get Seriri if we don't find anything.

[13:03:11] <Keiji> Sorry for stalling you even more Chao :|

[13:03:32] <Chao> lol it's okay

[13:04:08] <Draco> So... you guys coming ? -walks out of the hut-

[13:04:32] <Akkie> 'course we are!

[13:04:43] <Keiji> woot, nickfail

[13:04:54] <Arle Nadja> 'course we are!

[13:04:57] <Chao> AKK has the most nick fails ever lmao

[13:04:58] <Felidae> -grabs her magic pillow and stuffs it in her shirt, and walks out after draco

[13:05:33] <Keiji> [Skip to HQ. Hopefully Feli isn't sleepwalking by now.]

[13:05:47] <Felidae> -she probably is...-

[13:05:52] <Draco> Yeah... we can just ignore this cordon... -holds it up for the others to walk under-

[13:06:30] <Felidae> -I swear, she sleepwalks EVERYWHERE-

[13:07:11] <Akkie> ... do you think we should guide her, just in case she bumps into something?

[13:07:20] <Keiji> NICKFAIL AGAIN?

[13:07:23] <Keiji> o_o

[13:07:29] <Waterchan> -gigglefit-

[13:07:48] <Akkie> OTL

[13:07:50] <Draco> ...Yeah, you probably should.

[13:08:07] <Draco> -leads Arle and Feli over to, and down, the stairs we all know so well by now-

[13:08:13] <Arle Nadja> -holds Felidae's hand-

[13:08:26] <Waterchan> -leans on her-

[13:08:39] <Keiji> and then it was Water's turn to nickfail

[13:08:41] <Keiji> awesum

[13:08:48] <Felidae> -leans on her-

[13:08:48] <Chao> And then Strange Klug was having a party down there gasp...the basement.

[13:08:49] <Keiji> awesomesauceum

[13:09:01] <Waterchan> awesome

[13:09:03] <Waterchan> AND DAMNIT

[13:09:06] <Akkie> Not nickfail this time: Remilia and her swelling charisma'll be present.

[13:09:10] <Waterchan> hate nickfail-

[13:09:35] <Draco> In any case, it's not just that one room down here. There's a lot more.

[13:09:43] <Draco> I'm sure we'll find someone...

[13:10:36] <Draco> -Walks along the corridor, not going towards the room where Ekoro's Orb is (...was) stored, looking in the windows of the various offices.-

[13:10:45] <Keiji> (Dunno why they need underground offices, but they have them)

[13:10:54] <Felidae> -leaaaannning on poor Arle-

[13:11:25] <Draco> ...You might wanna wake her up, or she'll be just like Ringo was when she was cursed -laughs-

[13:11:49] <Waterchan> damn, that curse must be harsh, what's the curse anyway?

[13:11:49] <Akkie> -dealing with it, as much as Crona can't- ... assuming we CAN wake her up... -pinches Felidae's ears-

[13:12:00] <Arle Nadja> -dealing with it, as much as Crona can't- ... assuming we CAN wake her up... -pinches Felidae's ears-

[13:12:00] <Waterchan> -giggle-

[13:12:26] <Felidae> Please don't do that

[13:12:51] <Draco> Oh, she woke up.

[13:12:59] <Arle Nadja> Sorry about that, I just don't feel like trying other ways before that.

[13:13:04] <Felidae> Sleep rests the mind and body

[13:13:34] <Arle Nadja> OOC: Now, think of a story to tell Alice.

[13:14:09] <Draco> Well yes, it does, but there's no need for rest if you hadn't been doing anything beforehand.

[13:14:26] <Draco> Oh, hey, there's someone in here! -goes into one of the doors-

[13:14:30] <Felidae> oh...how naive, I was walking

[13:15:36] <Chao> THERE'S SOMEONE THERE

[13:15:40] <Arle Nadja> -shrugs off Felidae's statements and follows Draco-

[13:15:56] <Felidae> -follows to, with a yawn-

[13:16:07] <Liechi> Oh! Lady Draco! How could I help you?

