Spike (InstanceTopic, 8)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 19:14, 12 May 2011 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

A spike, or more often, a pit of spikes, is/are a nasty obstacle implemented in many video games. They tend to impale their victims with their pointed tops, and are usually placed in areas where you must make a leap of faith across them to survive. Strangely, Spikes seem to bring instant death to those who wear large amounts of 3/3Sonic the HedgehogMegamanThe Kid blue. Sometimes, the person who built the dungeon is also mean enough to put them on moving ceilings as well as floors.

In Bunny Must Die, spikes seem to be instant-death, but after getting level 4 health as Bunny (which is ironically located by a whole bunch of spike pits), you realize that they aren't, they just do A HECK OF A LOT OF DAMAGE. Unless you're playing as Chelsea and wearing boots, when you are COMPLETELY INVULNERABLE TO SPIKES... EVEN THE ONES ON THE CEILING WHICH SURELY YOU'D NEED A HEAD-BOOT FOR! ZOMG!

Spikes also often adorn weapons in many RPGs and Beat-em ups just to cause extra bloody damage.