Diary:Sig (Meta, 17)

From Compile Worlds

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Page 7

The farthest back I can remember is a little bit blurry...a lot blurry actually. Maybe I was tired or something...I really don't remember. Anyway, there was lot's of smoke everywhere. It cleared away and there was rubble and destruction all over the place. It looked like one of those tv shows about two thousand and twenty one or something. I was breathing really heavy. I felt exhausted...but I also felt good, in a weird way. I looked around, and I saw Rider. She was crying! I ran over to her. She asked me “Sig, why did you hurt me?” I was really confused. I didn't think I hurt her...maybe I did, but I couldn't remember anyway. I tried to put a hand on her shoulder...but then she ran away, after lying about a monster that wasn't there....or maybe she meant me? Meh, whatever. I kinda got scared for her. I looked everywhere, but everyone was sleeping...so I went to Draco and tried to wake her up. She was really sleepy. I think she was even sleepier than me! Anyway, I kinda started yelling at her. I was freaked out. Finally Draco woke up (is that what it takes to wake ME up in the morning? I feel sorry for whoever has to do that...oh wait, sorry Ms. Accord!). Draco asked me where Rider went. First I pointed into the ocean (I dunno why, I just did), and then I pointed the right way into the mountains. Draco flew away, and then I was alone on the beach with a bunch of sleepy people. And Mikki too, but she was being weird, as usual. I started counting the sleepy people, seeing which one to wake up first. There was Seriri, Arle, ...wait, where did Amitie go? I got scared again, so I tried to find Amitie. She was “unconsheus” kinda far away. So I started dragging her back to shore. When I got there and dumped water all over her, Rider came back. She looked kinda mad. Wait, not kinda. She was definitely mad. I don't think I'd ever seen Rider scowl like that before. It was kinda scary. I lost my thoughts trying to explain what happened to her. That happens to me sometimes. I tried to tell her that Amitie was unconsheus and that I was trying to wake her up. I said sorry for hurting her and asked her to forgive. She kinda looked at me funny....like she didn't trust me. But I didn't give her any reason to distrust me!...or maybe I did....if only I could remember. Anyway...I told her it was okay if she didn't want to forgive me. And then we hugged, and she forgave me. But then she told me I was different somehow. I guess it's not that important if I forgot how I was different.

Page 8

It was about a day or two later and Draco and Witch had gone off to find us a new home. I kinda liked the sound of that; sand and rocks don't make a very good bed. When I woke up Draco was gone. Seriri was asking us all what we should do while they were gone. I didn't really know, so I didn't say much. Mikki was being really weird again. She and Arle were talking about carpeters and magic huts or something. Anyway, it made Rider upset, so I hugged her. Seriri said someone was too happy. She never said who though. I guess it wasn't important. Apparently Mikki was going to make Draco's hut come back...but I said it was too small. Then she said she would make it really big on the inside...but if you made it big, it wouldn't be Draco's Hut anymore, right? I dunno. And then, he appeared. He was tall, black, and floating. He looked....suspicious! But then he told me “suspicion was biased on unowen's crimes” or something. Either way it made no sense to me. He said we could call him...”Ekoro.” I don't think I could ever forget that name even if I tried.....nope! I can't. Then he said something really scary “Sometimes what you see isn't real.” He said some other stuff too, but it wasn't as creepy and didn't make much sense to me. Seriri seemed kinda concerned too. She wondered how Ekoro knew Draco. Then Rider got scared. I had to be brave, so I comforted her. She didn't seem to be less scared though. After that, Seriri started yelling at Mikki. It was kinda funny. Then Mikki said some weird words. Something like “Rebuild Draco's cabinet, Navi's cable integral extra”...but I guess it wasn't too important if I forgot it anyway. But then Draco's Hut appeared out of nowhere! I didn't really know why it happened, but it did I guess. Yay, hut. Anyway, everyone said Mikki was amazing. That's funny, because I thought everyone said she was random. But I didn't think about that for long, because Uncle Stan came by. He started quoting from cheesy B-movies and giving Arle lots of DIAMONDS. Diamonds are a girl's best friend, right? Wait, then what does that make me to Rider?...Life is so confusing sometimes. I asked Unlce Stan for some diamonds for Rider, but he said no. It was lame. Not like it matters anyway, since Stan got chased away by a bunch of Puyo that Mikki was hiding. Then Arle decided it was time for dinner. Yay, dinner! We went in the brand-new hut, and Arle started making curry, like usual. I wonder why everyone eats it all the time...even for breakfast? Anyway, Arle asked me if I wanted toast. But I said I wanted a cheeseburger instead. I dunno, I just don't ever want curry. Seriri yelled at me though. She said lots of bad words. I tried to explain to Seriri, and she seemed to calm down. Mikki was saying some more weird stuff again. “Airports more nyancat” or something. I don't even remember those words that much. These two weirdos appeared and Seriri got mad at them. I dunno why though. I guess Seriri just hates weirdos. Anyway, after that, a new girl knocked on the door. She had red hair that was curled into these cones...kinda like that one singer girl “Ka-saw-ne Tetris”. Arle let her in. She said her name was “Andou Ringo”, and that she saw Ms. Accord...wait, Ms Accord?! Ringo said she wanted to die. I was so confused! Ms. Accord couldn't possibly want to die!...could she? I couldn't think about that...nobody could, thankfully. So instead, we talked about letting Ringo stay with us. Ringo said we were all creepy...but, I'm not that creepy. She said we were awesome anyway, so I told her my name. But then, I realized something. They kept talking about Popoi, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Popoi didn't really like us, and he knows Ms. Accord really well. Maybe they're even friends or something. So Popoi made Ms. Accord try to kill us because he hates us! Yeah, that HAD to be it! I felt really smart. But Seriri and Rider didn't believe me. How come they never believe anything I say or do?...it's so confusing. Anyway, Ringo said she would help us, and she used her magic to make apples come out of nowhere. Yay, apples! Ringo also had other weird powers, but she couldn't get them to work right. She kept saying all these silly words like “Abra's Kadabra” and “Hocus Pocus.” It was kinda funny, but nobody laughed. But then her power finally worked on me. I got smaller. It felt kinda weird, everyone was taller than me and my voice was all squeaky...kinda creepy. I'm glad she turned me back to normal. We all just kinda hung out after that, waiting for Draco to come back.

More to come...