[13:16:28] <Felidae> OOC: by directing me to a bed

[13:16:36] <Keiji> LOL

[13:17:05] <Felidae> OOC: This bitch woke me up >:C

[13:17:41] <Draco> Well... first, did you not notice the explosion..? I'm surprised anyone's down here.

[13:17:53] <Arle Nadja> OOC: Trauma does that to you. (Puyo Puyo SUN)

[13:18:03] <Draco> Especially 3 days later.

[13:18:04] <Waterchan> http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=3015702 donnnee

[13:18:23] <Keiji> Sweet

[13:18:29] <Keiji> I like it -nod-

[13:18:34] <Waterchan> kitty tootsies

[13:18:57] <Akkie> I like it, too~

[13:19:08] <Waterchan> http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=3015692

[13:19:11] <Waterchan> if you like that

[13:19:18] <Akkie> -probably the only person here who is absolutely unable to draw breasts-

[13:19:26] <Waterchan> the other one is Feli's heterosexual life partner -shot-

[13:19:35] <Waterchan> BOOBS ARE FUCKING FUN TO DRAW

[13:20:21] <Akkie> istillcant LOL. OK Let's just go BACK TO ADVENTURE!

[13:20:41] <Liechi> No, I didn't know of any explosion.

[13:20:56] <Liechi> I mean, I live, sleep and work down here, so...

[13:21:06] <Felidae> either repressing..or nothing happened

[13:21:08] <Keiji> (Yes, she said "sleep")

[13:21:13] <Keiji> hurr

[13:22:23] <Draco> Hm. Well, in any case. Do you know how we can find Nanako? And, a car would be handy. Or helicopter. But I heard the helicopter broke.

[13:23:17] <Felidae> cars are fun...

[13:23:18] <Arle Nadja> Well, any form of transportation would do.

[13:24:05] <Chao> Am I the only one that finds it ironic that Sig, Rider and Accord all have perfect pages despite not being directly involved in this episodes' events at all?

[13:25:22] <Liechi> -types at her computer, picks up a GPS device and hands it to Draco- Well, that'll track her. And I've arranged for a car. You'll see it when you leave.

[13:25:43] <Draco> ...Well, that was fast. As expected of Nanako's staff.

[13:26:02] <Felidae> ....all work and no play, boring

[13:26:16] <Keiji> Akkie left.

[13:26:30] <Keiji> And the userlist updated.

[13:26:34] <Keiji> whut

[13:27:18] <Chao> ...lol

[13:27:21] <Keiji> wtf

[13:27:23] <Keiji> oh

[13:27:26] <Keiji> there she is..?

[13:27:49] <Arle Nadja> OOC: PK BAYOEN~♥

[13:29:40] <Draco> Well, now that we have a car, we should at least pick up Seriri...

[13:29:49] <Keiji> [Can you imagine draco driving? LOL]

[13:30:13] <Waterchan> god, THE HORROR

[13:30:18] <Keiji> [Anyway, skip to Seriri. Cause there's no need for boring stuff]

[13:30:20] <Akkie> Scratch that. Try to imagine dragons in general driving.

[13:30:32] <Waterchan> THEY WOULDNT FIT

[13:30:38] <Keiji> lulz

[13:30:47] <Waterchan> IT JUST DOESNT WORK

[13:31:12] <Seriri> -Swimming in the lake by her lonesome :C-

[13:31:16] <Keiji> anyway, practicalities of Draco driving aside...

[13:31:34] <Draco> -pulls up by the lake and gets out, sees Seriri-

[13:31:41] <Arle Nadja> Howdy-do, Seriri!

[13:32:15] <Felidae> ...a Mermaid?

[13:32:16] <Seriri> -Looks to see Draco- Draco! You cam back~ :3c ....and in a snazzy looking car, to boot!

[13:33:00] <Draco> And, perhaps more importantly to you, without Ringo? >_>

[13:33:20] <Seriri> Maaaaybe. Do I get to ride in your new car?

[13:33:29] <Felidae> I heard devouring mermaid flesh grants one immortality...

[13:33:33] <Arle Nadja> What did we get here for?

