Pikas Gigantus (EntityTopic, 6)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 14:35, 4 January 2011 by KasaneTeto (Talk | contribs)

The Pikas Gigantus is a specimen only recently discovered by Akkie in another site. Keiji told her to tell Kumizone about this rare specimen. Only the Scientific name is known. There is currently no known true name for this specimen. The founder of this species is to credit its creator for its existence.

The Discovery

Akkie was searching for an animé picture that can pwn animé pictures (Well, other pictures, but you get the point.) because she keeps using animé screenshots and a_butt told her in an IRC conversation that she's doing it wrong. She finally thinks (And knows?) how to do it right and she searched for success. But some exams happened that kept her from attaining this feat until she was finally allowed to use the PC. It was at this time that she found this picture in another site's forum topic and she used this creature's picture as a weapon in the forum game. She then announced what she did and when Keiji LOL'd, he told her that she should make an article of discover for this creature and so this article was created.