Youkai (EntityClass, 3)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 07:20, 3 January 2011 by KasaneTeto (Talk | contribs)

A youkai is basically what the Japanese call hideous (But not always) monsters in general, which means that ghosts =/= youkai... most of the time. But nowadays, very few people even believe in them in real life, so they've started to take refuge in places like Gensokyo and in scrolls and stories and fiction in general.

They're really fond of eating humans. Well... the more savage ones, anyway. Some others are fond of eating normal food, fear, cucumbers, etc. Anyway, the more savage youkai in Gensokyo are kept in check because of a little girl and her family of {{#linkfarm|Shrine maiden|Shinto priest|holy duty}} (And other little boys and girls and warriors that do it just for the heck of it).

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