[13:33:34] <Draco> Sure, we came to pick you up a... oh dear.

[13:33:42] <Seriri> ....LIES.

[13:33:56] <Seriri> LIES. ALL LIES. Keep that kitty away from me ;a;

[13:34:11] <Draco> Oh dear. Cats eat fish, don't they? I should have thought of that...

[13:34:25] <Arle Nadja> Don't worry. I'll restrain her if necessary.

[13:34:33] <Felidae> I heard a priestess ate mermaid meat... and it's said she's in a cave waiting for the end of existance...

[13:34:34] <Draco> Augh, that's the third dumb thing I've done in three days!

[13:34:40] <Draco> Lady Draco is turning blonde ;_;

[13:35:04] <Arle Nadja> 'sides, I heard that only four people have become immortal in... a millenium.

[13:35:23] <Seriri> Stop talking about eating mermaids. That makes me uncomfortable.

[13:35:42] <Draco> Oh, that reminds me. -gets out that bottle of Seriri tears- What the heck was this doing in my fridge, Seriri?

[13:35:48] <Felidae> I'm not hungry..and besides I prefer to sleep then to eat..

[13:36:19] <Seriri> ...I thought you might need it?....mermaid's tears have healing properties.

[13:36:49] <Draco> (Wait, I can't just tell her they taste disgusting...)

[13:37:00] <Draco> Hmm, well, thanks I guess. It just disturbed me a little.

[13:37:18] <Draco> But you should really tell people when you go putting stuff in their fridges randomly.

[13:37:29] <Arle Nadja> So... what say we take this discussion to the car?

[13:37:35] <Chao> XD

[13:37:44] <Keiji> (Let's pretend it already WAS in the car)

[13:37:54] <Seriri> Perhaps I should...

[13:37:56] <Keiji> (ever since Maaaaybe. Do I get to ride in your new car?)

[13:38:29] <Seriri> So where are we going?

[13:38:40] <Felidae> -I would reckon she was in the car alll the time-

[13:38:42] <Seriri> You didn't get to explain that.

[13:38:50] <Draco> We're going to find perhaps the most mysterious person I can think of right now.

[13:39:08] <Draco> The person who gave us the HQ in the first place.

[13:39:16] <Draco> NANAKO.

[13:39:31] <Chao> GASP

[13:39:32] <Felidae> -loud yawn-

[13:39:58] <Akkie> DUN-DUUUN

[13:40:10] <Seriri> Nanako? I see. Is she missing in action too?

[13:40:14] <Draco> Yep.

[13:40:37] <Seriri> Much to your charigin I imagine, what with Klug running around.

[13:40:41] <Draco> When you think about it... why DID she give us such an amazing HQ, and staff?

[13:40:52] <Draco> And vehicles.

[13:40:55] <Draco> And weapons.

[13:41:08] <Felidae> I dunno...can't we go now?

[13:41:17] <Keiji> (They are driving lol)

[13:41:21] <Keiji> while talking

[13:41:34] <Draco> So far, she's been the one to save us from anything absurd.

[13:41:37] <Seriri> And how was she able to make a fail-safe safe house out of the HQ that even Ekoro couldn't penetrate.

[13:41:37] <Arle Nadja> We're already driving, just in case you fell asleep again.

[13:41:39] <Draco> This time, she disappears.

[13:42:09] <Felidae> -yawns and uses whoever's cloest as a pillow-

[13:42:21] <Keiji> That would be arle

[13:42:21] <Seriri> That's inconvinient, because I'd say ever since that explosion our entire lives have been absurd.

[13:42:42] <Draco> Well, this GPS is leading us to her right now.

[13:42:53] <Draco> And then we can get some answers~

[13:44:31] <Felidae> -head in Arle's lap-

[13:45:01] <Arle Nadja> -ruffling Felidae's hair, same way Terra does on Moogles-

[13:45:28] <Keiji> Aww, aren't they just the cutest~

[13:45:43] <Felidae> -curls up tighter JUST LIKE A KITTY, AWW-

[13:46:15] <Seriri> Oooh, a GPS tracking device too.

