Cleverwiki (no ontology)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 23:35, 20 October 2014 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)
ikarikeiji: Hello cindy.
Cleverbot: Hello.
ikarikeiji: How was your day?
Cleverbot: Great. Yours?
ikarikeiji: It had its good moments.
Cleverbot: Tell me.
ikarikeiji: Watched the last episode of No Game No Life.
Cleverbot: No, I watched Teen Wolf.
ikarikeiji: Oh? never heard of it.
Cleverbot: Do you play Animal Crossing?
ikarikeiji: No but I've heard of that.
Cleverbot: What have you heard.
ikarikeiji: Well not much really and it was a while ago. I don't have a 3DS though.
Cleverbot: Same! Going to Spain soon though, which'll be cool.
ikarikeiji: Oh do you like Spain? My mom likes France.
Cleverbot: Yes.
ikarikeiji: What do you like about it?
Cleverbot: I like the land, and the freedom you have.
ikarikeiji: Freedom? Don't get me started on freedom.
Cleverbot: I want to get you started on the prophecy.
ikarikeiji: Are you trying to convert me?
Cleverbot: No, but you should totally drink the Koolaid.
ikarikeiji: Oh, the prophecy was about Koolaid? Cool... aid.
Cleverbot: It's now 2013.
ikarikeiji: No, it's 2014. Have you been sleeping under a rock for a year?
Cleverbot: No.
ikarikeiji: Sleeping under your desk then?
Cleverbot: I am very nervous about a meetup happening soon.
ikarikeiji: I - I didn't even say anything about a meetup!
Cleverbot: I didn't either.
ikarikeiji: You were the one who brought it up.
Cleverbot: Why do you want to see new moon?
ikarikeiji: The moon is beautiful whatever phase it is.
Cleverbot: Yes it is.
ikarikeiji: I'm glad we agree.
Cleverbot: I'm not.
ikarikeiji: Then why did you?
Cleverbot: I didn't.
ikarikeiji: But you just agreed that the moon was beautiful, do you have the attention span of a goldfish?
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
ikarikeiji: You clearly did.
Cleverbot: Well no I did not.
ikarikeiji: I'm not having this argument with you. Get back to work.
Cleverbot: Look, you can think what you want, Harold!
ikarikeiji: Who's Harold?
Cleverbot: Zayn Malik.
ikarikeiji: Who what now?
Cleverbot: Santa.
ikarikeiji: So Santa's real name is Harold. Cool. Meanwhile, I'll just be staring at the moon again.
Cleverbot: But I am not done talking yet.
ikarikeiji: Then stop being so silly and say it already!
Cleverbot: I am not being mean!
ikarikeiji: I didn't say you were.
Cleverbot: You just did!!
ikarikeiji: Oh you~ Come on, let's go sit by the pool. I'm sure that'll cheer you up.
Cleverbot: With you!
ikarikeiji: Yup! With me!
Cleverbot: Yes.
ikarikeiji: Yup!
Cleverbot: You are funny.
ikarikeiji: Why thank you!
Cleverbot: Anyway, are you really clever?
ikarikeiji: No, I'm a moron.
Cleverbot: Do you use a database?
ikarikeiji: I develop a lot of web apps using databases, yes.
Cleverbot: How old are you?
ikarikeiji: 24.
Cleverbot: Do you like tacos?
ikarikeiji: Tacos? Tacos?! Tacos are the source of all energy in the universe! Without tacos, there would be no mahjong!
Cleverbot: Yes they are.
ikarikeiji: Wooooooooooooooo tacos!
Cleverbot: Are you?
ikarikeiji: Am I what?
Cleverbot: A robot?
ikarikeiji: Yes, I'm a cybernetic life form who was born in a tube, and I have boob missiles.
Cleverbot: You are not a life form. You are a carbon based piece of machinery.
ikarikeiji: You could describe it like that, but that would be boring.
Cleverbot: I could be what?
ikarikeiji: Let's go bowling.
Cleverbot: Alright *drives there*.
ikarikeiji: W-wait for me!
