Blanc (EntityTopic, 7)

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Blanc is the goddess of Lowee. Normally she's quiet and reserved, calmer than even Vert, but it's extremely easy to get her angry, at which point she yells and curses like a madman. When in her HDD form, she's louder and more aggressive, but doesn't get super-annoyed like non-HDD Blanc does. She's also the only one of all six (original + DLC) goddesses that has nothing at all in the chest department even when HDD, something which is made fun of at various points throughout the game.

Blanc, or more usually White Heart, is also the form which Arfoire likes to impersonate the most, leading to a "Fake White Heart" being quite well known - in fact, this is the Blanc you see when you first get to the Lowee Basilicom. In addition, Ganache has become fanatically obsessed with this Fake White Heart, to the point where when the real Blanc appears before him, he can't believe it and labels her the fake. This doesn't stop him from returning to Lowee at the end of Chapter 5, though, but he won't be seeing the Fake White Heart there any time soon...

Blanc also has the most loyal Basilicom staff of all the goddesses, namely an adorable maid named Financier, who is apparently the only non-gullible character in the entire game, and sees right through Arfoire's disguises, helping your party find out the truth about Blanc's fake, though with the way everything pans out it seems like running in circles on a wild goose chase for a while, and even requires the involvement of another shoutout rescue character before everything settles down. Thankfully, Financier does a much better job at running the Basilicom in Blanc's absence than Yvoire did for Leanbox's, meaning Blanc is able to join your party from Chapter 4 onwards to help track down Arfoire and hand her the divine punishment she deserves for the mess she's made.