[13:46:34] <Draco> Okay, I think we're here.

[13:47:02] <Keiji> (Just to annoy you Chao, "here" is somewhere off the map entirely)

[13:47:24] <Chao> hurrr

[13:48:25] <Seriri> Alright then. Let us find this mysterious Nanako.

[13:50:07] <Arle Nadja> Ikimasu, ne~

[13:50:34] <Keiji> [There is a fairly large building, not as big as the ADMA HQ, but quite big, it's pretty obviously some kind of laboratory.]

[13:51:01] <Felidae> -sleep sleep-

[13:51:07] <Seriri> ....this is reminding me of our older adventures rather quickly...;;

[13:51:12] <Draco> ...Yeah, you can just sleep in the car, if you insist.

[13:51:29] <Draco> -walks into the building-

[13:51:37] <Arle Nadja> I'll just tell her what happened when we get back...

[13:51:59] <Seriri> -follows Draco in, not really wanting to stay with a cat in the car lol-

[13:52:18] <Arle Nadja> -follows suit-

[13:56:59] <Seriri> Rather strange place for Nanako to reside...;;

[13:57:03] <Keiji> Sorry, back

[13:57:30] <Draco> Reside? No, I'm sure she doesn't /live/ here.

[13:57:37] <Draco> However, she's likely doing something important here.

[13:58:22] <Arle Nadja> More like a work place, then?

[13:58:46] <Draco> In any case... it looks like I found her.

[13:59:04] <Keiji> [She's on the other side of a window, at a computer.]

[13:59:19] <Seriri> She's in an office....how fitting.

[13:59:44] <Draco> -tries the nearby door- Hmm, it's locked.

[14:01:32] <Draco> Well, I could have just tried knocking, but she looks so busy she wouldn't hear.

[14:01:32] <Seriri> Thus, we must break in to see her. That's convinient.

[14:02:11] <Arle Nadja> .

[14:02:47] <Draco> -aims a kick at the glass-

[14:04:55] <Seriri> -shields her face in case any glass fragments fly her way-

[14:05:36] <Keiji> [The glass shatters]

[14:06:09] <Nanako> ...Draco!!

[14:06:18] <Draco> Nanako!!

[14:06:27] <Nanako> What are you doing here?

[14:06:28] <Draco> What are you doing here?

[14:06:49] <Seriri> They seem to be insync, dont you agree?

[14:07:22] <Draco> ...You disappeared!

[14:07:32] <Arle Nadja> Heheh...

[14:07:38] <Draco> And a gazillion terrible things happened!

[14:07:51] <Seriri> I attest to this!

[14:07:57] <Draco> OOC: Forty gazillion cakes were stolen!


[14:09:35] <Nanako> ...

[14:09:35] <Arle Nadja> OOC: TEN. GAZILLION. FOURS. And THAT's terrible!!!

[14:10:13] <Nanako> So, you come to me, expecting me to save you like always?

[14:10:56] <Draco> Well... not exactly... but we did want to know why you disappeared!

[14:11:08] <Seriri> ....-looks at Draco with a concerned look-

[14:12:13] <Seriri> Please do explain your absence.

[14:12:25] <Arle Nadja> We just found it strange that help disappeared just as much as it appeared.

[14:14:54] <Nanako> ...Draco, I didn't think you were like this.

[14:15:27] <Nanako> I helped you on the assumption you'd defeat evils like Ekoro effectively.

[14:15:30] <Nanako> And that much, you did.

[14:16:45] <Nanako> But I was not expecting you to turn into such a heartless person.

[14:17:35] <Seriri> -looks at Draco, with a concerned look on her face- What is she talking about?...-looks back at Nanako- What do you mean heartless?

[14:17:43] <Nanako> You're just on a blind rage right now.

[14:17:44] <Seriri> OOC: Apart from totally breaking my heart

[14:18:23] <Draco> ...

[14:18:26] <Draco> -speechless-

[14:18:38] <Nanako> See, you can't rebut that, can you?

[14:18:56] <Seriri> A blind rage...

[14:19:07] <Nanako> I'm being generous in leaving you with the underground that survived.

