Koopa Troopa (EntityTopic, 10)

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Koopa Troopa is a depressed emofag anthropomorphic turtle. Usually, large numbers of his kin serve in Bowser's Army, but for whatever reason, this Koopa Troopa, who will be referred to as Koopa from now on, decided not to join, or went renegade. Koopa's main gag is to make "your face" and "your mama" jokes and promptly follow his signature monotonous laugh. He also speaks in this monotonous tone. He is joined in this joking by Paratroopa, not to be confused with Judge Paratroopa.


Koopa seems to suffer from depression. He also has a habit of making fun of people, constantly turning their sentences into jokes upon them. This often leads into a battle of jokes, where the two continuously retort at each other until one becomes offended or can't retort back. However, people in turn, always make fun of him. In one episode, he decided he had enough of people's shit, and created an evil plot, in which he planed on turning everyone into cows at Princess Peach's wedding. Unfortunately, this became a leopard fail, due to several careless mistakes, including the capture of worthless hostages.


New Super Mario Show

Koopa usually does not appear in big episodes, and has no established role other than being annoying. Usually he appears in side episodes and Mario Kart GPs to be depressing and annoying with his degrading attitude.

In Wedding under the Mushroom Moon, Koopa served as the main antagonist, even though the conflict of the episode was over who would eventually marry Peach come moon rise at the episode's climax. Koopa ruined this wedding with a gaint tank, which turned people into cows when zapped. However, Mario and friends were able to defeat him and revert the cows to normal.


  • "Nooo!"
  • "Your face is retarded."
  • "Haw. Haw. Haw. Haw."
  • "Humor. You should get some."
  • "I should be ashamed of myself..."