Fail (ConceptTopic, 3)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 10:16, 8 July 2009 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)
Keiji failed so damn
badly in trying to attract
/b/'s attention by
posting this that there's
no choice but to class
it as leopard fail.

Fail is the phenomenon caused by lack of win. Fail falls into three categories: fail, epic fail and leopard fail. Fail often arises when you're doing it wrong, epic fail is usually caused by overlooking the obvious, and leopard fail occurs from being so damn unlucky that, not only do you lose the game, but the chances of a flip in spacetime causing your brain to teleport to the Neptune are higher.

"Fail" can also represent the number 4.444444... recurring (or 449). This way, one can say failhundred to refer to the number 444 (as it is rounded down), failthousand for 4444, and so on. At these numbers, the pictorial counter will show leopards on every digit.

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