Hydraulic Engineering (ConceptTopic, 10)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 12:40, 25 January 2011 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

Digital Plumbing is the process of repairing the tubes, just like how normal plumbing involves repairing pipes. Well, that is, unless you're talking about Mario.

Kawachan is here for that reason. We can't fix all the holes in the internet, but what we can't fix, we laugh at. That, or we write stupidly long winded articles about it.

So why bother?
Well, it started out as a plan to surpass ED and Uncyclopedia.
And that failed, right?
Yeah, cause Keiji sucks at getting visitors.
So is anyone other than him actually active on this site?
You'll see Chao, Nekohaku and Akkie editing stuff once in a while, but that's about it...
That's stupid. Why should I care about a site that never got off the ground?
Because the only way it can get off the ground is if YOU help us!
So, you want me to want me to pretend I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old and write nonsense about everything?
No. I'm sure those of you who aren't finding the least bit of funny in this site (yep, that's 99% of you) have already left.
Then why am I still reading this?
Because you're the 1% that cares. And we'd love to see your witty remarks. Just sign up and start editing pages however you see fit!
I'm not signing up unless you turn off the Smarties-colored links.
Ironically, you can turn these off as soon as you sign up. See Guide:Link colors.
Why should I edit pages when you're just going to revert everything I do?
We'll probably revert some things, nobody is perfect. But don't let that put you off - we appreciate even the slightest addition to an article, and if it's good, it'll stay!
So, can we put anything here? Anything?
Pretty much. So long as it isn't too explicit: Kawachan is not ED, nor is it a porn site. Please see Guide:Scope for more information.