Mickey Mouse (EntityTopic, 11)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 15:55, 21 January 2011 by KasaneTeto (Talk | contribs)

Mickey Mouse is a silly cartoon animal that's been around since forever ago, after his father lost the mouse's older half-brother. Recently Nintendo announced that they would be producing a video game for their lost cause of a console starring Mickey. But of course it will suck and nobody cares about it. Except for the fact that it'll bring back nostalgia, the old days when Mickey was kind of a jerk, all the while attempting to make him badass. But how can you have a badass mouse? o_o

Well, now that Walt Disney (Yes, talking about both company and man) has made Mickey from jerky lolz to happy, happy nice guy, I doubt that we'll be seeing the mouse get badass someplace else other than the above. No, you can't make a mouse with a large key thing badass!