Tejina Mikuri (EntityTopic, 16)

From Compile Worlds

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Tejina Mikuri (or Mikki for short) is an excessively random original character made by ArleKaakun12. She's a freaking Puyo Puyo addict that loves playing Puyo with others even if it's on the wrong time or place and, is therefore, excessively annoying. Some people are allowed to say that her Puyo addiction level is over 9000. Her dream is for her magic to be over 9000 too, and the only way to raise her magic level is by Puyo Puyo. Her current magic level is higher than Ms. Accord's despite being younger.

She is a member of the AAA, but, unlike the rest of the group, wasn't excessively abused by Ms. Accord. In fact, it's unknown just how she got to be in the group in the first place. She's the only one who realizes that beating some sense into Ms. Accord can stop her. A to-be-mastered spell can help the AAA know what made Ms. Accord do the abuse but because of the lack of Puyo Puyo, she didn't master it yet.

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