Log:Strange Klug Reports (Meta, no ontology)

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The following are a series of dairy style reports that were kept and filed by Strange Klug during the events of Compile Worlds.


Fufufu! Getting that boy to allow me to use his body is all but too easy. His lust backfires, and it is only when it is too late that his cowardice kicks in.
Now, to find out what's happened to my real body during my absence. Judging from what I was allowed to see from inside the book, it appears Sig has joined some "Anti-Dark Magic
Alliance". Feh. What a ridiculous cause. It's only a matter of time before someone targets them on a personal level for such a generalizing title!
Doing research, there were reports of a mysterious helicopter flying from what I believe is their headquaters a few weeks ago. Not long after, the dark clouds around Fos Canyon
had disappeared. I also read a remarkably elaborate castle had appeared there not long before that mission. It had vanished mysteriously when the helicopter came back.
Gathering information from Lemres under the guise of my "normal" self, I learned that it was "Ekoro" whom had created the castle. Ah, Ecolo. He's no less reckless than he was
600 years ago. And now it looks like he's finally paid for it! Serves him right, the idiot. He does not know how to use his almighty power for anything useful.
Unfortunately, when I had arrived at the ADMA HQ, I was greeted by a pile of rubbish. Apparently it was already too late and some dark mage had already blown the 10 story
building to smithereens. When I inquired about Ecolo, or rather, "Ekoro", as they called him, they refused to let me keep his remains as a keepsake. My descendant was not
present either, so I had to make a retreat. I will return later to claim it as a token of the past trifles.


A pink-haired girl spotted me today. She said I was "Strange-looking Klug again". Bah! It's that girl who stole the Moon Stone from me before! Lucikly, I shook her off by
giving her a beauty potion. Naughty school teachers shouldn't leave their apothecary labs open for strangers to visit and take things! Regardless, I suppose I shall identify as
"Strange Klug" for now.
I arrived at the old site of the HQ again. It was empty, and no signs of that draconian woman or her two flanking females were about. I was greeted by a security encrypted
door. The encryption key was easy to deduce, as someone had left their finger prints on the keypad. Careless people. How could they contain such rare and powerful artifacts
under such low security?
I marveled at how the almighty King of Chaos now rested, his fate sealed within a marble-sized orb. I couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic and helpless he had become.
Though, their archives say he is dead. I do not believe this. How can they expect trapping a nearly-immortal being to kill him? I left their archives alone. There was not much
left anyway.
I was greeted by the hero Lagnus and one of "Ekoro's" Clones, Theta. Lagnus was of course powerful. They had on record that he was pretty strong. Theta stood out though. I
could sense a deep power within her. A power that felt similar to my own, and more importantly, this power probably had surpassed even Ecolo's power.
Something else puzzled me though; despite the explosion of the base having apparently only happened yesterday or before then, Theta and Lagnus only recall being concious and
coming back to it's ruins today. Have they chronoported? No...impossible. No one in this world is powerful enough to do such a thing. I left to continue running miscelaneous
errands and ponder these two unusual instances...perhaps it wasn't just coincidence that there was a time gap that happened to Theta...


As I flew around Primp in search of clues Ecolo may have left behind to the mysterious events of yesterday, I had stumbled upon a strange ruckass happening in the Mansion of
Cladenstines. I examined it further. It appears one of the clones, Zeta, was in a struggle with another, Beta.
One had obviously overpowered the other. Beta was utterly defenseless against her-- wait, was that...my descendant? Using my full power? No, it was only a clone. What kind of
gal did Ecolo gain to think he could clone me and have it come anywhere close to being "perfect?" Incredible. 
Regardless, the clone could prove useful. He was extremely easy to kidnap given his frightened state. Surprisingly, neither he, named Eta, nor Zeta put up a struggle. I told
Zeta I'd take good care of him, and this was enough to drive her insane. She stood no chance in her crazed state against me. I left her and Beta to wallow in their misery.
It wasn't the only case of unusual timing in that week though. I had just encountered Ringo and her goonies returning from a mission to their shack on the beach. How destitute
a meteor had left them. I was feeling rather generous, and I had recalled something Ecolo had told my normal persona while trapped in the tower.
I told them I would bargain Ecolo's orb and Eta in exchange if they could find Ecolo's Secret Cloning Project for me. There was one clone yet he was hiding. Two, in fact. One I
had not seen roaming Primp since I peered from that book. He must be hiding both of them for some reason. Perhaps they have a link to Theta's power? Or they're hiding other
secrets about Ecolo's failures...


Not too long after, Ringo returned to me. I was amazed at not only how she took my deal, but that she also accomplished it in a timely manner! I had hardly had a chance to
study anything from Eta. What I found though was that he'd have been no use despite containing my DNA. It was a safe move to bargain him off in the end. I'll destroy his
pathetic existence later with my true body.
Ecolo was safe in Ringo's hands. She had been growing well her own. That doll she carried though...she had the same strength as Theta...are they linked somehow? Without knowing
more, there was no way to logically connect them, and that doll was definitely not Primpian.
I watched the CD Ringo had given me. Blegh! What a poor quality video! Nothing less than I expected from the child that appeared on screen. Apparently, he had backed up his own
data, knowing that Ecolo would destroy him as a precieved failure. He was "Phi", the result of Project Perfect Light.
Bahahaha! How foolish can one person be? Even people without common sense know you can only control something that is pure for so long before it begins to resist it's own
corruption and turns against you! What a joke this so-called secret project is!
It seems like if I want to get any answers of all these strange things, I must stage the release Ecolo. How irritating. That thing is nothing but a menace to even us dark
mages. But, I hunger for knowledge. If necessary, I'll personally destroy him myself...


I found those foolish so-called "heroes" throwing a party in the middle of the road. Who would've ever thought that someone could party when evil forces are imminent? I gave
them the cold truth. Draco broke down and everyone pitied her. Sure was a soap opera in there. It was laughable how pathetic it all was, looking back. Regardless, I warned them.
I decided to spend the rest of that week looking for a way to stage Ecolo's return that would not put suspect on me in the end. There was none. With Lord Marcus' defeat
eminent, there was no one left to pin the blame on...
Feh! Why am I resorting to such petty tactics anyway? My true goal is to obtain my real body anyway. I can continue my thirst for knowledge after I obtain that goal.
Unfortunately, that boy spends too much time around other people, and his clone is worthless.
Fu, I suppose I am stuck with this body for an indeterminate period of time. How irritating. At least I've drained his conscience enough that he no longer resists my control.
He has accepted that I am the dominate personality and that without me, he is but a cowardly weakling.
I met a girl named Nanako while walking through the city today...she had an unusual aura about her. No, it wasn't an "aura"...it was that power again! Compelled, I informed her
of her power and politely asked her if she would be willing to look deeper into it. She agreed. Thus, our pet project we called "the Tournament" began to take shape!