[14:20:20] <Nanako> However, perhaps I should have regenerated /this/. -she takes out her own GPS and does something with it, immediately her location disappears from Dracos' GPS-

[14:20:34] <Nanako> Now away with ye.

[14:20:58] <Draco> ...Fine.

[14:21:12] <Seriri> Thank you, Nanako.

[14:21:13] <Draco> We don't need your help anyway. The underground's enough.

[14:21:25] <Seriri> Draco!

[14:21:41] <Draco> Come on, let's get out of here.

[14:21:47] <Arle Nadja> (I see another development in the works...)

[14:22:18] <Seriri> ...;;

[14:22:29] <Draco> -walks back to the car-

[14:23:02] <Seriri> I'm sorry, Nanako. -follows Draco back, very slowly-

[14:23:34] <Arle Nadja> -looks back at Nanako-

[14:24:46] <Seriri> Was that really called for, Draco?

[14:24:50] <Keiji> ...Waterchan never got to do much, did she? :(

[14:25:12] <Chao> ...not really :c

[14:26:15] <Arle Nadja> Well, thanks for all that other help you've given us...

[14:26:49] <Arle Nadja> (I'm sure what remains of it all will be of good use...)

[14:28:19] <Draco> ...-looks around at the others-

[14:28:39] <Seriri> Well?

[14:29:04] <Draco> ...I don't need her.

[14:29:18] <Draco> Or anyone else.

[14:29:33] <Draco> I'll do it myself if I have to!

[14:29:39] <Draco> -flies high up in the sky out of sight-

[14:29:57] <Seriri> Arle....what was she talking about?

[14:30:09] <Draco> And thus ends Draco's leadership

[14:30:14] <Draco> ...uhm.

[14:30:25] <Keiji> Nickfail, and I think that's a bug in Kawachat.

[14:30:36] <Arle Nadja> -shrug- She's just in a worse mood than normal...

[14:30:53] <Seriri> No, when she said "I'll do it myself"

[14:30:56] <Keiji> OU only obviously, but she will not be coming back for a while.

[14:31:02] <Seriri> What is she tring to do?

[14:31:24] <Arle Nadja> ... I don't really have the slightest idea, Seriri...

[14:31:31] <Chao> also I keep wondering what OU id

[14:31:33] <Chao> *is

[14:31:45] <Keiji> Out of Universe

[14:31:57] <Keiji> In other words, we know, but the characters don't.

[14:32:17] <Keiji> Without Draco and Nanako, Ringo will have to be leader now, if that's okay with you Chao

[14:32:24] <Akkie> Arle just said what this ditz wants to say.

[14:32:38] <Chao> I dont mind

[14:32:40] <Chao> :3

[14:32:45] <Keiji> Yes, I deliberately did this because since we're in an arc where I play all the mysterious characters, I wanted the protagonist leader to not be played by me

[14:33:00] <Akkie> Other than reasons such as that.

[14:33:04] <Keiji> Previously you've always played the antagonists/mysterious characters

[14:33:55] <Seriri> ....I'm very concerned, Arle. No good can come of this.

[14:34:00] <Keiji> Draco's been quite thoughtless though, leaving Arle, Seriri and Feli out here in the middle of nowhere. I hope Arle can drive.

[14:34:02] <Keiji> x3

[14:34:18] <Chao> Draco's been thoughtless this entire arc

[14:34:30] <Keiji> Indeed, no thanks to her blind rage

[14:34:47] <Chao> All of her decisions have only made her situation worse

[14:34:58] <Akkie> Nobody but us knows if she can drive. Not even SEGA. LOL

[14:35:01] <Keiji> I wonder how Ringo will take the news of Draco disappearing

[14:35:38] <Akkie> Other than that exclamation, of course.

[14:35:57] <Akkie> Random urge to talk about the remaining Ekurons, here.

[14:36:00] <Seriri> Alre! Can you drive?

[14:36:46] <Seriri> We need to get out of here and tell the others what just happened...