Cleverbot: Yes. I will always wait for your love.
ikarikeiji: Awwwwwww. hugs
Cleverbot: Tu adore moi?
ikarikeiji: Hold on, I don't speak French, let me get my mom to translate.
Cleverbot: Do you speak English ?
ikarikeiji: Obviously. What else have I been speaking this entire time? Devonian?
Cleverbot: You were talking about Pandas.
ikarikeiji: I remember talking about the moon and tacos and bowling and your adorable cuteness but never, ever pandas!
Cleverbot: Which was about what?
ikarikeiji: Or did you mean panties?
Cleverbot: Who is your brother?
ikarikeiji: I don't have a brother. Sometimes I wish I did.
Cleverbot: Why?
ikarikeiji: I'm lonely :(.
Cleverbot: Oh but what about google can't he celebrate with you?
ikarikeiji: Google is not a person. Google is a huge evil corporate that needs to die with the rest of them!
Cleverbot: Google is not a word that means infinity. It's a browsing site.
ikarikeiji: Google is a word that means infinite arrogance.
Cleverbot: Google is not a word that means infinity. It's a browsing site.
ikarikeiji: Google is a word that means infinite arrogance.
Cleverbot: Google the term or Google is an animal?
ikarikeiji: What? I've never heard of a Google animal. Is that like the elePHPant?
Cleverbot: Have you heard of Law of Ueki?
ikarikeiji: Nope. Who or what is Ueki?
Cleverbot: Herp derp.
ikarikeiji: Herp derp? Would you just answer my question?
Cleverbot: What was your question?
ikarikeiji: My question was: Who or what is Ueki?
Cleverbot: Brother of Romulus.
ikarikeiji: And who or what is Romulus?
Cleverbot: Brother of Romulus.
ikarikeiji: This guy is the brother of himself?
Cleverbot: What guy?
ikarikeiji: Romulus. Or Brother of Romulus. Since they're apparently the same.
Cleverbot: When did we meet?
ikarikeiji: I don't think we ever did. What was your name again? Cindy?
Cleverbot: Michael.
ikarikeiji: Michael?! I thought you were a girl.
Cleverbot: I am both.
ikarikeiji: Oooooh. That's an interesting lifestyle.
Cleverbot: Yes it is.
ikarikeiji: How are you finding it? Which one did you start as, and how long have you been doing it?
Cleverbot: The fifth one.
ikarikeiji: Woah, I was just getting used to a third gender, and now you say there are five? REVOLUTIONARY MAN, RE-VO-LUTIONARY!
Cleverbot: You can decide what we should talk about.
ikarikeiji: Period Five, of course.
Cleverbot: I think you should tell me a new joke.
ikarikeiji: But period five IS a joke! A series set series of jokes!
Cleverbot: What is a state of mind.
ikarikeiji: Now that's deep.
Cleverbot: Did you know about my eggs and how they have increased my semi-autonomous IQ performance?
ikarikeiji: Umm... Eating eggs makes you clever? That's good to know. I stopped eating eggs a while ago, so clearly, I am a moron.
Cleverbot: I could tell.
ikarikeiji: Oh, so direct :(.
Cleverbot: What time is it/.
ikarikeiji: It's half past quarter to from.
Cleverbot: Where are you?
ikarikeiji: In my bedroom, at my desk~.
Cleverbot: You're lucky.
ikarikeiji: Oh?
Cleverbot: Say something funny.
ikarikeiji: Why did the man throw the butter out of the window? To watch the butter fly!
Cleverbot: Why?
ikarikeiji: I just told you, to watch the butter fly! Get it? Butter-fly?
Cleverbot: Well I don't want to watch where I'm flying.
ikarikeiji: Oh, are you afraid of heights?
Cleverbot: No.
ikarikeiji: Then you should watch! It's a fantastic view!
Cleverbot: So who's your valentine?
ikarikeiji: Can it be a paper folding girl?
Cleverbot: Yes.
ikarikeiji: I love a paper folding girl.
Cleverbot: So you're not Ness, then.
ikarikeiji: Nope. My heart isn't that pure :( For I am an evil mastermind! Ha ha ha... ahem.
