Log:Touhou Mother Transcript/1 (Meta, no ontology)

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Revision as of 10:59, 22 December 2013

[▶ [Video 1]]
(Songs will appear like this the first time. Subsequent times, only the first line will be included.)
[♪ 001 a sacred lot                        (Track number and official / closest approximation name)
                                           (Japanese name if the track has one (this one doesn't))
 <a sacred lot.mid>                        (Exact filename as in the Touhou Mother RPGMaker project)
 Touhou 1 - Highly Responsive to Prayers   (Source of the song)
 Title theme                            ]  (Use of the song in its source, where appropriate)

(There isn't actually anything to transcribe on the title screen, other than Naka saying hi and saying anyone who posts spoilers will be beaten to death with a sack of oranges...)

[♪ 002 Eternal Shrine Maiden
 永遠の巫女 eien no miko
 Touhou 1 - Highly Responsive to Prayers
 Theme of Levels 1-4, Hell Levels 16-19 ]


※It would be best if you have played and
understood the original MOTHER games.
Many spoilers are present.

And that's all three MOTHER games: Earthbound, Earthbound Zero and Mother 3.
Or... Mother 1, 2 and 3.
(Basically, the translators screwed it all up. Again.)

※From Touhou, at least know the characters.
And if you don't know the story,
this one may be harder to understand.
Know about the old ones too, if possible.

※Even some of the battles
resemble those from the originals.

※You have no excuse to call it stupid
if you haven't played the originals!

(Choices will appear with the arrow pointing to the choice that was picked.)

※By the way, where is this music from?

 Mountain of FaithHighly Responsive to Prayers
 Mother 2
 Mother 4

Please choose a difficulty.

※There is the possibility that Hard and above
are not beatable.


Now as with any Touhou game, easy means hard. Normal means really freaking hard. Hard means you're pulling your hair out, and lunatic is... actually quite fitting.

With that, let us begin.

[♪ 003
 Mother 1
 Title theme       ]



ExPar: [#img] is obsolete, use [#embed] instead

What's your name?

Junya Itoi...
That's a strange name.

What's your favorite food?

Hey, me too!

What's your favorite thing?

Because it lets you Master Spark things.
[Love is actually a reference to the special ability in Mother 3, and one of the defaults in Earthbound.]
How romantic!

You:   Junya Itoi
Food:  SAKE
Thing: LOVE
This is the start of the game.

[Hakurei Shrine]