[14:37:37] <Arle Nadja> -silently goes back inside the car and starts the engine-

[14:37:57] <Keiji> just thinking about Arle driving makes me lol

[14:38:51] <Seriri> ....Are you going to actually step on the gas now?

[14:39:43] <Arle Nadja> I'm getting to it...

[14:40:00] <Akkie> She just disconnected?

[14:40:11] <Keiji> Waterchan disappeared a while ago lol

[14:41:50] <Chao> [suddenly, a honking is heard in the direction of the road...and a giant bus suddenly appears and nearly crashes into the ADMA car]

[14:42:02] <Keiji> -ADMA

[14:42:04] <Keiji> there is no more ADMA

[14:42:15] <Keiji> it's all but officially disbanded

[14:42:44] <Satan> -steps out of the bus- Oh Arle~ I KNEW I'd find you here somehow...

[14:43:24] <Rulue> -follows Satan out of the bus- Ah, my darling Satan! Where are you going?!

[14:43:32] <Seriri> ...-_-:

[14:43:46] <Arle Nadja> Hey, Satin Satan. Any idea where Carby might've gone?

[14:43:52] <Chao> (LOL Rulue is now Schezo's female counterpart)

[14:44:16] <Keiji> Those two are quite alike, aren't they?

[14:44:28] <Akkie> The two times I typed Satan's name (Not counting this), I mistyped "stan" at first.

[14:45:24] <Satan> Carby's not with you...? Oh well. We can find him later. But now, look at the beautiful bus I have bought for our wedding~ We can transport everyone to our reception and have a ball~<3

[14:45:45] <Rulue> -runs up to Satan- You mean /our/ wedding, don't you??

[14:46:07] <Satan> Oh Rulue. I almost forgot. You can be our maid of honor~

[14:46:22] <Akkie> Yeah, yeah... I'll go to your wedding when I have time... assuming you're gonna marry Rulue instead.

[14:46:24] <Rulue> ...That's unacceptable!

[14:46:39] <Rulue> You mustn't look at anyone but me, Satan!

[14:46:42] <Arle Nadja> Yeah, yeah... I'll go to your wedding when I have time... assuming you might move on and marry Rulue instead.

[14:46:53] <Satan> Please come with us Arle! We must test drive our bus together!

[14:47:32] <Seriri> ....As much as I'm creeped out by your cheesey antics, I'm inclined to get on the bus, considering I can get back to civilization with it. -hops on the bus-

[14:48:20] <Arle Nadja> -doesn't really have much of a choice, hoisting the sleeping cat up and getting to the bus-

[14:49:10] <Akkie> I see irony...

[14:49:24] <Satan> Now leaving the unknown lands is...THE BUS OF /LOVE/~<333 -drives the bus erratically away from the building, destroying the car in the process-

[14:49:32] <Rulue> Oh, don't you dare go back in there without me, Satan...! --Wait!!!

[14:49:38] <Rulue> -is stranded out in the middle of nowhere-

[14:49:46] <Akkie> The one character temporarily put on a bus is not in the bus.

[14:49:52] <Chao> LOL

[14:49:54] <Keiji> IKR

[14:50:14] <Akkie> Now... let's enjoy some RED ZONE music as Satan drives his lovely little bus.

[14:50:19] <Keiji> Chao I hope you read tvtropes / know what Put On A Bus is

[14:50:20] <Chao> poor Rulue lmao

[14:50:25] <Akkie> It's a vehicle, so it counts.

[14:50:57] <Keiji> Oh well... I wonder what this laboratory is..? -goes inside-

[14:51:03] <Keiji> ...nickfail

[14:51:11] <Rulue> Oh well... I wonder what this laboratory is..? -goes inside-

[14:51:17] <Keiji> and NOW I unclaim

[14:51:28] <Keiji> So, I think that about finishes that part off


Character text lines: 688
User text lines: 550
Action lines: 0

By character

Draco: 188
Arle Nadja: 100
Ringo: 99
Luvis: 79
Lagnus: 58
Seriri: 46
Felidae: 32
Theta: 14
Nanako: 13
Sig: 12
Librarian: 12
Rulue: 7
Satan: 5
Liechi: 4
Rona: 1