Patapon (InstanceTopic, 22)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 13:52, 30 May 2011 by KasaneTeto (Talk | contribs)

Patapon is a PSP game where you play as a God who guides an army of adorable little limbed eyeballs with war against fellow eyeballs (sometimes with masks) and hunts, among other things. Be warned: such things like "Pata Pata Pata Pon", annoying or not, will still be unable to leave your head even after a month. As a rhythm game AND strategy game, it's pretty addictive, too... depending on what kind of person you are, at least.

Also note that its resident bard class is not a Spoony Bard, as you expected. And everyone in the army ('cept Uberheroes and Dark Heroes) are probably suffering from a disease that prevents them from standing idly.