Giant enemy crab (EntityTopic, 9)
From Compile Worlds
A giant enemy crab is... well, exactly what it says on the tin: a crab which is massive and antagonistic. It's a very realistic antagonist from an infamous video game, Genji 2, and you can attack its weak point for massive damage.
- Genji 2
- Not to forget actual history itself, that took actually took place in ancient Japan
- Samurai Princess (disguised as a "massive antagonistic crustacean")
- A bunch of parodies (Or should that be written "Paro Dies"?)
- Not your local beach or anywhere else you might find crabs in real life. Except the aforementioned ancient Japan.
- Lyoko... where all crabs are giant enemy crabs.
- Such Pokemon like Kingler, though they're not giant. Shock or hit with a twig/leaf for massive damage.