Claw (InstanceClass, 6)

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\!K154ExPar GalleryVideo(src='yt:BwgCwid31aI' start='434' caption='A hand claw, as seen in Eversion.' aspect='4:3')

Claws are sharp body parts designed for physical attacks. They come in a number of different types:

Nail claws
These are the most well-known form of claws and the only that occur naturally. They are attached to the fingertips and are relatively small. Cats are known for having nail claws.
Knuckle claws
Knuckle claws can be attached either to the major or minor knuckles, but are usually found on the minor ones. Because of their position, they can have a much more rigid attachment to the hand, so are more durable and stronger. They are also much bigger than nail claws.
Hand claws
Hand claws are freaky scary red things out to get you and your potential children (BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID). Sig has one of these, but his seems to be an exception as it has never been used violently.
Claw bodies
Claw bodies are exceptionally rare; Keiji has only ever heard of one. Claw bodies are basically exoskeletons made entirely out of sharp bones, such that every single appendage may be used for attacking. Therefore, these creatures can pose significant danger if they are an enemy.