Tower of Heaven (InstanceTopic, 20)

From Compile Worlds

Revision as of 10:47, 17 October 2010 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)
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Tower of Heaven is a shitty Game Maker game that for some reason everyone in Brocraft (back when it was still called Brocraft) was obsessed with at one point.

However, the only redeeming quality of this game is the music, which the game's author commissioned from flashygoodness. Yes, they paid for it.

If you ignore the music, the rest of the game is pretty much the default GM3* platformer example with different levels, graphics in 4 shades of gameboy green, a tiny screen resolution (though there's also no option to go fullscreen), and your player character is a stick man with an enormous head (yes, enormous even for a stick man!). Oh, and avoid spikes.

*To put this in context, the current version is 8, and the last good version was 5.3A; 3 was the first version even considered publicly usable, with 1 and 2 reserved purely for historical interest.