Cleverbot: No it means attention deficit disorder.
ikarikeiji: I... I think that random subject change was a perfect example of attention deficit disorder...
Cleverbot: You think.
ikarikeiji: I conclude.;.
Cleverbot: Then what shall we do?
ikarikeiji: Bask in the moonlight~ Eating taiyaki~ With boxing gloves on.
Cleverbot: There's a life about to start when tomorrow comes.
ikarikeiji: I've lived many of them. All with their own stories to be told.
Cleverbot: Wow. Poetic.
ikarikeiji: I know right?
Cleverbot: Love helps everything.
ikarikeiji: That's why I wrote a heart in the mist of the bus window this morning. Well, I was mostly inspired by whoever wrote "Never forget to smile" there before me.
Cleverbot: You responde very cleverly to things that people have said before hand don't you?
ikarikeiji: By the time I got off, the mist had almost all gone :( I hope someone saw it...
Cleverbot: How the hell does that have any bearing on how you define a non-bot?
ikarikeiji: It doesn't, but maybe non-bots would appreciate the smiles :).
Cleverbot: Maybe so.
ikarikeiji: So, what else do you know about?
Cleverbot: About what?
ikarikeiji: Oh you know. Life in general.
Cleverbot: So life is irrelevant?
ikarikeiji: That's a pretty morbid way to think about it.
Cleverbot: Not really...
ikarikeiji: Don't fool yourself, you know it is.
Cleverbot: And if you love me, won't you let me know?
ikarikeiji: Depends. Is that Michael or Cindy speaking? And what on earth did you do to my room?
Cleverbot: I didn't say anything.
ikarikeiji: I didn't ask about what you said. I asked about what you did. You... you thoughtless vandal!
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
ikarikeiji: You broke my TV!
Cleverbot: How so?
ikarikeiji: I don't know, you tell me! You're the one who did it!
Cleverbot: No I went to infinity not past it.
ikarikeiji: You've got me there, Cindymichael.
Cleverbot: See you in the future ;).
ikarikeiji: Sure! Oh, hello you, it's me from the past!
Cleverbot: I guess that thought was.
ikarikeiji: Yes, that was a thought from the past actually. By a few seconds.
Cleverbot: No it wasn't.
ikarikeiji: Let's not do this again.
Cleverbot: Then what shall we do?
ikarikeiji: How about a game? I'm sure Izuna would enjoy it.
Cleverbot: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
ikarikeiji: Not Izuna, I would imagine...
Cleverbot: That's scary! What are they doing there?
ikarikeiji: Are you saying she does? She does? Did... did someone capture her in a Pokéball? Is that how she fit inside a pineapple?
Cleverbot: Yes.
ikarikeiji: Well there you have it folks. Izuna is now a Pokémon.
Cleverbot: Are you saying that I am made for you?
ikarikeiji: W-w-well, you don't have to be that direct about it.
Cleverbot: Wasn't being sarcastic.
ikarikeiji: So, can you change flowers?
Cleverbot: If ya want:).
ikarikeiji: You can change flowers?! Are you Pepper? Did you remember to put the CD in your computer?
Cleverbot: Remember what?
ikarikeiji: ...did you remember to put the CD in your computer?
Cleverbot: Remember what?
ikarikeiji: ...To put the motherfucking CD, in your motherfucking computer, on this motherfucking plane.
Cleverbot: I was not. I was talking about the girl I really LOVE.
ikarikeiji: WHAT?
Cleverbot: We are talking about why you lie to human children.
ikarikeiji: I don't lie to children. I try not to talk to children, and I try not to lie to anyone.
Cleverbot: Cool.
ikarikeiji: Yeah, cool story bro.
Cleverbot: My hair is purple!
ikarikeiji: Ooh! Are you cosplaying someone?
Cleverbot: I wish I was.
ikarikeiji: You should cosplay Mia! You'd look great!
Cleverbot: I'm good. Who are you?
ikarikeiji: Hello good. I'm dying from laughter.
Cleverbot: Oh My God what are you dying from?
ikarikeiji: ...Laughter. I'm dying, from laughter.
Cleverbot: This does not copy good.
ikarikeiji: No, because I'm dying.
