Irisu Syndrome (InstanceTopic, 19)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 13:29, 21 January 2011 by KasaneTeto (Talk | contribs)

Irisu Syndrome is an "easy" and relaxing well-puzzle game where you shoot falling colored blocks according to a pretty decent physics engine. Use white or gray blocks that shoot from the mouse cursor to match the colors and break them for massive damage reward.

It also has visual novel-style cutscenes in it, which thankfully don't contain any of those annoying questions that you never pick the right answers to, and occur sometimes when you load up the game and after a certain number of game overs. Sometimes, the cutscene will even put a character outside of the window to scare the crap out of you.

This one's got visual novel-style cutscenes, too, but thank GOD it's just a puzzle game! Catch is, new text files and pictures appear and change whenever you score over a certain amount. And one of said cutscenes will have the character appear outside the frekkin' GAME WINDOW to scare the crap out of you and Ageha... and hit her with a soft nailbat as happy birthday. Better than the game over, t'least!

Unlike a lot of similar Japanese games, this one's actually freeware! Huzzah!

Oh, and one more thing: IT'S NOT NICE TO BREAK IRISU'S FOCUS!

External links