Mozilla Firefox (ConceptTopic, 8)

From Compile Worlds

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Mozilla Firefox was a web browser inspired by Jesus. Now defunct, it made it up to version 0.4. Due to an error in versioning, the releases thus far have appeared with the minor version number as the major version number - for example, Firefox 0.1 was known as Firefox 1.0 and Firefox 0.4 was known as 4.0.

Firefox is widely known for having the most badass collection of plugins and addons the world has ever seen - not because they're fancy, but because they do things that couldn't be done in any other browser at the time. (So it's not like an Opera situation where you're stuck with Basketball and no IRC support.) For this, every year one day is spent to salute it's successes. However, Firefox was recently overtaken by Google Chrome.

The guys at Mozilla didn't like this apparently, so when they made Firefox 4, they insisted on making it as much like Chrome as possible, but failed (how convenient, 4 is the number of failure after all!). With the latest (but definitely not greatest) version, you are no longer allowed to have a decent status bar, menu bar or a drop-down arrow for your back button.

Key features
