Log:Eldora Translation (Meta, no ontology)

From Compile Worlds

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         She is a planetary goddess of Gaias, the world where [[Lagnus]] came from.
         She is a planetary goddess of Gaias, [and was also a goddess of]
        [And presumably later on Lagnus was transported to the/a Madou world.]
          the world where [[Lagnus]] came from.
         She declared Lagnus a hero when he was fifteen years old, after he defeated
         She declared Lagnus a hero when he was fifteen years old, after he defeated
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         [This line is the only line to actually say Madou world not Puyo world.
         [This line is the only line to actually say Madou world not Puyo world.
           I need to check with Chao if this might mean the Madou Monogatari games' world,
           I need to check with Chao if this might mean the Madou Monogatari games' world,
           as opposed to the pre-Fever Puyo games' world. I thought they were the same...]
           as opposed to the pre-Fever Puyo games' world. I thought they were the same...
          After further reading, maybe it's referring to the world the Youggs destroyed?]

Revision as of 18:03, 14 February 2012

from http://suwa3.web.fc2.com/data-kan/db/guest/eldora.html

Three sizes
        Unknown. At least six thousand years old
General introduction
                The planetary god who protects the world of Gaias.
                She governs time, space and life.

        Strictly speaking, she does not appear as a character in Madou Monogatari.
        While she appears in Puyo Puyo Gaiden: Puyo Wars,
         the only appearances in the True Magic novel are the names.
        That is what the True Magic setting is concerned with,
         but this page is about the spin off. (?)

        She is a planetary goddess of Gaias, [and was also a goddess of]
         the world where Lagnus came from.
        She declared Lagnus a hero when he was fifteen years old, after he defeated
         an oracle (?).

        Originally, Gaias was watched over by the five planetary gods, of which she was one.
        The almighty god had called out Kanon over them, and they served under Kanon as 
         what seem to be junior gods (angels?).
        If they succeeded in their efforts, and they were promoted, they would become
         the God of a universe of their own... Or at least, that was the intention.

        ●Because of love
        Five thousand years before the era of the True Magic setting of Madou Monogatari...
        Six thousand years before Puyo Puyo (??? that can't be right!)
        Gaias had reached the pinnacle of civilization, but was facing extinction.
        The Planetary Gods of Gaias, the three gods and two goddesses
          who were responsible for this star,
         had been attempting to destroy the world in accordance with standard procedure
          (to shed the planet).
        However, one of the five - Eldora - was outright opposed to it.
        「We do not have the right to control the life and death of humans」, was her argument.
        Her two lovers, Omega and Weather, agree to this,
         and the plan was thrown out by the majority vote of three against two.
        After the male gods received the punishment of erasure,
         Eldora is the only one to watch as Gaias lost the majority's power.
 (何故 首謀者たるエルドラのみ消されなかったのかは全く説明されていない。)
        (Why Eldora was not also punished is not explained at all.) (???)
        However, it seems the punishment [of Omega and Weather]
         was not necessarily painful for her [Eldora].
        She loves Gaias and the people living there.
        Therefore, even after Kanon gave her the right to promotion,
         she continued to watch over Gaias.

        ●and angel wings
        God's punishment ensured the world was not destroyed.
         Most of the power was lost, yet God continues to watch over the world.
         The setting is much like that of Satan in the True Magic setting.

        The difference is, whereas Eldora would watch only from outside the world,
         Satan would be inside the world.
        The way they would perceive their respective worlds is quite different.

        According to Puyo Wars, the world of Gaias that Eldora sees
         and the Madou World in which Satan was created are linked by a portal
         freely traversable in either direction.
        The important thing to study is the meeting between Satan and Eldora.

        ●is it now the time of the Goddess?
        As you know, Eldora has the power to manipulate 「time」, 「space」 and 「life」.
        Strictly speaking, six thousand years ago, she was only responsible for 「life」.
         She inherited the other two powers
         from her two lovers [Omega and Weather] when they were erased.
        Apparently she was also able to handle those powers once she had acquired them.

        In the True Magic setting, Puyo were supposed to be
         the fundamental life form of the world of Gaias.
         [So the real world equivalent of Puyo would be something like bacteria.]
        However, due to a special energy being available to those humans who were evil,
         the world was on the verge of destruction.
        Therefore, Eldora used her power to manipulate space and time.
        The ultimate biological weapon, Angol, made from Puyo and mankind's synthetic biology,
         was sent to the [Puyo Wars] world - a different world to that of Puyo [Gaias].
        [So Puyo are not native to the Puyo Wars world, which I believe we conjectured
         previously. Angol was sent there, though it does not specify from where.]

        「Don't send such hazardous materials to a different world!」
         one might say, but it seems Eldora intended to have Angol save us.
        [Who is "us"? The inhabitants of the Puyo Wars world, those of Gaias, those of
         the Madou world, or is this breaking the fourth wall?]
        (However, I think it's difficult to understand love.
         Sure enough, Angol returned to avenge a grudge against Eldora.)
        Eldora ran out of most of the power that she used
         to send [something] out of the Madou world.
        [If "something" == Angol, that would mean Angol was sent from the Madou world
         to the Puyo Wars world. Here, "something" is a noun phrase that Japanese language
         allows omitting and was omitted here - not something I couldn't translate.]
        Even Kanon doesn't have the authority to replenish that type of power,
         so by now most of it is gone.
        However, reviving about ten dead people with a new life and body,
         and incarnating them in any world, would be easy [even with little power].

        By the way, the reason four Puyo disappear when they stick together
         is that the goddess of Puyo erases them from beyond spacetime
         using a spell called 「Owanimo」.
 とされているのは よく知られていることだが、もしや、時空を操りぷよぷよを送還したエルドラこそが「時の女神」なのだろうか?
        Currently, Eldora is generally well known as a "Goddess of Time", which is
         inaccurate as her original job was to manipulate Puyo. How did this happen?
        [Remember she was only the manipulator of 「life」 originally, and Puyo are the
         fundamental life existence in Gaias.]

        Her presence is at least 「governor of spacetime」;
         the "Goddess of Time" would not exist
         since 「time」 is now only one of Eldora's powers.
 そう考えると、異世界の守護女神たるエルドラが、魔導世界で信仰される時の女神であっても おかしくはないのかもしれない。
        As Eldora is the goddess of faith in the Madou world,
         you shouldn't think that Eldora is the patron goddess of a different one.
        [This line is the only line to actually say Madou world not Puyo world.
         I need to check with Chao if this might mean the Madou Monogatari games' world,
         as opposed to the pre-Fever Puyo games' world. I thought they were the same...
         After further reading, maybe it's referring to the world the Youggs destroyed?]
        If you view the mighty prosperity record,
         a lot of deep faith is placed in the goddess of time in the Madou world,
         such as prayers dedicated to the church statue(s).
        So much faith placed in the goddess, when she is actually the guardian of
         a different world.
        [I don't really understand this bit;
         it is the type (time vs faith?) not the world that is different...]
        This is because she had still said too much.

        As much as she is the goddess of time, she is also that of space.
        [Yes, you told us that already.]
        When there is more than one goddess, they take turns to erase the Puyo.