Empress (MD) (EntityTopic, 7)

From Compile Worlds

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The Empress is one of the major reoccurring characters in the Magical Drop games, being the main rival of the World and the final boss of Magical Drop II. Much like Rulue in the Puyo series, Empress is characterized by an egotistical power lust, claiming that she is above all others and whipping anyone who should say otherwise. She also happens to be the token sexy character with all that spandex and leather she's wearing. She is apparently corrupted by the Black Pierrot and his black magic in MDII. However, she retains her "evil" appearance and personality in all future appearances, with her "good" form only returning in Magical Drop F as a transformation, bringing into question her actual nature.

Theme Music

The Empress' theme music, "I'm the best", has stuck with her in all appearances. As you might expect, it contains a lot of heavy guitar riffs and some slight techno influence. It's relatively soft spoken, for a final boss theme, but as a normal character theme it fits rather well.