You (EntityTopic, 11)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 02:40, 18 July 2009 by Sleepy head (Talk | contribs)

You are awesome and made of win, which is why, at this exact moment in Internet history, you are reading this page. If you are Maddox, then you are even more awesome. However, if you are a /b/tard, then discard the first sentence and fuck off.

Assuming you are not a /b/tard, we encourage you to read more of Kumizone and share the randomness. In fact, you can even create an account for free without having to go nag someone over IRC can't create an account, because we had to disable registrations due to spammers. because we re-enabled registrations again!

Do make the best of your life and don't become a suicidal emo retard.

You in Foreign languages