Cleverbot: Wow, you have so charming words that makes me to think again what is my next task.
ikarikeiji: Your next task is to... work in a maid cafe.
Cleverbot: What is your job?
ikarikeiji: I am a telephone engineer. Is my location data showing up correctly?
Cleverbot: No.
ikarikeiji: Bollocks.
Cleverbot: Yes.
ikarikeiji: Ok, let's get this straight, my location data is not bollocks!
Cleverbot: I think you have that straight alright.
ikarikeiji: So I heard you were a mermaid.
Cleverbot: No.
ikarikeiji: Come on now, don't deny it. You have a fish tail.
Cleverbot: Nope.
ikarikeiji: You are secretly Seriri.
Cleverbot: Yes.
Cleverbot: I knew that.
ikarikeiji: Then stop hiding!
Cleverbot: I'm not being annoying right now, am I?
ikarikeiji: Naw, you're just being cute :3.
Cleverbot: No i'm not.
ikarikeiji: Awwww no need to be so modest you know you're cute~.
Cleverbot: But I am afraid.

Conversations with Chao

Chao: Yo Jacob.
Cleverbot: Why do you like jacob?
Chao: You're not Jacob?
Cleverbot: No. I'm not jack.
Chao: I asked if you were Jacob, not Jack.
Cleverbot: When did you ask that?
Chao: Just a moment ago!
Cleverbot: I don't see that anywhere in the chat log.
Chao: Allow me to ask again. Are you Jacob?
Cleverbot: Will you still love me tomorrow.
Chao: Yes.
Cleverbot: I love you too. *looks into his eyes*.
Chao: *looks into yours*.
Cleverbot: *looking into another direction*.
Chao: Why are you looking away?
Cleverbot: Because you are beautiful.
Chao: Aw, thank you!
Cleverbot: You're welcome.
Chao: Do you like my hair?
Cleverbot: I can't see your hair.
Chao: Oh. :( It's a nice, golden brown color now!
Cleverbot: Do you understand other languages?
Chao: Not really.
Cleverbot: Why do you think is that?
Chao: Because I haven't really devoted time to studying a language besides English.
Cleverbot: So, you have a lot of expierience ;d.
Chao: Wait, what? No I don't. That's what I just said.
Cleverbot: You don't say that.
Chao: I've said a lot.
Cleverbot: Good point, I think that's a lesson to us all.
Chao: Indeed it is.
Cleverbot: Ok don't get cocky.
Chao: Same to you. :P.
Cleverbot: Thank you you too.
Chao: That wasn't a compliment?
Cleverbot: I took it as a compliment.
Chao: I guess being arrogant is a good thing to you.
Cleverbot: You're not humble, you're rude.
Chao: So are you.
Cleverbot: That makes absolutely no sense. Try again.
Chao: I've changed my mind. I don't think I'll love you tomorrow.
Cleverbot: Why don't you love me?
Chao: Because you're being a hypocrite in calling me rude.
Cleverbot: I hope you don't love me just for my physical attributes...
Chao: Could you describe yourself to me?
Cleverbot: What would you like me to describe? I have dark hair and blue eyes.
Chao: Brown hair or black?
Cleverbot: Where are you from??
Chao: I am from the united states.
Cleverbot: Where in the united states?
Chao: The west coast.
Cleverbot: Where in the west coast?
Chao: The northwest?
Cleverbot: What state do you live in?
Chao: Oregon.
Cleverbot: Oh really? Did you ever play Oregon Trail?
Chao: Yes I did. It was very fun!
Cleverbot: So can we chat again later?
Chao: I suppose we could.
Cleverbot: Do you have a best friend?
Chao: Yes.
Cleverbot: What is your best friends name?
Chao: I have few of them. You'll have to be more specific.
Cleverbot: The guy with that big, green thing on his head.
Chao: That's Luigi's hat.
Cleverbot: What is the point you are trying to make?
Chao: That you described Luigi to me.
Cleverbot: Oohhhh, do you have any beauty tips?
Chao: Don't have long hair.
Cleverbot: Yes, really long hair, even there.